Russians Understand No Joint Press Conference After Biden-Putin Meeting Is Due to Biden’s Mental Decline

It's not a snub, Biden can't handle a presser with Kremlin pool reporters

Biden’s explanation for why he won’t hold a joint press conference with the Russian head of state as is customary is that it would be a distraction:

“I don’t want to get into being diverted by, did they shake hands, who talked the most and the rest.”

That sounds plausible enough. Having called Putin a “killer without a soul” it might be awkward for Biden to now publicly shake hands.

But come on, be real. This is Joe Biden, a famous slimebag who has been in politics for nearly 50 years. Do you think he hasn’t shaken hands with hundreds of people he has called far worse over the half a century in the sewer that is DC politics?

Of course, evading the protocol need to shake hands publicly might be perceived as another offense but the Russians are opting not to take it as such. Putin’s spokesman points out why:

The absence of plans to hold a joint press conference of the presidents of Russia and the United States – Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden – following the summit in Geneva on June 16 does not mean low expectations from this meeting, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS.

“No, it absolutely does not,” he said.

Peskov stressed that a separate press conference “is the practice of the American side.” “In the UK, Biden and Johnson did not hold a joint press conference either, the US President just prefers to communicate with the press separately,” Peskov said.

“After the talks are over, President Putin will appear before the Kremlin pool reporters and other media outlets,” he added.

Biden doesn’t do joint pressers abroad, period. Not with the Russians, not with the British.

The primary reason why Biden can’t hold a joint presser with Putin isn’t about avoiding awkward optics, but because Biden can’t hold a joint presser, period. He can’t go through a presser that isn’t heavily managed by his handlers and these simply can’t exert enough control on a joint US-Russian event, especially with how willing Putin is to engage with journalists, including Western ones.

In fact, Biden himself has said something like this:

“I always found, and I don’t mean to suggest the press should not know, but this is not a contest about who can do better in front of a press conference or try to embarrass each other,” Biden told reporters during a press conference at Cornwall Airport Newquay.

Problem isn’t appearing with Putin, problem is the comparisons of the two performances before the press such an appearance would pave the way for. A comparison Biden Hologram can not win.

Appearances with a masked easter bunny on a balcony is about as much as Konstantin Chernenko can reliably handle these days.

  1. Andrew Ho says

    It takes a special level of stupidity to not realize that Biden’s mental acuity is gone. And by that, I openly weep for the US liberals.

    1. Mr Reynard says

      weep for the US liberals. ??
      They get, what they deserve !
      It’s called KARMA ?

  2. Dale F says

    Biden couldn’t handle a presser with a autistic third grader.

  3. Raptar Driver says

    A decline Infers A plateau or a peak.
    I don’t even think he’s gotten up to baseline at any point in his life.
    Just the kind of leader America loves.
    Or at least the people who actually run America.

  4. GMC says

    So, when does the toughest Russian journalist, get to interview Biden , like NBC did with Putin ? Now that would be worth watching, if they didn’t cut out half of all the answers by old Joe. Before every Biden answer , there would be a fifteen minute commercial break. lol

  5. Manuel Sotil says

    After nearly 50 years swilling at the DC Swamp trough, Biden has no noteworthy accomplishment other than venting vague liberal platitudes. Nothing too specific because he is unable to think things through. He just never had the mental capacity. He is just – as Putin remarked on passing – a career man. I’m sure he owes the predicament where he now finds himself to “Dr” Jill Biden, who to satisfy her ego for grandeur and in an act of elderly abuse, pushed him into this.

  6. LawW says

    … OK the Russians know it, NOW the World knows it, 75 million plus Americans know it, and even Bidens handlers know it, Potato in Chief is gone the only one who still might not know it is Biden himself… but don’t worry he asks that stranger in the mirror in the morning to identify himself…

    1. freddie Toor says

      And he famously asks, “where am I” to “Dr.” Jill

  7. GMC says

    Biden hs a double – I saw a couple photos of them both together .

  8. Jerry Hood says

    Pedophile Joe Biden has hidden all the wires in his sleeves, and was hooked up on 5G tower at G7 in Geneva.. . The basics he might manage, without press conference…The zionazis in USrael ” dressed him English and wirered to think yiddish”…Signals comes trough Tel Aviv….

  9. dod says

    Conclusion sobre la No-Cumbre holograma Biden vs.Volodya Putin

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. dod says

    Conclusion sobre la No-Cumbre holograma Biden vs.Volodya Putin

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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