Our Benevolent EmpireThe Golden 1990s When Your Best Mass Murdering Years Are Behind You and It’s Time to Say Goodbye Sad day for mass murder as one of its last true greats departs Anti-Empire 25 Mar 22 1502 16
Our Benevolent Empire US Is Eager to Start Sending IED Materials to a Ukrainian Insurgency — Already Laying Down Plans "Officials have been reluctant to discuss detailed plans, since they’re premised on a Russian military victory" Shane Harris 7 Mar 22 2208 10
Our Benevolent Empire CIA Says ‘Havana Syndrome’ Was a Conspiracy Theory Or Putin has found a way to command armies of crickets Julian E. Barnes 23 Jan 22 574 3
Our Benevolent Empire Why Doesn’t Clown Boris Johnson Send a Destroyer Into Crimea’s Territorial Waters Right About Now? This would be the time to do it Marko Marjanović 18 Dec 21 1450 4
Our Benevolent Empire Secret American Unit Clad in Shorts and Crocs Piled Up Massacred Syrian Civilians Sky-High Syria never invited the US to fight ISIS on its territory. The US did it anyway — with a Delta Force Murder Inc. Dave Philipps 14 Dec 21 3013 10
Our Benevolent Empire EU Delegation Threatens Bosnian Serb Bosnia With Invasion by 6000 EU Troops Tell me more about the threat of a "Russian invasion"... Marko Marjanović 13 Dec 21 1874 12
Our Benevolent Empire NATO’s Stoltenberg: US Nuclear Weapons May Be Transferred to Nations Bordering Russia ‘’It is for Germany to decide...but the alternative is we end up with nuclear weapons...to the east of Germany" Rick Rozoff 21 Nov 21 848 6
Our Benevolent Empire The US Reforms Its Old Intermediate-Range Missile Unit in Germany Only a matter of time until it equips it with intermediate-range missiles, possibly including nuclear Andrew Eversden 16 Nov 21 803 1
Our Benevolent Empire US Hid an F-15 Strike That Massacred 70 Women and Children in Syria Video disappeared, site bulldozed over Dave Philipps 15 Nov 21 1094 9
Our Benevolent Empire Revealed: Biden Rejected Way Forward in Iran Deal Talks — Obama’s Deal Is No Longer Enough for DC Biden wants to threaten the reimposition of just lifted sanctions the moment the JCOAP is restored Trita Parsi 14 Nov 21 666 7
Our Benevolent Empire Colin Powell: The Acceptable Face of Western Interventionism "It was precisely Powell’s public image as the sane, wise one in the post-9/11 room that was to prove so useful for the ‘crazies’." Tim Black 20 Oct 21 468 5
Our Benevolent Empire USUKA Highlights US Decline and Australia’s Humiliation "AUKUS highlights that the core of the United States’ imperial system now consists of just three nations" Cameron Leckie 19 Oct 21 1342 5
Our Benevolent Empire Colin Powell Started War Criminal Career as Staff Officer for the Americal Division Covering Up Its Slaughters The consummate "team player" Robert Parry 19 Oct 21 1194 11
Our Benevolent Empire NATO Honors Nancy Pelosi With First-Ever “Women for Peace” Award The equivalent of receiving a child protection award from Jeffrey Epstein Rick Rozoff 11 Oct 21 563 15
Our Benevolent Empire Watch Scott Horton’s One-Sided Debate Beatdown Of Warmonger Bill Kristol "By the end of it you almost feel bad for old Bill" Caitlin Johnstone 11 Oct 21 778 3
Our Benevolent Empire US Says Must Slow Down China’s Rate of Innovation Imagine Beijing saying its project was to slow down America's innovation rate Amanda Macias 3 Oct 21 1320 20
Our Benevolent Empire US Congress Outlines New Phase of Hybrid Warfare Against Virus-Reason Nicaragua “We did a whole lot of damn things against all these guys, and they still seem to survive.” Ben Norton 28 Sep 21 1072 12
Our Benevolent Empire Canadian Warplane Intercepts Russian Aircraft Over Black Sea What is wrong with this sentence? Rick Rozoff 28 Sep 21 1910 14
Our Benevolent Empire Biden Hosts First Quad Summit to Ramp Up the Cold War vs China Will now become an annual event Dave DeCamp 26 Sep 21 618 6
Our Benevolent Empire District of Colombia Won’t Ask Taliban Government Permission to Launch Airstrikes in Afghanistan District of Colombia is the government of the world after all, with universal jurisdiction Dave DeCamp 25 Sep 21 886 14
Our Benevolent Empire HILARIOUS: Having Delayed Nord Stream 2, Washington Blames Russia for Europe’s Gas Crunch Having engineered a bidding war between EU and Asia for its LNG the US accuses Russia of "manipulating" the market Anti-Empire 23 Sep 21 1607 8
Our Benevolent Empire Rand Paul Roasts Blinken: “You’d Think You’d Kind of Know Before You off Somebody With a Predator Drone” Incinerate seven children then feint ignorance — it is the Empire way Mark Moore 16 Sep 21 657 7
Our Benevolent Empire Election Is Coming Up in Virus-Sanity Nicaragua and the Empire Is Readying Its “Color Revolution” Bag of Tricks Already tried it in 2018 against that Sandinistas now steering the continent's premier virus-sanity national government Field Empty 16 Sep 21 612 8
Our Benevolent Empire US Coast Guard in Biggest Shipbuilding Effort Since WWII to Counter “Bad Actors” in “Indo-Pacific” Apparently a lot of United States coast is found in Asia Linda Lew 15 Sep 21 1566 6
Our Benevolent Empire NYT Investigation: No ISIS Bomb in Kabul Strike, Last Drone Strike of Empire’s Afghan War Was Yet Another War Crime "As Mr. Ahmadi pulled into his courtyard, several of his children and his brothers’ children came out, excited to see him, and sat in the car as he backed it inside" Matthieu Aikins 11 Sep 21 434 5
Our Benevolent Empire Pentagon Had No Idea Who It Was Bombing in Farewell Civilian Massacre "One more for the road" Dave DeCamp 8 Sep 21 875 8
Our Benevolent Empire US Air Strikes Post-9/11 Killed Up to 48,000 Civilians And at least 23,000 Oscar Rickett 7 Sep 21 541 3
Our Benevolent Empire Top Arms Corporations Spent $1 Billion on Lobbying During Afghan War, Saw a $2 Trillion Return Here's some Americans who won the Afghanistan war (and will win every war until the last one) Eli Clifton 3 Sep 21 1251 5
Our Benevolent Empire US Bombs Kabul, Claims to Target ‘Imminent ISIS Threat’, Wipes Out a Family 2-year old girl and five other children among the nine killed Dave DeCamp 30 Aug 21 538 4