German Virologist of International Renown Warns Government Lockdowns Are a Horrible Mistake, Will Make Crisis Worse
A must-read interview with a virologist who is so famous in those circles she has a Wikipedia page
- “I feel what’s going on right now is what we experience more or less every winter. This was particularly noticeable two years ago with influenza, the flu. The test for SARS-Corona 2 was not yet known. It may well be that this virus played a part. Nobody knows.”
- “You are now told every morning how many SARS-Corona 2 deaths there are. But they don’t tell you how many people already are infected with influenza this winter and how many deaths it has caused. … Something similar occurred two years ago. This is not put into the right context.”
- “Maybe one should not do so much against young people having parties together and infecting each other. We have to build immunity somehow. How can that be possible without contacts? The younger ones handle the infection much better.”
- “20 dead again, how terrible! Do you know when I’m starting to panic? If there are 20,000. Then we get close to what went on completely quietly two years ago.”
- “I tell you: Nobody did that two years ago. Where is the need now? Is that just an imitation effect of what happened in China?”
- “That is the main fear: the disease is presented as a terrible disease. The disease per se is like the flu in a normal winter. It is even weaker in the first week.
- “People in China all have a cough. This is called Beijing Cough. This is a cough because they already have lungs damaged by air pollution.”
- “As far as I know, the SARS-Corona 2 tests has not been validated, not really checked.”
- “I am not an economist. I only hear the voice of the people. They all say: Do something! I just want to prevent the curfew.”
- “I was asked on TV what I thought about old people going for a walk. I can only say: Yes, they should do it. Fresh air is good, that dilutes; anyone can imagine that. The second thing that’s good about it is the sun. Ultraviolet light kills viruses. This is good in children’s playgrounds; it is good for children when they do sports outside. It’s good outside! Being more outside is the best.”
- “And under no circumstances a curfew!”
The internationally renowned virologist Karin Mölling warns against tightened measures as a result of the corona-crisis in this interview with Tilo Gräser.
Q: Professor Mölling, you are a recognized and awarded virologist. You have published a book on viruses. How do you assess the current situation around the SARS-Cov 2 (Covid-19) virus? How dangerous is this coronavirus?
This virus has led to a pandemic, which means it is very contagious and is present in many countries. But the virus does not cause a severe illness. There is a cousin of this virus, Mers-Corona, in camels. 37 percent of the infected camels will die. There is also the Ebola virus: those who are infected have an up to 90 percent chance of dying. These orders of magnitude are not the case here! The number of infected people and the exact death rate are not entirely known. Therefore the death rate fluctuates, but it is low.
I feel what’s going on right now is what we experience more or less every winter. This was particularly noticeable two years ago with influenza, the flu. The test for SARS-Corona 2 was not yet known. It may well be that this virus played a part. Nobody knows. We now have a winter season that is a bit delayed. Influenza is already waning and SARS-Corona 2 is still rising. The contagion rate is high. But in my opinion, the disease is not as bad as influenza; when I had it, I thought I would die. Everyone who has had the SARS-Corona 2 infection tells me that that’s not usually the case.
Q: You have already appealed in interviews to put the events around SARS-Cov 2 in proportion. You also referred to the approximately 25,000 deaths [in Germany] from the 2017/18 flu wave. How should one understand this? How should this be put into context?
I believe that one actually only selectively looks at one thing here, and fills it with a certain panic. You are now told every morning how many SARS-Corona 2 deaths there are. But they don’t tell you how many people already are infected with influenza this winter and how many deaths it has caused.
This winter, the flu is not severe, but around 80,000 are infected. You don’t get these numbers at all. Something similar occurred two years ago. This is not put into the right context.
Every week a person dies in Berlin from multi-resistant germs. That adds up to 35,000 a year in Germany. This is not mentioned at all. I believe that we have had situations like this several times and that the measures are now being taken too far.
Q: Politicians refer to virologists such as Professor Christian Drosten, for example, when they take measures, which are now being implemented and severely restrict public life. However, you do not find these measures proportionate. Why?
They are exaggerated! Mr. Drosten is a very good scientist. He also knows the numbers better than others. And he developed the test. The test has made us realize that people not only have influenza, but also another virus.
