The Powers That Be Are Ecstatic That the Left Believes the Biggest Problem Right Now Are Statues of Dead White Men

In the US and the EU both, we’ve witnessed the biggest monetary heist in history. We’re sailing into a depression that central banks have set up for us over the past two decades. And we’re doing so in the worst possible condition thanks to the Draconian, harebrained and unnecessary lockdowns that the politicians imposed on us.

Several of Empire’s wars and occupations continue in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and Syria. Tension is being needlessly cultivated with China and Russia, and the entire architecture of nuclear arms control is just about done being thrown in that trash bin of history.

Simultaneously the people of Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and North Korea continue to have their livelihoods needlessly strangulated as a form of Imperial collective punishment.

In the midst of all this, the left has graduated from protesting cops (which is a good thing, albeit not nearly as urgent as protesting the hunger blockade on Yemen) to protesting statues of dead white people.

Yeah. The number one priority for hundreds of thousands of indignant lefties right now are statues. Statues. Lumps of bronze shaped to resemble historical figures.

I can tell you one thing. The power elites are ecstatic. At a time of their biggest failure in a century, when their corruption, cowardice, and short-sightedness has brought us to the edge of the precipe, and when by all rights they should be bracing for an hour of reckoning there is instead a large protest movement raising hell about…statues.

Is it any wonder they are falling over themselves to accommodate them?

There they thought this was pitchfork time, but turns out the mob outside the palace is primarily concerned with…heaps of bronze in public spaces.

For all its cultural Maoism a more redundant, inconsequential and tamer protest movement could hardly be imagined.

This is precisely the sort of distractions and missing the point the power elites thrive on.

Traditionally authorities and politicians are judged on their ability to deliver material growth, that is to preside over economic expansions. The-present day political class feels itself extremely vulnerable and lacks all confidence precisely because it no longer knows how to deliver growth.

It is for this reason they hurried to the safety and the warm embrace of the COVID doomsday cult — it was a welcome respite from the expectation of delivering growth which they no longer know how to do. It promised to release them, if only for a short time, from that pressure, and delivered a situation where they would be judged on a totally different criteria — the criteria of whether they were cracking down on us and the economy hard enough.

It is for this reason that they find the green ideology of no-growth so alluring. It is for this reason they love to jump onto non-problems raised by SJWs. And it is for this reason they love adopting “humanitarian” interventionist causes and launching humanitarian cruise missiles and bombs. Anything that delivers even a temporary respite from having to be judged on the traditional criteria of economic growth.

It is not in the interest of those who enjoy participating in the exercise of power and heap benefits from doing so in wealth and status, to open their eyes to the fact it is they themselves who have weighted down the economy with crony regulatory regimes written by big businesses and hollowed it out by shortsighted and profligate monetary and financial policies.

Incapable of seeing their own hand in the destruction of the economy and the injustice and parasitism they cultivate, they instead seek out frantically any other criteria to be judged on besides the fundamental question of economic justice and visible material growth.

And the left, which at one time was all about economic justice and the material betterment of the working people, is only too happy to oblige and work to bring to the forefront such “crucial” issues as pronouns, bathrooms, and statues.

Welcome the new kind of “left”, the court left playing a very valuable role for the elite and the status quo.

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  • Robert

    Buried the lead — “…COVID doomsday cult — …”

  • sabelmouse

    this is a bit fishy

    Dr. Suzanne Humphries

    Okay. Who here thinks the autonomous zone is a smart move? Good people doing a great thing?

    I posted neon revolt video yesterday and started a poop storm.

    So… how does a group of warring vegans, take over six city blocks in the name of what? Anarchy, freedom? And are usually well funded for their activities ——now they are begging???

    Addendum: somebody below suggests that they are homeless teens in there and that they were coerced to do it. That makes some sense. If this is the case, I think the government has a right to go in and look for those minors. But I think Trump wants hands off or he’ll be called a dictator. The states have to try to deal with it.

    Why not be prepared to be autonomous in your autonomous zone?? Need shoes after three days? Hungry and asking for fake meat(in other pleading messages)? Why not ask for seeds and shovels and gardening equipment? Cigarettes? Gatorade? I don’t want to live in that country. If they succeed can you imagine what the cuisine would be?

    What about the timing of all this?

    What do you think? Could a government that was so poorly planned, possibly succeed? yes with tyranny any government can prevail for a time…


  • V4V

    In the midst of all this, the left has graduated from protesting cops (which is a good thing, albeit not nearly as urgent as protesting the hunger blockade on Yemen) to protesting statues of dead white people.

    -virtue signaling

    I always find it amusing that when anyone does anything to counter the authorities, it’s invariably:

    a) blamed on the left
    b) counterproductive and instead they should be doing ______________ (fill in the blanks with something else they should be doing)

    Although toppling Confederate monuments will do nothing to address systemic racism and oppression of blacks, there is nothing wrong with toppling hated symbols of oppression. In other words, it’s possible to walk and chew gum at the same time.

    Why do they always blame it on the left? Does anyone even need a left/right ideology to be opposed to racist symbols like Confederate monuments? I see it as a way to demonize the so-called left.

    Why don’t the virtue signalers lead the movements they decry the left isn’t leading? If Marko Marjanović believes the genocide in Yemen is what everyone should be protesting (and I am not saying he’s wrong), why isn’t Marko Marjanović leading the charge?

    • Collectivist

      “Why don’t the virtue signalers lead the movements they decry the left isn’t leading? If Marko Marjanović believes the genocide in Yemen is what everyone should be protesting (and I am not saying he’s wrong), why isn’t Marko Marjanović leading the charge”

      Same reason gravedigger has little good or supportive to say about the current rebellions. . . in their own country.

      It’s a ruse.

      And, they couldn’t give a flying fk about any of it.

      • V4V

        You see what Diggers are about by the articles they don’t post. How many articles on COVID-19 conspiracy theories and how many articles in support of the protests? I would venture NOT A SINGLE ARTICLE IN SUPPORT OF THE PROTESTS and not a single article in support of REMOVING CONFEDERATE MONUMENTS. NOT A SINGLE ARTICLE DENOUNCING TRUMP that I am aware of. I am pretty sure any article in support of the protests, removing Confederate monuments, or denouncing white supremacy and Trump will be met with derision and mocked.


        • Mensch59

          Since you’re expelled from The Digger because of your bad faith argumentative style, post a link to an article you’d like to see go on that blogspot site. I’ll evaluate the link to see if I’ll post it.

          • Collectivist


    • Mensch59

      Why don’t the virtue signalers lead the movements they decry the left isn’t leading? If Marko Marjanović believes the genocide in Yemen is what everyone should be protesting (and I am not saying he’s wrong), why isn’t Marko Marjanović leading the charge?

      Probably because no one gives a sh¡t about the hunger blockade on the common poor Yemeni people. No one includes fake leftists, liberals, conservatives, centrists, Marxists, rightists, ecological socialists, anarcho-syndicalists in all the nation-states with business interests allied with the Amerikkka-House of Saud alliance.

  • cechas vodobenikov

    why do the racist amerikans refuse to remove statues by their most racist presidents, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR? they pretend they r not racist—-amerikans believe that if they erase their history they will become less fascist…less puritanical….Georgia retains statues of Stalin, to their credit
    in amerika the true fascists r the self described liberals

  • David McClintock

    These statues are testaments to each countries history. Replacing statues with cartoon characters, modern art, or nothing at all; erases a countries history and dumb’s down future generations.