Why Has Austria Become a Freedom Shithole?
Its seasonal respiratory virus curves were not worse and no better than neighbors'
Across Austria, the streets are alive with the sounds of drums and cow bells. Ever since the Austrian government announced a vaccine mandate in November 2021, with vaccine refuseniks set to face fines, potential bankruptcies and possible prison sentences from February this year, demonstrations against the proposed measures have not ceased.
You can see why their fears are justified. Just a few days before the vaccine mandate was revealed, the authorities also stepped up their war on the unvaccinated by announcing that a new lockdown would be introduced – but that it would only apply to partially vaccinated and unvaccinated people. While these measures only lasted a short time before Omicron entered the stage and the entire country was plunged into its fourth lockdown, in mid-December the government announced that restrictions would be lifted, but only for the fully unvaccinated again.
While the ‘vaccine mandate’ sword hangs precariously over their heads before the measure is introduced in February, Austria’s large minority of unvaccinated people are essentially unable to participate in society. While the vaccinated are free to roam as they please, albeit with the proper paperwork, the only physical businesses the unvaccinated can visit are banks, food shops and pharmacies.
They barred from all other shops, businesses, theatres, restaurants, bar, museums. The list as long as it is depressing. Every shop window now has a sign warning those who haven’t had the jab to stay out. Some shops redouble the humiliation by inviting ‘unvaccinated’ clients to ring a bell and wait until they can be served – outside – in Austria, in winter.
Looking at international tables, it is not obvious why the leaders of Austria have chosen these extreme measures now. The country is doing neither better nor worse than its neighbours in terms of the percentage of fully vaccinated or deaths per 100,000 people. The EU average for full vaccine uptake is 69 per cent; for Austria it is 70 per cent according to the European Centre for Disease Control.
But in the meantime, the machinery of state steadily grinds on. In a novel Keynesian twist, the government is planning to open the spending spigots to ensure that the vaccine mandate plan goes ahead. And hundreds of new positions in the civil service are being created to man this new apparatus.
As Die Krone Zeitung, a national daily, explains, ‘there will be a lot of work for all of them’ and over the next two years ‘considerably more staff will be needed’ – with the government expecting to issue 1.8 million penalty orders to the unvaccinated in 2022 alone.
When you exclude the under 14s, who are legally excluded from being fined, the Austrian authorities will have to fine a substantial proportion of the country’s population who are not fully vaccinated. The fines start at €600 but will rise to €3,600. The government has said that the fines should not be considered a one off and may continue to be applied to individuals who do not comply.
The nine regional states that make up the Austrian Federal Republic are also recruiting ahead of the vaccine mandate roll-out. For instance, the Salzburger Nachrichten, a regional newspaper, reports that its regional government wants to ‘recruit retired police officers for Covid controls’. The criteria: applicants should not be older than 70 and should have been previously active in the field. In an aging country, it seems as though politicians have found a clever way to pay their voting base to harass the young.
Perhaps to make the whole thing less distasteful, the administration is promising that at the moment ‘physical coercion is not envisaged’, and that the fines will not ‘be converted into a custodial sentence’, having said the opposite just a few weeks ago.
But in a surprising escalation, the Socialist Party of Austria (SPO), one of the country’s two major parties, is calling for the unvaccinated to lose their jobs as well as their entitlement to unemployment benefits and social assistance in Vienna. In short, there are plenty of calls for the government to revisit the idea of imprisoning those unable or unwilling to pay.
As each day takes Austria closer to the February 1 vaccination mandate deadline, murmurs of hope tinged with despair gallop through the lines of irredentists. An expert here says that Omicron might make the mandate unnecessary; a report there tells of technical difficulties that might delay the stay of execution. In no time, though, politicians rise up to crush these hopes. Nothing will come in the way of the mandate.
As Austria becomes the first modern nation to mandate the jab, Austrians gather to protest this weekend. pic.twitter.com/gUjKgbHNah
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) January 20, 2022
The exceptionally large demonstrations now regularly meandering through the ancient city streets of Austria’s state capitals will not stop the mandate. Nor the staggering and growing number (currently over 108,000) of individual messages written by concerned citizens to their parliamentarians; nor the admission from the Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler that the introduction ‘of general compulsory vaccination naturally encroaches on fundamental rights.’
Already in Austria an individual must show his ‘papers’ to anyone who demands them either in shops, theatres, restaurants, bars, and much more regardless of his vaccination status. Every interaction with a third party is now official.
The state is imposing itself on both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated whilst the freedoms of both are trampled underfoot. Compliance is now the only game in town.
