The Foreign Policy Focus Podcast — Episode #355, May 7, 2019
Kyle and I get a conversation going about the Empire’s failed coup in Venezuela and how Uncle Sam engineered a fuel crisis in oil-rich Syria.
Marko Marjanovic returns to FPF to talk about Venezuela and Syria.
Kyle and Marko discuss how US regime change efforts in Venezuela have failed to topple Maduro. The US actions have hurt the Venezuelan people and increased Maduro’s popularity.
In Syria, Assad is continuing to work to retake all of his country. Currently, he is battling with jihadists in Idlib. Kyle and Mark break down how Assad’s fight and the role of the US trying to prevent Assad from retaking Syria.
The China Rising Podcast — May 6, 2019
Show with Jeff J. Brown, the author of multiple books on China. He had me on to talk about the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and that time and place.
The Foreign Policy Focus Podcast — Episode #208, June 18, 2018
A show where I join my buddy Kyle Anzalone and tell the story of how Communists bumbled the defense of the Soviet Union as at allow Nazis to overrun one third of its population which should have never happened under a competent leadership.
On FPF #208, Marko Marjanovic joins the show to discuss the failures of Stalin’s centrally planned military leading up to WWII. The failures amount to the USSR having the most losses on one side of a war.
While the Red Army had the equipment and technology to defend against the German invasion, poor strategic decision making allowed the Germans to have early success on the battlefield.
Marko and Kyle discuss how the centrally planned military created the environment where the USSR took devastating losses during 1941.
The Russian Aggression Podcast — Pilot Episode, June 10, 2017
A show with my buddy and coworker at Russia Insider Riley Waggaman. Discontinued after one episode because Riley moved on to work for Putin directly.
Russia Insider’s editors/serfs sat down for an e-talk (“podcast”) about the most memorable stories of the week.
We briefly discussed Louise Mensch and her recent decision to not take her meds—again, but this important topic magically morphed into an in-depth talk about language policy in Russia’s Republic of Bashkortostan (we kid you not).
Next: Megyn Kelly’s potato performance in St. Petersburg; your editors agree with Gilbert Doctorow: NBC’s “exclusive” with Putin was shameful and even dangerous. (Read Gilbert Doctorow’s take here.)
Finally, we talk about our exclusive report about Linda Ives’ 30-year battle to bring her son’s killers to justice. We are preparing several follow-up stories, so stay tuned.
P.S. — there’s no cheesy “professional” intro, but also no obnoxious sponsor messages or advertisements. So a win-win!