Trump Says China “Called”, Wants to Restart Trade Talks; China Denies, Has No Idea What Trump Talking About

We have reached the "hallucination" phase of the trade war

“Trade wars are easy to win”

With Trump making it clear on Sunday night that he was staring at the plunging US equity futures in sheer horror, tweeting that “my stock market gains must be judged from the day after the Election, November 9, 2016, where the Market went up big after the win, and because of the win“, the US president appears to have reached desperation point to keep US stocks higher early on Monday at the G7 meeting in France, and the result was that just before 3am ET Trump – having decided to say anything to push futures higher, told reporters that the Chinese government called his team in Washington Sunday not once but twice, in a bid to restart talks on trade.

“China called last night our trade people and said let’s get back to the table,” Trump said on the sidelines of the Group of 7 meeting in Biarritz, France. “They understand how life works.”

According to Trump, U.S. officials received two “very productive” calls from the Chinese but declined to say whether he’d spoken directly to Xi. “They want to make a deal,” he said, adding that the U.S. would accept the Chinese invitation and return to the negotiations.

“We’re going to start very shortly and negotiate and see what happens but I think we’re going to make a deal.”

There was just one problem: none of this actually happened least according to China.

Asked by reporters about Trump’s remarks shortly after the American president spoke, Geng Shuang, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry in Beijing, said that he wasn’t aware of any weekend U.S.-China phone calls. He repeated China’s position that the trade war should be settled through negotiation, adding that China resolutely opposes to new US tariffs, and noting that US tariffs violates the accord struck between leaders in Osaka.

Then, just before 6am, China’s Global Times editor in chief Hu Xijin confirmed that “based on what he knows”, there were no phone calls between the US and China in recent days, suggesting that Trump indeed “hallucinated” the 2 phone calls, which only took place in his head in hopes of keeping stocks from plunging.

Sure enough, despite China’s consecutive denials of Trump’s story, S&P 500 futures reversed losses after Trump’s comments, and soared over 60 points from session lows.

Adding an additional boost to the futures ramp was a comment made by Trump just after 530am ET that “the U.S. is in a much better position now than ever for a deal with China”, although how that is even remotely true at a time when both sides just ramped up tariffs on each other is absolutely bizarre.

And just to really confuse everyone, when asked if he could delay the planned tariffs on China, Trump said “anything is possible”, denying the White House denial from Sunday, according to which Trump was having second thoughts about not having hiked tariffs on China sooner.

In short, a total mess as Trump now grapples tick by tick to literally fabricate a narrative that keeps stocks from plunging as he is convinced a market crash would kill his reelection chances.

Source: Zero Hedge

  1. Alternate History says

    The more Trump is in office the worse he’s going to look and perform. He could very well make himself a one-term prez.

  2. JustPassingThrough says

    i think the calls were from the chinese restaurant around the corner
    asking him if he wanted a double dose of soy sauce on his chopped suet.

  3. Séamus Ó Néill says

    This reads like an immature schoolboy, trying to lie his way out of trouble…..but then that’s exactly what it is ! Trump is not presidential material, I can’t think of any US politician that is. He’s a seasoned bully, a liar and a cheat, and those are amongst his better character traits. The world is openly laughing now, as the “exceptional and indispensable” wannabe hegemon, squirms and flails as it attempts to bolster its imagined sense of importance in today’s changing world. Good advice now would be to retreat within your own borders, fix your own decrepit country, keep your nose clean and try to avoid the impending bankruptcy !

    1. Mary E says

      Brilliant response!

  4. John C Carleton says

    Thats ok, trump seldom knows what he is talking about either.

  5. Inferior says

    I don’t feel sorry for Americans at all that they have an idiot clown who is not even funny as their president. I believe the largely stupid Americans deserve someone as useless and idiotic as him their president. A president that put Kardashian clan out of business in twitter.

  6. Mary E says

    What on earth did trump expect after starting and then escalating his trade war with China?
    He had no ‘go ahead’ from Congress or anyone else with any power in the US government..he just freewheels on his own…in the dark for sure. Totally unbelievable that a mentally deficient man like him can do whatever he wants to his country and on behalf of that country, let alone run it amuck domestically and internationally …China has been there waiting for trump to come to his senses, but that seems quite improbable right now, though trump talks as if the negotiations are just around the corner….LIAR!

    1. CHUCKMAN says

      Well, I’ve said it before but I think it bears repeating, it’s too bad that incompetence isn’t a ground for impeachment.

      All that pompous language about high crimes and misdemeanors, and the truth is plain old incompetence poses an infinitely great threat to the nation and to the world.

      And given what circuses American elections have become, incompetence as an outcome is a possibility faced with each one of them.

  7. Mary E says

    The Liar in Chief of the US is at it again! NO China call or calls…Washington has to just back down from their ridiculous trade war with China and cool down a bit….enjoy the economic good times while you can, president Know Nothing….they won’t be lasting forever….

  8. All_has_An _END_. says

    compulsive liars is what business men are. but it does not work anymore. The war on information was long lost after the internet became mainstream

    We know why you started the trade war , so that you could assure the US, once king dollar dies (guarantee thing , the establishment is now openly speaking about it ,please see the BOE Connolly comments) could survive at the expense of the US middle class engine. We are at a point now where the empire is ready to accept a lot if pain from its citizens in order to survive and keep a stake at the international level. Basic English the trade war was not meant to be won , it was the only way to make sure the US stay relevant

    Got news for you way toooo late and Karma is a bitch
    the Devil eventually will pay

  9. edwin says

    Hello< is this the whitehouse? Look I need to talk with the chief really fast. I am at a chinese payphone with us quarters. Chief, this is Xi and I want to confirm that meeting in the next few days. Listen, remember how we messed the NK talks and had that little shrimp all call us liars? Well i love cancelling all the time. It kinda keeps everyone in suspense, if you git my drift. Oh and keep the meeting with the taliban going but be sure to have Bolton cause that fase flag. Than you can cancel that one two. I have talked to a few others and it looks like all the agreements will be rescheduled for the week before the elections. Man, ol' man all these hero's. We are getting better at this shit. OKKKKK gotta go, these us quarters are phony play money but at least we found out they work. Hey, how about some phony bit coin come 2020. Can you use those in a chinese payphone? Lator Gator and oh, give my best to all the people living near that pharmacy that Shummer and palosi call for their meds. Sure wish I had a pharm that could walk my meds over.

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