Ukraine Getting US Abrams Tanks Seems a Foregone Conclusion

The implications of Poland hurriedly building infra to support M1s go beyond Poland

The US has over 3500 Abrams tanks in storage. Mainly the 1980s M1 type with the smaller 105 mm gun


  1. Yuno says

    Now that this post has finally gotten over to the ‘cheap seats’…. it’s time to expand upon the significance of the “VICTOR BOUT” CATCH N RELEASE timing thang!

    Nowhere in the dimwitted discussion bout Britney’s n Bouts will you read about the amazing career of Mr Bout… who has done more ‘shuffling’ through the deck of intelligence agencies than even the amazing Osama Bin “Tim” Osman the CIA GUY… before his bosses handed him the Afghan Cave Man script.

    Bout has one-upped that performance with his starring role in BOTH Soviet and Merikanski intelligence apparats… then soloing in between with the kind of mad abandon not seen since the ORIGINAL arms/dealer/extraordinaire Basil Zaharoff “burst” onto the scene with a machine gun dealership and a genius for larceny.

    To cut to the chase here… all of the ‘problems’ which our distinguished author has proposed are existent for the USSA & it’s Ukie sidekicks are “solved” by the return of Bout to the field where he excels. The Biden ‘exchange’ simply conceals the fact that Bout will be digging up old stock of Soviet era armaments hidden in the old divisional HQ’s in Tajikistan after the Reds pulled back from Panjshir, plus innumerable other totally useful goodies of the same era from a variety of central asian satellite states,

    making a new generation of Rus-passport owning, turkish-speaking hoodaic guys rich in the style of past giants of graft like ‘our boy’ Felix Sater & other Trumptian sidekicks you know and love!

    There’s zero degree of separation between the gangstas running the USSa and those controlling the neo-USSr. The guys at the top are one seamless band of AliBabas who get to laughing uncontrollably -after a few toasts – about the witless tards they’ve successfully trained to take sides in the police-action/non-war farce they dreamed up to disguise their final phase of looting and rapine!

    Now back… to Daze of our Lives!

    1. Dianthus says

      “There’s zero degree of separation between the gangstas running the USSa and those controlling the neo-USSr. The guys at the top are one seamless band of AliBabas who get to laughing uncontrollably -after a few toasts – about the witless tards they’ve successfully trained to take sides in the police-action/non-war farce they dreamed up to disguise their final phase of looting and rapine!”

      Indeed! And this lays it out perfectly:

      The Committee of 300

      A real 💎 if you ask me and we get so see how this world is really being run… most have no clue and the facts, happenings, persons, institutions, is all genuine so far I have researched it.

      And simply put away as a conspiracy theory… but in which the agenda 2030 and following is clearly described from A to Z…

      Top 💎to know in this time or stay a sleep people, stay walking behind their asses all the time and tell their story on the surface of the side you are on. Like I see it there in ONLY 1 side and that is the side of the people and that is NOT trump, Bide, Putin, Xi, Russia, Ukraine, politics, war…

      Best thing people had to do on both sides was just lifting their middle finger up and walk away. Let that little group fight their own. We are the power and when we would say NO, that there is NO war but we let is all come over heads and it is all our own fault! That is the reality of it all and not facts of this war, covid, etc. That are effects, not the cause. Just saying…

      1. Yuno says

        I agree that ‘lifting a finger & walking away’ would be enough to bring the whole Lego set down… if ONLY the pervasive and ever-deeper MIND CONTROL which inveigles everyone left in the wester world to comply with the agenda of auto-destruction via witless partisan pissing matches…

        were not in effect. But; it is… and sadly the equivalent degree of malicious mind control clearly infects the noggins of those whose addresses have Cyrillic stylings. Yes, the conspiracy is longstanding… and now more or less out in the open. But what can be done when pretty much everyone is trained to obey the MIND PARASITES?

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