Mr. Drosten doesn’t make the decisions. He says: Could be the case, or could also not be the case! And he avoids predictions. At least initially, he was not in favor of urgently closing schools. Later he is reported to have said that he would be in favor of it and that it would be appropriate. There are also different opinions among virologists. There are also rabble-rousers amongst them, let’s disregard them for now. The Robert Koch Institute is pushing ahead little stronger. It is a health authority and structured differently than science.
On Wednesday I heard that Mr. Wieler from the Robert Koch Institute expects ten million people to be infected. I have to say: the infected are not even the big problem. You have to protect the old! And the large infection hubs. In cases of doubt, virology means isolation, shielding. We do that at airports. But how far that has to go in private life, in restaurants, in the family, in kindergarten and, above all, in playgrounds, I do not see the necessity for that the same way my colleagues maybe are.
I would draw the line at the aged. I am also counted as one of the aged. I am of the opinion that maybe one should not do so much against young people having parties together and infecting each other. We have to build immunity somehow. How can that be possible without contacts? The younger ones handle the infection much better. But we have to protect the elderly, and protect them in a way that can be scrutinized; is it reasonable what we are doing now, to stretch out the epidemic in a way that almost paralyzes the entire world economy?
Q: Does that also mean that kindergartens, schools and restaurants would not have to be closed, as is currently the case? There is now talk of a possible curfew.
It will definitely come. We are now being softened up for it. [Bavarian leader] Söder said that on Thursday. Chancellor Merkel also left that open, but did not use the word. She spoke of «sense of proportion». A sense of proportion is something else in my eyes.
The Robert Koch Institute provides the figures. Then you sit there as a listener or spectator: 20 dead again, how terrible! Do you know when I’m starting to panic? If there are 20,000. Then we get close to what went on completely quietly two years ago.
The 2018 influenza epidemic, with 25,000 deaths, never disconcerted the press. The clinics had to deal with an additional 60,000 patients, which was no problem in the clinics either!
Q: But that’s used as an argument. Politicians say: We want to prevent 20,000 deaths. That is why we now have to intervene drastically in the life of society.
I tell you: Nobody did that two years ago. Where is the need now? Is that just an imitation effect of what happened in China? I relate what is happening now to other situations. I know people tell me: influenza is different from [this] illness. But flu is a very serious illness, let’s make that clear. 25,000 deaths is a very heavy burden that we don’t want to have. But the clinics handled it. And now they are afraid that the clinics cannot handle it, we need more ventilators, but have gotten rid of 4,700 nurses. It will be complicated enough, the manufacturers cannot deliver that fast.
They want to stretch the whole thing out in time. All my hope by saving time rests on the quick tests from Hoffmann-La Roche. They always had the fastest and best tests. I helped develop the quick influenza test in Zurich and tested it on my patients. When that test comes, the hot air will soon deflate.
Development of vaccines will take at least a year. The first thing to do is a quick test. I was a HIV researcher and was very involved in these things. Quick tests helped a lot. If everyone then knows that there are only non-infected people on the plane or on the train, then you can sit down without fear that you will be called tomorrow and be stuck in quarantine for 14 days anywhere in the world.
That is the main fear: the disease is presented as a terrible disease. The disease per se is like the flu in a normal winter. It is even weaker in the first week. The problem with this SARS-Corona 2 epidemic is that it is inapparent for a fortnight: people don’t notice it and infect others.
Q: One always refers to the example of Italy, where mortality is said to be significantly higher in proportion. How do you see that?
You put it correctly. We do not know it! The numbers are supposed to be higher, but we don’t know for sure. There are two viruses in Italy. A journalist from the newspaper “La Repubblica” referred to a very different family life in Italy, where people spend a lot of time together and can thus infect each other easier.
Perhaps the country’s health system is not quite as well positioned as ours. I do not know. Lombardy is listed as one of the worst industrial regions when comparing air pollution, pollution, and other parameters. I have published about air pollution in China. In those studies, there are always comparisons between China and the subway in New York and [the Italian province of] Lombardy.
Now one can ask: Are the numbers wrong in Italy, are they nine days ahead of us in the epidemic? What do we know, how many are tested? How long have the tests been available? You can look at these growth curves and see where you stand. It is still growing with us at the moment. But how big is the dark number of infected people in Italy? If their number is a hundred times higher, the death rate is the same as usual.
