With Half of Australia Under Medical Martial Law, Australians in Perth March Against Opression in…Afghanistan

No repression to be found closer at home, nope.

Editor’s note: To be fair a day before an anti-lockdown was held in the city as well. One that was reported on by the regime media with headlines of “Anti-vaxers demand their ‘FREEDOM’ at Kings Park rally” and “Anti-lockdown protest goes ahead at Perth’s Kings Park despite RSL criticising ‘stupid’ and ‘arrogant’ move”.  Needless to say no such scorn was poured on the ‘Afghan Lives Matter’ protest. You can’t resent people with Afghan backgrounds marching for something to do with Afghanistan but there were plenty of white faces in the crowd as well and 99% of them weren’t at the anti-lockdown rally the day prior.

Several thousand people have rallied in Perth’s CBD to express their concern about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan.

The rally took place hours after it was confirmed that more than 300 people were evacuated on a further four Australian flights out of Afghanistan overnight.

Early on Friday morning, a rescue flight carrying 94 evacuees landed in Perth — the first flight to land in Australia after the Taliban took control and seized the presidential palace in Kabul.

At the Forrest Place rally, in Perth’s CBD, multiple speeches were given before the group marched through the streets chanting “free, free Afghanistan” and “help the ones who helped you”.

Jawid Musawer, who came to Australia from Afghanistan in 2008, is a qualified architect but spent the past decade working as a caseworker supporting refugees and asylum seekers. [Why didn’t he stay and fight for the “free, free, Afghanistan”?]

“When I came to Australia, I saw the need in this area and I thought, like, it’s better to just help people, you know,” he said.

“[I just want to] help and provide support for those people.”

Mr Musawer said he had barely slept since the Taliban took power and, along with several others, decided to rally his community in Perth to call for action.

“We have gathered all the Afghan communities which are from different cultural backgrounds,” he said.

“We have Pashto, we have Hazaras, we have Tajiks, we have Uzbeks — all the communities rallying to voice our concerns, our frustration, and calling on the Australian government to expedite their humanitarian process.”

Mr Musawer said the overthrow of the democratically-elected government by the Taliban was devastating not only for the people of Afghanistan, but also for Australian veterans, Afghan military and diplomatic staff, and Australian-Afghans who feared for the welfare and safety of their loved ones.

He said he was particularly worried about human rights abuses affecting women, children, ethnic minorities and those involved in assisting international security forces in Afghanistan.

‘Their hopes and their dreams are shattered’

Maria Aziz arrived in Australia 30 years ago [when the Soviet-backed government fell?] as a refugee and now works as a counsellor.

She said she was distraught at the situation playing out in her former homeland.

“My heart is full of grief for my people, for my loved ones, for my family who are stuck there. For those people who will never see a school uniform again, or those children who tonight are mourning [because the Taliban] might be burning their books,” Ms Aziz said.

“Those girls who were hopeful, now their hopes and their dreams are shattered.

“[We want to create] awareness for the mainstream society to know exactly how many Afghans are here and how desperate we are for our families to be safe.

“If they’re talking about Sharia, we want real Sharia law to be practiced, not the Taliban version of Sharia.” [LOL. I’m sure the Taliban version is a lot truer to ‘real Sharia’ than anything an Australian counselor can come up with.]

Source: ABC

And the absolute trash report on the heroic anti-lockdown march:

About 1000 people have gathered for an anti-lockdown protest at the Kings Park war memorial, despite the RSL’s [idiotic] claims it represents “dancing” on the graves of dead soldiers.

While there are few restrictions in WA and the State’s RSL chief executive pleaded with activists to reconsider, the rally went ahead this afternoon. [Why is the Returned and Services League of Australia chief being asked about anything whatsoever in the first place and how is his bile relevant to the story??]

Protesters, flanked by police officers, are carrying signs denouncing lockdown measures and slamming Premier Mark McGowan and his hardline approach to lockdowns and State borders.

Hundreds of protesters were heard chanting “do not comply” and “the media is the virus”, while children scampered around protesters carrying anti-vax placards.

Flags including the US Stars and Stripes were also seen outside Dumas House.

Angry demonstrators chanted “tell the truth” after a speaker pointed out a Channel 7 journalist reporting on the rally.

After listening to speakers rallying against lockdowns and arguing COVID-19 was not a deadly disease, the protesters marched downhill to the CBD.

An American Vietnam veteran wearing a sign saying “no forced vax” said he attended the rally to stand up for freedom.

RSLWA chief executive John McCourt had earlier told how those who attended would be “stupid” and “arrogant”.

“On the face of it, what an insult to those dead soldiers who fought for freedom just to have people dancing on their graves,” Mr McCourt told The West Australian this week.

“That’s the way you repay the people who died for your freedom?”

