YOLO Lavrov: ‘500-Year-Long Period of Western Domination in World Affairs Is Coming to an End’

Russians for one won't be shedding any tears

Russian FM says world tension is the result of the West’s refusal to come to terms with this fact

Russia’s comeback to the world scene as an equitable partner that defies dictating and ultimatums causes a nervous reaction from the West, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the forum Russia – A Country of Opportunities on Thursday.

There has been a very nervous reaction to Russia’s comeback as an equitable partner who does not impose anything on others but does not tolerate dictating or ultimatums. Our western partners’ reaction to this is very painful,” he said.

“To no avail,” Lavrov went on to say. “We do not seek confrontation with anybody. We wish to cooperate with all on equitable terms, on the basis of mutual respect and search for a balance of interest and mutually acceptable approaches.”

The gist of what is happening is the “categorical reluctance of the United States and its western allies to agree that the 500-year-long period of western domination in world affairs is coming to an end.” In his opinion, transition to a new, multipolar, democratic and fair world order will last long, but already now this transition is painful for those who “are in the habit of ruling the world for centuries.”

“They are in the habit of ruling the roost,” Lavrov said.

Source: TASS

  1. […] Russians for one won’t be shedding any tears […]

  2. […] Hellmeyers „Machtpolitik“ betrifft, so zitierte TASS am 15.3. aus der Rede des russischen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow vom 14.3. auf dem Forum Russland […]

  3. mike harkness says

    It could be a graceful smooth relatively fast transition. China may lead the world by initiating the six hour work day, to insure full time employment in the era of AI and robotics. Once China can challenge the West’s supremacy culturally as well as technologically and economically then the game will really be up.

  4. skinner15 says

    Segei Lavrov enjoying a stiff pull on his fag, after dealing with the temper tantrum diplomats of the West.

    He would be forced to resign over here for doing that. Bad example for our kids.

    In Russia, they just tell their kids not to do grown up activities, rather than expect the adults to live like children.

  5. CHUCKMAN says

    ‘The gist of what is happening is the “categorical reluctance of the United States and its western allies to agree that the 500-year-long period of western domination in world affairs is coming to an end.”’


    But the period of change could be very dangerous.

    1. John Dennis Roberts says

      And also, unfortunately, very slow.

  6. m.Karim says

    Truth can be sour to big brothers?

  7. David Bedford says

    Thank God for the Russian and Chinese government who will now work together to protect their sovereignty and bring about the natural collapse of the EVIL EMPIRE!

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