Q: How would you assess the situation in China, from where this virus and the disease it caused originated? This is now often mentioned as an example of how well this could be managed.
Such infections, including influenza, often come from China. There are certain reasons for this with influenza. The virus arises from an explosive mixture of viruses from pigs, birds and humans. This is not the case now, and yet the new virus emanates from China because viruses arise from population density.
Ebola always stayed in the jungle until mobility came: travelling, ships, trains, mobility to the weekly markets and schools. And then Ebola was suddenly found in three countries. Mobility is the cause. China had to react at New Year, as hundreds of thousands would have travelled there. That was certainly a problem.
There are two infection rates: in Wuhan City it is ten times higher than in the surrounding area. There is a difference between city and country. Why? That comes from the population density, the air pollution, the density in the apartments. In the case of China, air pollution is never mentioned, caused by industries which is still partly in the cities.
When I was in Beijing two years ago, the severity of the air pollution also depended on the time of day and the wind. People in China all have a cough. This is called Beijing Cough. This is a cough because they already have lungs damaged by air pollution. But it is not caused by viruses, but dust particles. That is certainly a factor that I have never read about anywhere. But I was in China and I wrote a paper about it.
In addition, one has to say: there are thousands of people living in skyscrapers, and the skyscrapers are close together. It’s like a village of 10,000 people in a small block. If they all go out, there is a risk of infection. But inside, the risk of infection in the rooms is, of course, gigantic. Interiors are much more contagious than fresh air outside. The curfew can actually have a negative impact. We cannot compare ourselves to China. Smog, population density and the like, China has a different structure. It is not like that here.
Q: So the curfew that is being mentioned more and more…
Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s the only thing I’m afraid of. It is wrong! That’s why I’m speaking out. That is the only thing where one can still put the genie back in the bottle. The other things have already happened, why should I get upset? We need air and sun, air dilutes the viruses and the sun with UV-light kills them. But no curfew! You don’t get infected on the street!
Otherwise, I hope for quick tests. But they are difficult to make. You have to go through a validation, check whether it can perform as required. As far as I know, the SARS-Corona 2 tests has not been validated, not really checked. The Chinese even corrected the test themselves. It is also difficult to make. The staff must be able to do this.
Q: You also warn of scaremongering, as you said in interviews. In your view, what role do the media play in this?
I think we’ve had a new situation for a couple of years now. This was not the case with SARS-Corona 1. The new thing is the way young people get information from each other. That changes our world. At the moment everyone is being virologically educated. I think that is fine and good. Washing hands is also a good thing to do in the future. Sneezing into the elbows was something I introduced in Zurich ten years ago. I think that’s all good.
But the fact that one reports the individual deaths and the number of infected people without reference, today 16 dead, today 1,000 more infected, creates fears. We are presented with numbers that are frightening. They do not put them in relation to other numbers. Then my taxi driver tells me that he will perish if he has to close his business, and might as well hang himself. You have to put that into consideration as well. I am not an economist. I only hear the voice of the people. They all say: Do something! I just want to prevent the curfew.
Q: What do you advocate? What alternatives do you see and what can individuals do who do not necessarily want to follow this scare campaign?
I was asked on TV what I thought about old people going for a walk. I can only say: Yes, they should do it. Fresh air is good, that dilutes; anyone can imagine that. The second thing that’s good about it is the sun. Ultraviolet light kills viruses. This is good in children’s playgrounds; it is good for children when they do sports outside. It’s good outside! Being more outside is the best.
What remains to be done is face masks. Viruses are small and can penetrate many things. A mouth guard protects against droplet infection – that’s what it’s called. Why should you keep a distance of 1.5 meters? For that reason only.
The virus alone doesn’t travel that far. The virus sits on the droplets of saliva. When I go shopping with a chic scarf, I put my scarf over my mouth and nose, do my shopping, don’t talk too much, then go out and pull the scarf down – everyone should do that! [National team football coach] Jogi Löw did that on television a few days ago: Whenever he spoke to someone, he pulled a small black scarf from his neck to over his mouth and then back down – but not high enough. He should have protected his nose too.
