Conformity: The Vice of the Coward

One of my favorite phrases, coined by Robert Greene, is “resist the downward pull of the group.” Remembering this every day, every hour, is necessary to keep our minds free and independent, able to innovate and decide what is best for us, as opposed to what is best for the rule-makers, the most powerful in society. Everything must be questioned.

Historically, cigarettes were encouraged for pregnant women. Mercury was administered as a medicine. Lead was in all of the paint; asbestos in all of the insulation. Butter and lard were good, then bad, then good again. Populations were systematically killed with the cooperation of nearly all of polite society. These things happened, and they were completely bizarre and crazy, yet they happened. “Everyone was doing it.”

Bad actors know about this, about the madness of crowds. They’ve used it for millennia to control the masses, culminating in the biggest tragedies the world has ever seen. In the present era of mass data collection, manipulation of populations is even easier. The more they know about us, the better they can tailor their messaging.

This use of manipulation on a population-wide scale used to be highly controversial. When JFK ran for president, back when computers were new, his campaign enlisted a startup called the Simulmatics Corporation to create a computer model of the voting public, compiled using surveys, then asked this virtual populace how it would respond to various civil rights messaging. JFK used that messaging and won, but when his tactics leaked, the public was outraged. They wanted authenticity, not a data-driven betrayal. Who knew what JFK really thought about civil rights? Not them. He’d merely figured out what they wanted to hear, and said it.

Viewed through the lens of today’s data goldmine, the social science models used by politicians like JFK back in 1960 were laughably unsophisticated. Yet they still worked. Today, tech companies have all — and I do mean all — of our data, so they can do a much better job of controlling us. Combine this with Robert Greene’s 27th “Law of Power,” and you get the “COVID-19” propaganda campaign and resulting cult, complete with universal mask-wearing and the exclusion of “the unvaccinated” from polite society.

People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.

As Greene explains, charlatans understand that “the greater the group they gather around themselves, the easier it is to deceive.” In a group setting, “people are more emotional” and “less able to reason” due to the “communal mood of rapt attention.” This makes it “impossible to find the distance to be skeptical . . . any deficiencies in the charlatan’s ideas are hidden by the zeal of the mass. Passion and enthusiasm sweeps through the crowd like a contagion, and they react violently to anyone who dares to spread a seed of doubt.”

Why does this happen? Because humans are what humans are. Like bees, they behave a certain way in the hive. When they see “everyone else” doing something, they assume it must be the right thing. They want to be popular, and to “do the right thing,” so they follow the crowd, regardless of what the crowd is doing at the moment. In the 1940s, the crowd was burning Jews in ovens. In 2021, the crowd is bankrupting business owners, prohibiting children from breathing, and requiring perfectly healthy people to receive an experimental injection in order to go to the theater. This is “the downward pull of the group” in action — the conformity of cowards sinking the entire societal ship.

“We have a side to our character that we are generally unaware of — our social personality, the different person we become when we operate in groups of people. In the group setting, we unconsciously imitate what others are saying and doing. We think differently, more concerned with fitting in and believing what others believe. We feel different emotions, infected by the group mood. We are more prone to taking risks, to acting irrationally, because everyone else is. This social personality can come to dominate who we are. Listening so much to others and conforming our behavior to them, we slowly lose a sense of our uniqueness and the ability to think for ourselves. The only solution is to develop self-awareness and a superior understanding of the changes that occur in us in groups.”

Knowing this about human nature, today’s tyrant can easily use social media (and mass media) to create the impression of a completely unified group. Astroturf propaganda was used by China early on to create the impression that “lockdown works,” and any politician who fails to impose one is “committing genocide.” Now that the data is in, we know that the people imposing the lockdowns were actually the ones committing genocide. But the cult cannot admit that — doing so would at this point be blasphemy.

In short, it was very easy to know how to manipulate today’s society into “lockdowns,” masks, “social distancing,” and universal experimental injections for people at statistically zero disease-risk. The manipulator merely needed to create the impression of a very scary risk, and use virtue-based messaging to convince the fearful, emotional masses that (1) they indeed should be very scared, and (2) an action was available to them to ensure not their own safety, but “the safety of others.” They were not cowards; by adamantly supporting “lockdowns,” they were heroic saviors of humankind. “Just obey the rules, and you will save lives.” Boy, did this messaging work.