Source: The Spectator, hat tip to Fourth World
Is Austria the favorite country of the onion-headed monster, Klaus Schwab, or what?
And the birthplace of that other well known NAZI, Adolph Hitler!
I think that Wolfgang Schüssel has sold Austria to the elite psychopaths. He is the one in the back who was building up Kurz & his boys and girls (Blümel, Edtstadtler….)
and he brought the austrian corruption to a new dimension. He has build up a network in justice where they destroy everything in the beginning, so that no one of this whole Schüssel-network will be brought to court.
The most powerful drug in the world is power. The second is money and the third is wanting to be on the winning side.
Austria seems to be the center of the power structure and it fans out from there. You have those that understand there is wealth to be gotten and you have those that just like to abuse others. Apparently the world is ripe for despotism.
Protest marches won’t do much as it doesn’t directly threaten the cowards in charge although in some cases they do work enough for the powers to back off and consolidate. They’ll return with a vengeance. Their protection comes from the willing police and military and other citizens hoping to enter the power structure.
The price of freedom is always in blood,,, not money. The reason the fight occurs is because most people just want to be left alone but this allows the psychopaths time to get their act together. They will finally fight once backed into a corner and there is no other choice but….
The ongoing pharmacide will reduce the possibility of revolt with so many dying and becoming diseased. Many will beg governments for help and we can already see it will be the hospitals and clinics that will become the new gassing stations and ovens. Once your inside a hospital on drugs and a ventilator you will easily be disposed of. This of course will all be blamed on a virus. It is evil genius.
The clock is ticking…
It is more a matter of who they have where. In their plan, one country leads, the other ones will eventually follow. Italy was that country at one point, but the (unreported) rebellion of the police put the damper to that. Why Italy? Draghi is 100% a globalist pawn, has been for over 30 years. and the (new) Austrian PM is one such guy too, as are the NZ, CA and AUS PMs.
Yupp !! I can hear those cops saying ? “Ihre Aussweiss Schweinhund ?? Und Macht Schnell ?”
in comparison to other countries (eg. Germany) the austrian police is not that bad. There are some troops which are escalating (like Lentos) but a lot of Police women and men don’t want to play the fighting dogs for the government.
They also don’t want to control the “Vaccination”.
“In a democracy the people tend to receive the government that they deserve.”
Birthplace of Hitler and many other nazis
but it is also the birthplace of Mozart, Strauss, Haydn, Bruckner, ….
of Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka, …
of Robert Musil, Karl Kraus, Franz Kafka, Rilke, Stefan Zweig,….
of Bertha von Suttner, Marie von Eber-Eschenbach, Ingeborg Bachmann, Elfriede Jelinek….
of Erwin Schrödinger, Kurt Gödel, Viktor Frankl, Konrad Lorenz, Karl Popper, Ferdinand Porsche, Viktor Kaplan & Joseph Ressel, Ludwig Boltzmann, Karl Landsteiner, Ignaz Semmelweis,……
of Karl Farkas & Helmut Qualtinger,…
of Joe Zawinul, Falco, Kruder & Dorfmeister, Parov Stelar, ….
and of course of Hermann Meier & Marcel Hirscher ;))
The elite psychopaths want to destroy the Austrain Genius the same way as they alreadey destroyed the German Genius.
unfortunately it is also the birthplace of August Hayek with his Theory of “National Economy” which his pupil Friedman and those Chicago Boys were bringing into the world with a schock strategy (catastrophic capitalism) and since then destabilizing the world.
we don’t need to talk about Nazis in Austria (anyway don’t do that in A because you are right now risking a fine because of “Wiederbetätigung” ) ,
better talk about AUSTRO-FASCHISCM
the austrian goverment is acting right now like Dollfuss in 1934.
This Freedom Shithole proofs unambigously that these injections are neither protective nor safe. They have to rely in repression and force to treat the sceptics. It might turn out as phyrric victory for the Elites.
The sort of insane coercion and draconian policy we are seeing in these countries is merely precursory to a regime collapse…
of course ‘they’ want conflict and no doubt there is an element of ‘revenge’.. but the nonsense of the so called ‘covid’ narrative is already crumbling… certain elements want a strategic withdrawal, others to march ahead with the decades old plan…
we will see…
Tiny “democratic” Catlick sewer Austria…still clogged with the fecalia of its Hapsburg mindset. Never forget this Rothschild shit hole gave the world the two most evil Europeons of the 20th century one Onkel Adolf, the khazar banker owned thug and the other mutt mix Richard Coudenhove Kalergi aka the jap count…. that gave us the EUSSR.