It is important to isolate and protect the old. Then fresh air and UV as much as possible. Furthermore, open kindergartens and schools instead of plunging the young families into chaos. Schools are the best place to put them all together and where you know how the infection chain works. You can control that and you can react. Young people all go out to eat ice cream today. No, they have to drink something hot! That doesn’t get through.
And under no circumstances a curfew! People should go to restaurants, at their own risk. When the weather is nice, you can’t shut people in. I hear that in the family: Where should the children go in nice weather? You can only do that for a week, or at most two. Immunity also has to be built up, only contact allow that.
Q: You wrote a book about viruses as the “superpower of life”. Is that a very dangerous superpower, as it now seems to some? I recently read Richard Preston’s fact-based thriller Hot Zone about the Ebola virus. What are viruses, if you can briefly describe them?
The book is meant differently, it is not about the great dangers. Viruses belong to our life, like microorganisms and bacteria. They have been longer around in the world than we have. Viruses are so flexible and adaptable, and so innovative. They helped make us. I place them at the bottom or very early in evolution.
What we’re seeing right now is evolution in fast motion. Viruses are the strongest and fastest evolving elements in the world. They are also the largest population in the world: 10 to the power of 33. The number is much higher than the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on beaches. This huge number of viruses in principle does not make you sick. There are only around 250 viruses that can potentially make you ill. The illness is caused by human parameters.
In this case it is certainly the case and it will come more often. If you lock people in their living room, the virus does not perish, but rather goes over to dogs and cats. It always finds a way out. We can’t stop that. The virus will stay with us and will not go away. That is my forecast.
There are Zika viruses. There is the West Nile fever virus that spread from New York to San Francisco in five years, from a single bird that fell dead from the sky in New York. Viruses are so very adaptable and changeable.
The coronavirus is not the worst, because it has a correction system like humans, something like Tipp-Ex for the genome. The virus is so big that if it mutated too much, it would self-destruct.
The viruses are almost a species, not just a type. The vaccination will therefore certainly not be easy. They may also be our saviors. I am currently writing a new book about the viruses we know as bacteriophages, that can kill bacteria. They do that when they multiply. Then maybe they will form an alliance with us to fight multi-resistant germs. That will be our next big challenge.
Thank you very much for the interview.
Prof. Dr. Karin Mölling, born in 1943, is an internationally renowned virologist and AIDS researcher. Until 2008 she was director of the Institute for Medical Virology at the University of Zurich. She also headed virus diagnostics at the Cantonal Hospital in Zurich. Karin Mölling has been researching AIDS since the 1980s. She conducted clinical vaccination studies and developed a new type of AIDS therapy. In 2007 she received the Swiss-Award, which recognizes outstanding Swiss personalities. In 2018 she was awarded the 1st Class Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Tilo Gräser, born in 1965, works as an editor and correspondent for RIA Novosti Germany/Sputniknews. He previously worked for various media and as a press officer. His focus is on politics, social affairs and history.
Source: Translated by Terje Maloy at Mid i fleisen. Originally published at Rubikon and Sputnik Deutschland
With all of the deaths recorded, did they die as a result of a corona virus or with a corona virus.
The Coronavirus CONSPIRACY Did COVID 19 Come from America by Nathan Rich (LEGENDA PORTUGUÊS)
Was your prime minister or president at the Event 201 meeting to plan for the COVID-19 pandemonium?
“………..The invite-only simulation exercise was held on Oct 18, 2019 from 8:45 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. It is VERY UNLIKELY that the high-level panel, having flown in from around the world, would have simply disbanded after the 3-hour exercise. It is VERY LIKELY that discussions continued from that point onward behind closed doors for the remainder of the day (if not subsequent days). As Ryan Morhard, World Economic Forum, is identified as IGWELS (the very top-tier closed meetings “restricted to the likes of prime ministers, foreign and finance ministers and central bank governors”) – this detail is worthy of exploration.
Here it is important to note that also on March 11, 2020, the World Economic Forum announced a partnership with the WHO (a UN agency) to form the COVID-19 Action Platform – a task-force comprised of over 200 corporations at launch. This is in addition to the World Economic Forum partnership with the United Nations on June 13, 2019. The corporate world is capturing our real world, in real time………..”