The protest is happening on the same day other “Freedom Rally” gatherings across Australia, which have drawn much bigger crowds.

Police in Melbourne have used pepper spray on unruly crowd in the Melbourne’s CBD, where members of the largely unmasked crowd chanted “sack Daniel Andrews” and “no more lockdown”.

In Sydney, attempts to protest appeared to have been thwarted by a massive police presence by the early afternoon.

Several hundred protesters were seen congregating around Broadway Shopping Centre and near Central Station, and footage showed two men and a woman being restrained by police officers.

But a heavy police presence was in place in a bid to prevent a repeat of Sydney’s anti-lockdown protest last month, which saw approximately 3500 people march through the CBD.

NSW Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon said 1400 officers would be stationed around Sydney on Saturday, including the riot squad, dog squad, mounted police, and highway patrol.

In an extraordinary move to quell the protest NSW Police also banned taxis, Uber and other rideshare services from driving passengers into the CBD and closed several major train stations.

Protests have also erupted in the Brisbane CBD where thousands gathered at the city’s botanic gardens.

Protestors clapped and danced along to music and held up signs emblazoned anti-lockdown phrases such as “Safety is nothing without freedom”, while other placards decried vaccines.

Social media users took to Twitter to air their frustrations at those protesting.

“You’re not protesting for your rights and freedoms anymore, you still have those, they were never removed, you’re just walking the streets like spoiled toddlers wanting your pillages,” said one user.

“All I can think of right now is those poor health workers who will suffer the consequences of these idiotic and selfish protests,” another wrote.

“Hopefully, all the Victoria Police officers are safe out there today as well. Full support to them.”

Source: Perth Now

  1. ken says

    “You’re not protesting for your rights and freedoms anymore, you still have those, they were never removed, you’re just walking the streets like spoiled toddlers wanting your pillages,” said one user.”

    40,000 dead,,, a spoiled toddler!
    Millions of horrible diseases,,, a spoiled toddler!
    Locked down to your house,,, you still have those! (rights and freedoms)
    Loss of jobs,,, unable to travel without government permission,,, you still have those! (rights and freedoms)

    This person makes no sense! A complete waste of skin.

  2. Rightiswrong says

    We hung collaborators in Europe after WW2, and rightly so.

    Why bring into our nations rats who have already displayed their ability to kill their own neighbours in their homeland?
    We have enough rats in the ruling regimes here as it is.

    1. Eddy says

      My thoughts exactly.

  3. Juan says

    Mass Merde-a is CANCER.

  4. Chacko Kurian says

    Maria Azia seems to know what ‘real shariah’ is. Looks like she knows better than all the scholars of Islam who spent their lifetime studying and formulating Islamic law.
    Not to forget the tensions spilling between Pashtuns, Hazaras, Tajiks etc. Tribalism is the fundamental core of Afghan society. They might unite for a common cause, but it will always be an uneasy alliance.

  5. Chacko Kurian says

    In the meantime, we are being bombarded by the propaganda machine of the media and think tanks. ‘Get your vaccine and life will get back to normal’. Total blackout of the deaths and adverse reactions caused by the vaccines. No dissenting opinions are allowed on the media here. All I hear is latest statistics, virus, vaccine, rollout, opinions by so called scientists and doctors, The premiers who order immediate lockdowns become heroes/heroines and are assured of reelection. Villains become heroes and vice versa.

  6. Jerry Hood says

    I am shocked, how many millions of dumbed down people are accepting their slavery, and won’t come out and demand their lost freedoms and basic human rights! Now I believe, we are PRISON PLANET!!!

  7. abinico warez says

    Guess covid also causes stupidity.

  8. Eddy says

    L.O.L. good example of how people have lost the plot totally. IF these ALLEGED concerned folks, had stayed in Afghanistan and ceased being part of a DIVIDED community, then Afghanistan would not be today, in the predicament it is. Everything that’s happened in Afghanistan, even BEFORE the Russian intervention, is soley because of Western, and more in particular, American interference deliberately dividing the populace and ensuring the wage war against each other. It’s called DIVIDE AND CONQUER, an age old tactic being used by Western nations everywhere to get their way. Even in our own country, it’s being used to beak down the social order, and ensure a fractured community turning people against each other. My I suggest, If these Afghani people are so concerned about events occurring in their homeland, they jump on the first plane back, and do their utmost to ensure communities bury their hatchets, and form a combined society. Hiding here in Australia does absolutely nothing to bring that about. Of course though, it may assist in smoothing their guilt at betraying their fellow citizens by running away.

  9. Afshin Nejat says

    Looks like the land down under just went under. The Crown is responsible for the disintegration of his own territories.

  10. chuxtuff says

    There’s nothing wrong in Australia that a good revolution wouldn’t cure!!!

  11. mike says

    fake virus… fake tests… fake pandemic… real fascism…

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