The Covid Rouge North Korea’s Zero-COVID Theater Has Created Dire Food Shortages New Year's party plenum dominated by...agriculture Troy Stangarone 10 Jan 22 483 4
Banana Republic AustraliaThe Covid Rouge #1 Tennis Star in the World Is Spending Christmas in Australian Detention He can leave and be blacklisted for 3 years — after having been told by the Australian side he was clear to arrive Marko Marjanović 7 Jan 22 982 18
The Covid Rouge 67% Unvaxxed Guadeloupe Revolts Against Vax Pass Mandated by Paris. France Sends Troops to Crush It Nothing to see here, just a white military putting down black ex-slaves David Montoute 26 Nov 21 3982 12
The Covid Rouge Fauci’s Boss Demands People Who Think He’s Full of It Be “Brought To Justice” NIH Director wants us all Guantanamoed Rachel Roubein 22 Nov 21 2017 43
Lockdown CostThe Covid Rouge Nearly 10,000 More Brits Have Died Than Normal Since July From Non-Covid Illnesses 30,000 since the start of the year Luke Andrews 19 Nov 21 3161 13
The Covid Rouge San Francisco Will Require Children 5 to 11 to Show Proof of COVID Injection for Indoor Activities Sick Jean Lee 6 Nov 21 1519 13
The Covid Rouge Russian Woman Arrested for Not Wearing a Mask Put on Trial, Faces up to 5 Years in Prison — VIDEO She is accused of having "bitten" the helmeted paramility policeman who she says gave her a concussion Yulia Bakaeva 22 Oct 21 1212 22
Mind Virus-19The Covid Rouge German State “Allows” Groceries to Ban the Uninjected Even If They Have a Negative Test But if they do it, they get to ditch the face diapers The Local 17 Oct 21 927 17
Mind Virus-19The Covid Rouge Lockdowns, Muzzles and Vaccine Mandates Are a Pagan Ritual Unless everyone participates they won't work. As before recalcitrants will be thrown to the lions Marko Marjanović 14 Oct 21 2167 9
Mind Virus-19The Covid Rouge 29 Studies Showing That the Earth Is Round, Ahem, That Natural Immunity Is Strong and Long-Lasting The studies that the science-denying Vaccine Taliban wish didn't exist, but do Brownstone Institue 12 Oct 21 1116 2
The Covid Rouge Here Comes the New Scare: Flu Deaths Could Hit 50-Year High “Experts Say” Media, pharmaceutical, and lockdown complexes getting ready to double-dip Laura Donnelly 8 Oct 21 1229 7
The Covid Rouge All for Nought — After 18 Months of Pointless Sacrifice Jacinda Abandons ‘Zero COVID’ Fantasy The "Delta" rebrand of the virus, rather than the insanity of the plan itself, blamed for why it wasn't tenable Natasha Frost 5 Oct 21 1247 14
The Covid Rouge Vaccine Passport Slovenia Says Family of Woman Who Died After Jab Can’t Sue Because Vaccination Is “Voluntary” Use of J&J suspended. What are the ethics of coercing people to take an injection you can't vouch for? Marko Marjanović 4 Oct 21 2111 15
The Covid Rouge Polish MPs Demand Warsaw Condemns Australia’s Insane Asylum Regime “Australia has unsubscribed herself from the International Community; the community of civilised nations." Rod Lampard 3 Oct 21 1868 12
The Covid Rouge Zero-COVID Goon Squads Crack Down Hard in Melbourne, Protests Shot Up, Citizens Repressed The virus cult regime strikes back Marko Marjanović 22 Sep 21 1682 14
The Covid Rouge Englishwoman, 27, Died of Liver Cancer After 5 Months of Attempts to See a Doctor in Person Like teachers, GPs in socialized health systems have erected a COVID wall against having to work Emily Craig 17 Sep 21 948 11
The Covid Rouge Texas Hospital Faces Closure Over COVID-19 Vaccine Orders: CEO Doctor Biden commands it Brittany Michaleson 16 Sep 21 878 4
The Covid Rouge Biden Unveils Innovative ‘Make Black People Lose Their Jobs’ Plan To think Biden was wheeled out as the 'black vote' guy The Babylon Bee 15 Sep 21 537 1
The Covid Rouge India’s Virus Maoists Have Kept Schools Closed for 500 Days to Devastating Effect 90 percent of polled parents want schools to reopen Manavi Kapur 15 Sep 21 345 3
The Covid Rouge Biden’s Jab-to-Work Speech Was Him Announcing His Defeat "This tide just turned. Get ready to ride it." El Gato Malo 13 Sep 21 1232 3
Not SatireThe Covid Rouge Those Who Barred Cancer and Heart Patients From Hospitals Accuse the Uninjected of “Causing Damage” to Them The mind-virus lemmings sure have a sense of humor Marko Marjanović 13 Sep 21 1518 4
The Covid Rouge “Our Patience Is Wearing Thin” — Biden Escalates America’s Culture War Into a Forced Vaccine War Biden makes Sobyanin's forced-vax Moscow look like a shining beacon of freedom by comparison Marko Marjanović 10 Sep 21 2832 21
The Covid Rouge Authoritarian Public Health and Science Clashed — and Science Lost Imperatives like skepticism and disinterest are junked for political warfare divorced from the scientific method Dr. John Ioannidis 9 Sep 21 704 2
The Covid Rouge The Top Reason I Hate Masks Is They Force Me to Live By Lies "It reminds people where they are living and what is expected of them. It tells them what everyone else is doing, and indicates to them what they must do as well" Joy Pullmann 8 Sep 21 830 3
The Covid Rouge US Marine Discharged Over Refusal to Wear the Covid Cult Face Nappy You will wear your religious trinket in the Imperial troopers! Steve Beynon 7 Sep 21 2350 14
The Covid Rouge Vietnam Goes Full Virus Maoist — To No Avail No leaving even for food Alex Berenson 31 Aug 21 1080 11
Stay Classy MSMThe Covid Rouge Iceland “Beat COVID” — Now Its Virus Chief Says Restrictions May Last “15 Years” Another zero-Covid fantasy bites the dust Marko Marjanović 28 Aug 21 2307 5
The Covid Rouge New Zealand Extends the “Three-Day” National Lockdown Declared in Response to One Case of Someone Showing ‘Positive’ on a PCR Jacinda determined to show up the Taliban as beacons of liberalism next to the Virus Taliban Toby Young 21 Aug 21 1738 17
The Covid Rouge Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It? "They understand to some extent that they are helping in the destruction of other people’s freedoms…and they revel in it" Brandon Smith 20 Aug 21 1941 32
The Covid Rouge The Virus Taliban “Lock Down” the Entire Country of New Zealand Because One Person Tested ‘Positive’ on a PCR Jacinda shows the Taliban how it's really done Julia Hollingsworth 17 Aug 21 1313 14