The Clairvoyant Ruling Class [“Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development” 2010 Report]
Wrong Kind of Green Mar 25, 2020 Rockefeller Foundation, Social Engineering, Whiteness & Aversive Racism
March 25, 2020
Need-To-Know Connection Between the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The 2010 Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Lock Step’ paper and the Johns Hopkins Event 201 predicted and rehearsed for a pandemic. The two organizations have a long history of collaboration ever since 1916, when the John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health was founded with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. Since then, they have become inseparable.
The Rockefeller Foundation published a paper in 2010 titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario was called LOCK STEP and was described as follows: “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”
In this scenario, a virus pandemic appeares suddenly, quickly infecting populations around the world, destroying economies by interrupting mobility of people and goods, and debilitating industries and global supply chains.
This makes it possible for government leaders to take total control over their citizens as a public-health measure – a process the people greatly disliked but are psychologically incapable of resisting, because it is done in the name of protecting them. Thus, the economies and political structures of the whole world emerge as a united totalitarian system with a resentful and unruly population but one that can be effectively controlled by new technology.
We see from this that the economic and political effects of a pandemic were being carefully studied at the Rockefeller Foundation at least as early as 2010. More recently, a pandemic simulation took place at Event 201, which was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This occurred six weeks before the first reported outbreak of the coronavirus. Almost to a tee, it followed the initial phase of the LOCK STEP scenario.
Now this is where it gets interesting, because it deals with the connection between the Rockefeller Lock Step scenario and the Johns Hopkins Event 201. The two organizations have a long history of collaboration ever since 1916, when the John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health was founded with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. Since then, they have become inseparable.
Some of the history of this collaboration is not pleasant. For example, In the 1940s, 750 victims filed a $1-billion lawsuit against the Rockefeller Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation, alleging that they were the driving force behind human experiments in the 1940s in which vulnerable populations of Guatemalans were intentionally exposed to syphilis, gonorrhea, and other venereal diseases, without informed consent. The experiments targeted school children, orphans, psychiatric hospital patients, prison inmates, and military conscripts………………………………”
Vaccinations With Implantable Microchips To Create Your Digital ID
Wouldn’t be of no surprise if the major world governments are into this scam. What better way to rid yourself of debt that can’t be paid? lay the responsibility onto the citizen again. US owes trillions, UK is in financial strife as is Italy, Iran just to name a few.
Could also mean a prelude to a war, preparing citizens for the conflict.
I’ve put this link up on a few very active places I look at.
I do not agree with this ” expert”…I’d like to see her to have the virus,survive it and then,afterwards talk to us!!!
I recovered recently from an illness which presented the Covid-19 symptoms exactly. Started with upper respiratory infection, spread to lower (lungs). Dry cough for several days, then productive. Short of breath, a couple of mild bouts of vertigo when too active, mild nausea & diarreah. Heart rate elevated 20% above normal, probably to compensate for low oxygen level in the blood. Fever 99.6 deg. F max, not much in the way of aches/chills as with normal flu. Laid up in bed for several days due to tiredness, shortness of breath. On my feet within a week, lingering cough for another week, then back to normal health.
I am a 76 year old asthmatic with mild emphysema, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, 5 coronary grafts & 5 stents, smoked like a chimney for 24 years (quit in my forties). No doctors, no hospital, 3g vitamin C per day and I’m not dead. Back to riding my bicycle now several miles/day in the fresh air & sunshine – I recommend others to do the same and don’t buy the hype.
How long before she dies in an accident or heart attack?
Judith Persichilli the top Health official in New Jersey said that “we will all catch the virus”. (article in Zero Ledge fund)
If that is the case then why bother with quarantines and shut downs? I believe the US Federal government shut down the economy to reboot it due to the excess debt and a failing war with China. There maybe other reasons but none have to do with this virus.
America’s economy has never been shut down even during world war One and Two. Other economies are shutting down for similar economic reasons.
Definitely makes sense
I just learned that 2 years ago the Team that handles Pandemics walked out on Trump and he never replaced them. This month he consulted his son in law Gerard Kushner on how to deal with an epidemic. It seems Trump went out of his way to be callous about this.