The manipulators now have an emotionally vulnerable population on the defensive, unwilling to concede — even after unequivocal data on the failure of lockdowns is in — that its actions resulted in untold damages and saved no one. The cult members will never admit that they were taken in by the classic logical fallacy, post hoc, ergo propter hoc: “because the disease went away, your actions worked.” These people were duped, on some level they know it, and as a result, they are willing to look the other way when their unvaccinated fellow man is forced to wear a symbol of “the unclean.”

Now we know how historical tragedies unfold.

Most people stay “safe” in the crowd, unwilling to stand out, infected by the group mood. Whatever the majority is doing is the most comfortable course of action, and most people default to comfort. They fail to understand the value of discomfort, and of following the few courageous people who are willing to endure that discomfort by standing apart from the crowd.

Source: Stacey Rudin

Mind Virus-19
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  • ken

    The reason people are so gullible is mainly due to government indoctrination,,, aka public schools,,, and laziness. (Do I repeat myself?)

    • Mr Reynard

      & adding to drinking water, sodium fluoride, lithium, aluminium & last Valium…

  • aardvark-gnosis

    Like going to church… You are Propagandized everytime you listen to the rhetoric of how some people think they are above you with their behaviours, according to the so called WORD… Yet they all believe in ancient myths that have been changed and rearranged to fit what every sect that the majority excepts.

    Here the printing press is used to support thoughts that represent something we have never seen in the flesh…how the hell we believe such is impossible to understand without deprogramming… sometimes it take a lifetime to deprogram our minds from the false conditioning we received from our parents and the franchised Rockafeller foundational education system of brainwashing…as well, the fact we were bombarded with the roof over the head mentality and you life in my house, you will think and do as i say! Like my dad would tell me when I said… I don’t want to go to church when all they do is say the same thing that never gives reason a foothold that means anything!
    I was 6 years old at the time, a child with no knowledge, except my intuitive gift that we all are born with but thought not to listen too.

    Deprograming our conditioning is no easy task,considering most of our friends and acquaintances are programed the same on different levels. The mind will hold on to deep seated mental conditioning for years even while deprograming is in progress… thoughts and ideals are seated in the synapsal spiderwebs of connecting brain pathways that represent old and new information supported by memory and the subconscious images and thoughts through a lifetime of conditioning. “Set in Our Ways”, is the best way to describe the mental brick wall of the subconscious mind.

    Deprograming is not so easy if we are trained to believe moral issues that fractionate the subconscious with right and wrong, as well, the concept that we are all different yet all the same… the latter is a lie that socialistic teachings to follow the government’s dictates as prescribed by those that take advantage of our naivety and conditioned mental retardation… Like pledging to the flag… Childhood conditioning that is thought by the conditioned teachers union!

    The fringe of the Matrix is made up of a one world government that now looks like the great reset. The fear of biological weapons being leashed on the planet by the very same elites that run all governments, no matter what sort of ideological propaganda of patriotic disinformation is unleashed. for example, our waving the flag of oppression by the same oligarchs and monarchies of history’s military industrial complex…History repeats itself unless we see that past and have it ingrained into our waking hours of everyday behaviours and thoughts.

    Just an opinion form a nose grinding ant eater!.

  • yuri

    emotion has zero relation to stupidity….stupidity derives from having no emotion…passively being a member of “the bewildered herd”. Lippmann
    sociologists and others have long observed that Americans are too insecure to tolerate privacy…these herd people now more insecure—they only marry and socialize among similar age groups–written by many, easily observable…today so insecure they copulate with mobile phone when not in a herd
    “busy busy numb-amerikans cannot feel themselves alive unless they feel themselves busy”. Thomas de Zengodita
    do not expect these puritans to think or feel

  • Raptar Driver

    Those who are conformists, who have a hive mind, willing to do anything to fit in, are not human by any normal definition.