Boston Marathon Proves Its Class by Announcing It Will Be Russian-Free Russian and Belarusian nationals banned from something, something in Boston, Massachusetts, United States AFP 8 Apr 22 1290 3
NATO Flees the Old Russian City of Kiev for Lviv and Brussels "The safety of our personnel is paramount" AFP 20 Feb 22 978 6
Kremlin’s ‘Strategic Partner’ Turkey Tells Russia to Drop “One-Sided” NATO Demands AFP 31 Dec 21 1105 7
French Military Convoy Shot Up Twenty Protesters in Niger, Killing Two After shooting up four in Burkina Faso days prior. "Niger President expressed his 'gratitude' to France and applauded its 'sacrifices'" AFP 16 Dec 21 458 3
War in Syria For the First Time Ever Russia Bombs Ex-Syrian Rebels in Turkish Service Last year the two powers clashed when Turkey protected Syrian Al-Qaeda but this is the first time the Russians have targeted ex-rebels salaried by Turkey AFP 27 Sep 21 2014 8
Russia Says No Need to Evacuate Kabul Embassy — “We Will Keep Working Here Calmly and as Usual.” The Russians already did the whole "urgent Kabul Embassy evacuation" spiel in 1992, this time they're spectators AFP 16 Aug 21 796 7
Iraqi COVID Fanatics Didn’t Let Families Bury Their Dead, Dumped Bodies in the Desert Instead "Families finding empty coffins in grave sites marked with their relatives' names" AFP 21 Jul 21 326 1
Germany Rejects French Call to Scrap Russia Gas Pipeline Over Navalny How about you shoot yourself in the foot to show how angry you and I are? AFP 2 Feb 21 943 4
Merkel Finds Twitter Halt of Trump Account ‘Problematic’ "Freedom of opinion should not be determined by online platform bosses" AFP 12 Jan 21 382 2
Spain to Keep a Registry of People Who Decline COVID Vaccine and Share It With EU Members "Not compulsory" AFP 29 Dec 20 930 12
Covid Pol Pots French Gov’t Draws Bill to Ban the Unvaccinated From Public Transport, as 55% Say They Won’t Get a Shot There'll be a lot of empty buses AFP 23 Dec 20 1250 10
Our Benevolent Empire US Sells Seized Iranian Oil for $40 Million Oil had been turned in by a Greek shipping company hired to transport it to Venezuela AFP 31 Oct 20 1192 16
UK Monitor: 64 of the 1200 Syrian ‘Moderate Rebels’ Hired by Turkey for Azerbaijan Are Already KIA Add the wounded and that is 20-25% of the force in under a week AFP 5 Oct 20 717 3
Erdogan Says US-Russian-French Call for Ceasefire “Not Acceptable”, Only Possible After “Armenian Withdrawal” Erdogan sure is talking as if he were the one waging the war AFP 3 Oct 20 665 3
The Covid Rouge Iraqis Dig Up COVID-Positive Dead to Rebury in Family Graves. Lockdown Scum Was Seizing Bodies, Burying Them in Desert "Families finding empty coffins in grave sites marked with their relatives' names" AFP 13 Sep 20 881 4
Weaklings Serbian Quislings Pull Out of Military Drill With Belarus Saying EU Told Them To AFP 10 Sep 20 877 1
Romania Coronavirus Patients Discharge Themselves After Court Ruling Against Involuntary Hospitalizations AFP 13 Jul 20 719 0
Sweden Resist! Sweden Hits Back at WHO for Falsely Claiming It’s Having “Very Significant Resurgence” of Covid-19 Its deaths and ICU admissions are way down and keep falling, but it has recently started offering testing to anyone with symptoms AFP 26 Jun 20 1926 8
Russia to Spend 15% of Its Reserves Fixing Damage Caused by Unnecessary COVID Lockdown $72 billion of its $500 billion reserves, expects to take a 6% GDP hit regardless AFP 3 Jun 20 607 4
Burundi Kicks Out WHO Meddlers Deems its national poll more important than WHO's campaign of fear AFP 15 May 20 1919 5
Snubbing Merkel Pleas, German States Further Ease Virus Curbs Germany is on the march to become another Sweden by month-end AFP 7 May 20 630 0
Covid Pol Pots The First Looting Raids on Italian Supermarkets as Covid Lockdown Drives People to Desperation Brought to you by the narcissist, cowardly, harebrained, virtue-signaling, "do-something", covid bed-wetter brigades AFP 29 Mar 20 3442 13
Russian Aggression US Army Preparing Largest Exercise in Europe Against Russia in 25 Years 29,000 American and 8,000 other NATO troops to take part in a "force projection" stretching over 10 countries AFP 11 Dec 19 867 11