In 2018, top national security officials handling pandemics left abruptly and were not replaced by the Trump administration.…
Much of that attention has focused on the 2018 disbanding of a National Security Council unit focused on pandemic preparedness, which critics say left a leadership vacuum in global health security at the White House.…
I’d like to see Trump (or anyone!) finish the job and fire the entire National Security Council. And perhaps leave a big boot print on each of their backsides on the way out the door.
So based on his son in law advice and some lackey scientists he is shutting down the economy and screwing up hundreds of millions of people, not only locally but worldwide, as other countries follow up the same stupid examples from US and China?
This better not be truth, or he will be crucified, including his son in law. This situation will cause a revolution.
I really do not know what these powerful people are up to Shutting down the economy and practically locking up the population of America could be seen as a first response to a possible revolution, upheaval, civil unrest etc
The Federal government is doing things far more Socialist than anything Bernie Sanders could dream up. I am fairly certain closing shop on America has little to do with the virus.
The illusion is that Americans have any power to control or cause change. One of those illusions is owning guns. DC has more guns and firepower than all the private guns put together.
any violent uprising would be squashed in a manner that would make the actions of Beijing look like small potatoes.
Maybe, however it hasn’t happened yet, so this is just a plausible theory.
I am not sure of the group but in the 1970’s an entire city block in Pittsburg was bombed by national security against a black nationalist movement
Also organized crime and the gangs of NY, Chicago, Pittsburg during prohibition was suppressed by the FBI and these were very tough well armed gangs.
DC won hands down against domestic militaries including the war of 1812, the civil war, and Waco. DC is the only power to ever use the nuke on a foreign power and win. Most of our foreign policy has been the use of overwhelming military force and our police force is one of the world’s most toughest. The “thin blue” line has often been referred to as the barrier against domestic violence including inner city gangs to drug gangs and a very violent society.
The idea is to slow the rate of new critical patients, to prevent overwhelming the health-care system. But, you can go too far … as we are certainly doing now. You can lock every person in a closet and stop the spread completely, and we will all be dead of thirst in a couple of days.
Especially now that we have the data from China, Italy, S. Korea, what should have been done was some isolation of persons determined to be at high risk (develop some rules … not difficult). For everyone else, it would be business as usual. A few people get sick, maybe more than ‘usual’, and miss some work. In the meantime immunity is established among many people and the virus recedes into the vast background of viruses we have ‘learned’ to live with. There would be no economic devastation, not even a disturbance really. And, certainly not the police state many politicians seem to be yearning to establish.
The immunity to the Coronavirus does not last long or the virus has changed enough to be reinfected. There are people who recovered and then came down with it again. One theory is that these people never fully recovered and a small pool of the virus remained in the body only to resurface.
Our tests are not thorough enough to see if the virus is completely removed from the body, and the virus mutates fast enough to be a recurring problem.
We may have to learn how to live with this where lifestyle changes that include better hygiene and a healthier way of living will allow us to coexist with the corona as we have done with so many other contagions.
Sensible advice, sir. But even a high level of public adherence to better hygiene measures will ultimately be inadequate in very dense cities.
No public hygiene measure can keep up with the stunningly stupid levels of population growth in Africa, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh — at least so long as the rulers of more advanced, cleaner, far less crowded countries keep letting tens of millions of people from those breeder countries settle here.
We need an indefinite moratorium on immigration from those places into the USA, Canada, Europe, the UK, Australia, etc. This is not a comment based on cultural, racial, or economic considerations — simply based on the environment, resource scarcity, and public health.
Keep in mind that the so called “Spanish” flu of 1918 started and spread in America. It was an American flu that killed 50 million and infected 500 million
And now’s it’s the Chinese flu bringing the world economy down.
You forgot the 2nd part of a pandemic. When the American flu started it was among American soldiers. Most had symptoms of a flu or cold. Some died but they took the virus to Europe where the average European civilian was not as strong as an American soldier and larger numbers died. By the time it got to Asia where people were even weaker (due to the Colonial system) more died,
The problem with Corona is America and a lax Government response that wasted 2 critical months and lifestyles which entertain infections and weakened immune systems. The Demographics of America and Europe is a large aging population. In Italy the habit of smoking even in old age and in nursing homes made it much worse. So I call it the Trump Flu for his role in allowing the virus to spread across the US
Also the Black Plague may have begun in Asia but the extremely unhygienic conditions of Europe caused 1/3 of Europe to die
Small quantities of Viruses/retroviruses can persist in the interstitial spaces between cells after recovery. That’s one good reason to get out in the sun and let the UV rays penetrate your tissues and kill the residual infection. Don’t stay locked up in your room!
