We All Owe Putin a Huge Apology
The hazmat suit was totally warranted

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Most scholars agree that March 24, 2020—the day when Vladimir Putin wore a biohazard Teletubby costume as he pranced around Moscow’s premier COVID ward at Kommunarka hospital—is one of the most embarrassing days in Russian history.
It was truly a day of infamy. Like billions of other people around the world, your humble Moscow correspondent began to wonder to himself: is Putin a massive tool?
Some even went so far as to suggest that the Russian president was guilty of attempting to spread panic and terror among the masses—just days before lockdowns and other life-saving measures arrived in the country.

What these people don’t understand—what we didn’t understand until just now—is that your chances of getting out of Kommunarka alive are only slightly better than escaping from the Kursk.
Denis Protsenko—Kommunarka’s portly chief physician who was weirdly transformed overnight into a “celebrity doctor”—confessed in autumn of 2020 that his fabled COVID ward was a cesspool of hospital-spread viral “superinfections” causing daily sepsis massacres:
Most coronavirus patients die from antibiotic-resistant sepsis.
“A feature of patients with COVID-19 is the rapid formation of extremely dangerous superinfective bacteria in their body,” admits Protsenko. “It would seem that we just opened in March, we have new walls, and there should be no nosocomial strains. However, in three months they appeared in all intensive care units—and Staphylococcus aureus, and pneumonia, and others. The reason is the transfer from other hospitals of patients who brought microbes to us. Moreover, these are problematic strains with multiple resistance, which limits the possibilities of treatment. And we are detecting them more and more often.”
And more sepsis dungeon tales:
“The first patient was admitted to us on March 2, and since then we have treated 8,000 people,” says Protsenko. “We have carefully analyzed the causes of mortality… 73% of deaths were recorded in later periods of hospitalization, and the majority were caused by superinfection, which led to sepsis.”
In other words: a majority of “coronavirus” deaths at Russia’s most prestigious COVID ward are caused by hospital-transmitted superbugs that trigger organ failure. Coronavirus is a real killer.
Now it all makes sense. Putin wore an anti-anthrax suit because he didn’t want to get sepsis-assassinated while walking around Protsenko’s nosocomial slaughterhouse.
It’s time for everyone to apologize to Vladimir Putin! That hazmat suit almost certainly saved his life.
By the way: Dr. Protsenko is now rotting in prison for massive medical malpractice, correct?
Protsenko became a darling of Russian media; in June he gave a prophetic interview to RT calling for compulsory vaccination—just a few hours before compulsory vaccination was announced in Moscow. This guy is very good.
Less than a week later, he agreed to run for parliament on the United Russia ticket after receiving a personal telephone call from Putin.
Imagine almost murdering the Russian president with bags of sepsis, and then one day, months later, your phone rings and you see on your caller ID that it is VLADIMIR PUTIN and you’re thinking to yourself Oh God Oh God as you slowly raise the phone to your ear, your whole body literally shaking as you cry tears of deep regret.
This is how it is, these days, in Russia.
Source: Edward Slavsquat
““It would seem that we just opened in March, we have new walls, and there should be no nosocomial strains. However, in three months they appeared in all intensive care units—and Staphylococcus aureus, and pneumonia, and others. The reason is the transfer from other hospitals of patients who brought microbes to us. Moreover, these are problematic strains with multiple resistance, which limits the possibilities of treatment. And we are detecting them more and more often.”
Yo Slavsquat is it not possible Russia was attacked with different microbes besides Covid, and / or more deadly strains of Covid-19?
We all know Plakovnik Putin is paranoid about Covid-19, maybe he has good reason?
anything is possible.
But why would this more “deadly” version of Covid only be in hospitals? What’s happening is widespread nosocomial transmission of nasty stuff among “covid” patients (people who have a positive PCR test who in most cases are in the hospital for something else). We see the same thing happening all around the world.
I’m not dismissing the bioweapon stuff as impossible. but where is the evidence? to me this looks like data manipulation with a sprinkle of medical malpractice.
I’ve never been in a Russian hospital, however been in quiet a few Western hospitals, and the lack of concern for cleanliness and hyigene standards blows me away every time I see it. If you wish to get an infection, easy, visit one of our hospitals with an open wound.
Having lived under socialized medicine, seeing blood on door handles at the first hospital, Just trying to get my new wife proper care.
3 different hospitals, 17 ultrasounds later….a surgery ( finally) conducted in bulk ( almost 30 ladies operated at one time by a team of doctors…watching as one heavy woman ( likely given too much Anesthesia) not wake up…
IN short yes anything is possible, PROOF is not generally available to people not on the ground ( and with access to a lab), and when someone finds anything, the truth is often covered up…
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Putin is showing himself to be worse than a tool.
He is showing incredible stupidity.
Perhaps his facilities are fading.
But hey, Russia has him as a life long president
Putin knows about every anti Slavic BioWeapons Lab in all the neighboring countries, but doesn’t consider this a super dooper Red Line ? What is the Russian military waiting for – a Sputnik booster jab? lol Crimea has gone to only 700 cases a day, down from 800 last week – must have turned the centrifuge down a notch.
Russia has been complaining about those labs for years…so even if Putin is Paranoid, he may have a reason to be so.
No “apologies to Putin”. This Fuck Globalist Actor is a traitor of the Russian People.
The apology will come in the form of a Nuke tapping on his Bunker Door. Amen.