What Would You Do for an Opportunity to Be Able to Push Back Against the Empire Just a Little?

The World is their playground

There is no doubt in my mind that to some small extent all of the alternative media taken together diminishes the Empire just a little bit from where it would otherwise be.

Empire’s lies are debunked sooner, and the truth reaches far more people than it would have in the dark, miserable pre-internet 1990s when CNN reigned unopposed.

It is a fight where the other side has all the advantages and we’re never going to win outright. But it is a struggle absolutely worth fighting, to help establish the truth for posterity and to save whatever lives we can along the way.

And to be able to say that we were not bystanders but that we did something, anything, no matter how seemingly hopeless the fight, to try and to push back.

To back alternative media is one way to join the fight and push back against the warmaking Empire — I sincerely believe that.

There are numerous great alternative media outlets doing a wonderful job that deserve your backing. But by backing Checkpoint Asia you will get the most bang for your buck.

Checkpoint Asia brings a whole new meaning to “shoestring”.

A one-man show (for now), six months after its launch it has over 300,000 monthly page views (up from 250,000 three months ago), reaches 100,000 people monthly with at least one article, and has a core readership group of 3,000 who check in at least once a week, 2,000 who signed up for email updates  and 28,000 Facebook fans. Who knows how many it will be reaching by next year.

It has 2/3rds of pageviews of Antiwar.com, which I love and which is extraordinarily valuable. But each quarter Antiwar.com brings in $80,000 from its readers.

Checkpoint Asia doesn’t need tens of thousands. It can do damage with far less ammunition, but it does need some.

This site has a bright future ahead of it, but it does need your help. Send it some bullets and extend a middle finger to the Empire.

Try it and tell me if doing something no matter how seemingly small feels infinitely better than being a passenger in history.

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Checkpoint Asia
Comments (4)
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  • JustPassingThrough

    count me in

  • Séamus Ó Néill

    Have donated , I consider it a very small price for truth and justice !

  • Canosin

    agree….. will donate

  • Pablo Rivera

    I’ve tried, but it freezes when you click the last step. also it forces you to open a Paypal account, which I don’t need,