Biden’s 100 Day COVID Plan Is a Destructive Ruse That Is Guaranteed to Succeed

Obviously a seasonal virus with growing immunity will be on its last legs by late May (everywhere north of the 35th parallel)

It’s winter time again, which means COVID season is back in action, and Team Biden plans on never letting such a good crisis go to waste.

Joe Biden has announced that he has a “100 day plan” to defeat COVID-19. The plan is weaponized to give people the perception that he is responsible for the defeat of a virus, so that he can achieve a political victory in the early days of his administration. Here’s how his plan, which is guaranteed to succeed, will play out.

Step 1: Shortly after Inauguration Day, Biden launches the 100 day plan and enacts more draconian restrictions that further devastates the lives of millions of Americans. This is the evil, grotesque step of the “100 days” Biden COVID plan. The White House will demand mask mandates (in places where masks are already worn by everyone, despite Americans already surpassing universal masking benchmarks), having schoolchildren subject to arbitrary reopening standards, and it will encourage further restrictions like curfews and stay-at-home orders. The science and data overwhelmingly tells us these policies only contribute additional destruction to the virus problem, and they do absolutely nothing to solve the problem, but these inhumane actions will be necessary to set up the “comeback.” The Biden plan will force Americans to needlessly suffer so that Team Biden can set in motion a future political victory.

Step 2: When the 100 days are up (April 30, 2021), Team Biden will showcase how cases are declining across the nation. Team Biden will go on to claim that the draconian restrictions, with the assistance of the vaccine, have worked. Just look at how the cases are declining, they’ll say.

Given that we’ve now been monitoring COVID-19 for a full year, observers of the pandemic have been able to track how seasonal changes impacted the spread of the novel coronavirus. During the warmer months, the United States and every other nation on a similar geographic latitude experienced a dramatic dip in cases in addition to every other metric, such as hospitalizations and COVID-19 deaths. This is not some miraculous coincidence of human behavior. It’s a scientific reality.

This isn’t just a COVID-19 phenomenon. Every year, depending on where you live, we see a rise in respiratory illness during colder months. Before COVID-19, it was common knowledge that we had cold and Flu seasons when the cold weather came in. People seem to have forgotten these concepts, due to the hysteria and panic surrounding COVID-19. Because we understand this process, America will undoubtedly continue to register high numbers through the Fall and Winter. And the impact of a COVID-19 vaccine, if it actually works to curb transmission, will not be seen for several months anyway, given the logistics of vaccine distribution and implementation.

In short, we’ve seen this movie before, and we know exactly how it’s going to play out. In the last season of COVID mania, politicians and “public health experts” took credit for the seasonal dip in cases when the weather warmed up, claiming that they alone were responsible for “crushing” a virus.

Step 3: Take credit for defeating a virus. The legacy media will shower Team Biden with praise, and anoint him the savior of America. Mission accomplished.

Recall that Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York brandished his COVID-19 seasonal “success” by selling posters and releasing a book on his supposed triumphs. Dr. Anthony Fauci proclaimed this summer that New York, despite its incredibly high death rate, was a model for the country to adopt. None of the pro-self destruction advocates have ever faced real scrutiny from the lapdog legacy media.

The Biden plan is as political savvy as it is duplicitous. It’s a great way to deliver a two-way softball to the media, who will praise him for “following the science” and defeating the virus, unlike the Bad Orange Man who occupied the Oval before him.

Source: The Dossier

  1. Randy says

    That’s because “covid19” is nothing more than the seasonal flu., a mild one at that since virtually no one under age 65 dies from it. Too bad so many millions of lemmings around the world have bought into the hysteria and propaganda. This is lambs being lead to the slaughter, financial, suicidal and vaccine induced homicide.

  2. Saint Jimmy (Russian American) says

    Haha! I love the picture of Senator Mush for Brains sucking his wife’s finger.

    I guarantee the only “plans” that come from Biden are plans to incorporate soft, neutral foods into the White House menu, plans for reaching a rest room quickly, and plans for always having access to prescription drugs and porn.

    Plans for his presidency and crediting him with hero status have been written by multi-national corporate Nazis, Wall Street and other assorted shit head capitalists, cia, and, importantly, the script writers at cnn and the other corporate state propaganda “organs”.

    Most cowardly mush for brains Americans will accept all of the stories they are told by the nice gentlemen and ladies on da teeeeeeveeeee set.

  3. fatimabaird says

    Good Job to Mr Biden have “100 day plan” as b96jams program against Covid19 in US. I Think every President must have same program like this.

    Thanks admin for sharing this information

  4. cechas vodobenikov says

    next biden will mandate no sex and STD’s will reduce; of course minorities/and multigendered will be exempted so that they will be allowed to contract HIV. he will provide a covid love doll for all—adorned of course with a pimpeeo USA flag covid mask

  5. ke4ram says

    Sars Cov 2 is a political virus. The worse kind. There is no vaccine. There is no cure. Only misery and death until people decide enough is enough….

    1. kierandsouza says

      virus served its purpose. it was to secure Biden presidency. Now Biden will mandate its disappearance and the virus will faithfully comply. then we can get on with the business of warmongering

    2. James Willy says

      Best comment of the day (so far) No better way to describe it.

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