Polish Canadian Pastor Who Stood Up to Mind Virus Goon Squads Speaks — VIDEO
"Lions should never bow down before hyenas"
Our earlier piece, Easter services in the West canceled by Statist goons featured a scene from Fox News’ video of a pastor in Calgary, Alberta, Canada who made a stand against the police of that city who (illegally) attempted to shut down Easter Services at his church last Sunday. Pastor Artur Pawlowski, a native of Communist Poland, bravely stood off the police, unlike so many other wimpy Church leaders all across the Western world.
Here, he gives an interview with Mark Steyn in which he recounts his experience growing up in a Communist country and his efforts to warn complacent Canadians about what was coming.
I can only say this: I can relate to you, brother. I was also aware of what was coming back in 2011-2012, and warned our people in a small Eastern Orthodox Church in Denver, Colorado that the day was coming when we were going to face real persecution. I just got blank looks from the Americans, but the Russians and Ukrainians among us understood and agreed with what I was saying, because they had already seen and lived it and knew the symptoms.
Well, we tried – the parish in Denver suffered horribly under COVID and I do not know its state now, but while the restrictions in Colorado allowed only ten people to go to services, video streams of their services shows nobody in the church except for the clergy, and the number did not even get close to ten. Hopefully, this did not happen often, but a friend who still goes there told me about being there with her friend, the clergy and no one else.
Standing up for Christianity is something that many of us are going to have to learn, and it is clear that a great many people probably treat COVID closures as a justified vacation.
In a way, this is good for the church, as it purges it of “Christians in name only” people, who often take rather significant supervisory positions in some communities because it looks good and there is prestige when one can say “I am on the Church council.”
Well, what about being a true Christian, especially now when the chips are down?
Source: The Duran
“Give me a man and we’ll find something on that man“!
This is pretty much what has been happening specially since OPERATION 9/11 in USofT that also affected Europe… and basically everywhere.
Just look at the modern moron slaves in th USofT center for Torture and Fun Parties GTMO!
So nothing new… As long as we remain degenerate uman animals this is the only thing that can be expected.
What a brave soul…. Knowing all the cowards are hiding and shaking in their shoes.
He is right about the timeline. I told my wife on September 11, 2001 Satan has officially taken over and it will be hell from here on. The ‘vaccines’ for the fake virus taken voluntarily marks you as one of his.
Most christian churchs have caved as well. Most here in the States have followed orders from their new messiahs in Washington and have received (his) blessing in the form of PPP checks. Like all Americans, (and the West in general), they have traded their souls for a few shekels.
And pounding the back of Pastor Artur, we have the reps of the Jewish and Muslim contingents in Canada calling for the complete shuttering of churches! In the complete absence of the Christian hierarchy leadership, it’s the individual “call to action” by this Pastor & those like him which can & will chop down the OWO tree.