True, I read articles that the residue of the virus remain even when tests show the person is free of it. Then resurges and it looks like the person got re infected when it fact he never recovered.
A nay-sayer when the forcast for the USA alone is for 10,000,000 deaths.
Who’s making that prediction and what are they basing it on?
“The” forecast? I saw no such forecast. Links?
I think the Swiss have got this right.
As to the coronavirus, only time will tell. If joint use of chloroquine and azithromycin proves definitely effective among the most gravely ill, we may see quarantines reduced in select locales.
we all hope you are right
This is a terrific interview, the voice of a wise person who is also a true expert.
Days ago I posted a link for another brief interview from a world-famous Israeli virologist who said most people who get the virus will not even know they’re infected. Very mild infection for most people.
However we cannot wish for the world in which we want to live.
We are all stuck in a set of harsh political realities from which we cannot escape.
See my comment on the previous story about how governments make decisions, “The Hysteria Pandemic.”
Oh, I’ll just post it here too, below:
I, and I’m sure other readers, feel the same about America’s insane war policies and spending a trillion dollars a year on killing and the means to kill.
“Government officials make decisions based primarily on political calculation.”
That is just one of the classic flaws with any kind of democratic government.
We do not even have democracy, but we sure have some of worst features.
There’s no cure for it.
Enlightened despots have long been admired by some historians and philosophers, but what assurance does anyone have that a person given vast powers will behave in an enlightened way?
You do not have any.
A Putin, an Elizabeth I are very rare persons.
Churchill said it best – as he often did – ‘Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
What the FUCK?!?
What are they smoking in Germany these days?!?
So Zero Hedge should be used as a merit, by posting anonymous interview? Give me a break…
Ever hear of the expression “even a broken clock is right twice a day”?!?
You’ll find no one more than I who is extremely critical of ZH and its news porn.
However, having said that, if you bothered to look at this article that is posted on ZH, you will notice that it is not a ZH article but a repost from–terrifying-lung-failure-from-covid19-even-in-his-young-patients
Not that this would make any difference for someone like you . . .
if you are affected, any disease is a scary thing, but in case of a population: NO coronavirus is an underperformer threat compared to almost anything
Zerohedge has been pushing the fear porn from the beginning, as have other alt-media, for their own reasons. But the facts speak for themselves: So far coronavirus has killed a little more than 13,000 world-wide – compared to around 700,000 flu victims every year. Are we going to allow the establishment media to demand governments take away our freedom for that?
Some of them are driving traffic on their web-sites by spreading panic and sensationalism and some may be financially supported by pharma or politically driven donations. Not much common sense can be found these days.
See my reply to your soulmate Hihehiha below . . .
I read that piece yesterday and was meaning to repost it here.
For those that haven’t read it, it strikes young and old alike with a ferocity I hope few will experience.
The fear and feeling of drowning in fluid accumulating in pulmonary sacs should scare everyone straight.
We should all remember the American flu of 1918:
When the
Spanishflu first appeared in early March 1918, it had all the hallmarks of a seasonal flu, albeit a highly contagious and virulent strain. One of the first registered cases was Albert Gitchell, a U.S. Army cook at Camp Funston in Kansas, who was hospitalized with a 104-degree fever. The virus spread quickly through the Army installation, home to 54,000 troops. By the end of the month, 1,100 troops had been hospitalized and 38 had died after developing pneumonia.As U.S. troops deployed en masse for the war effort in Europe, they carried the
Spanishflu with them. Throughout April and May of 1918, the virus spread like wildfire through England, France, Spain and Italy. An estimated three-quarters of the French military was infected in the spring of 1918 and as many as half of British troops. Luckily, the first wave of the virus wasn’t particularly deadly, with symptoms like high fever and malaise usually lasting only three days, and mortality rates were similar to seasonal flu.…