Trump Is Salty That Ethiopia Didn’t Commit National Suicide for the Sake of His Campaign

Poor baby

The Trump administration took it upon itself to mediate in a Egyptian-Sudanese-Ethiopian dispute over Nile river water rights (what is the MAGA stake in this?), then proceeded to try and browbeat the Ethiopians into an agreement favorable to Egypt (second largest recipient of US military aid in the world).

Ethiopians thus withdrew from the talks and declined to show up for what in Trump’s mind was supposed to be the final round of talks in Washington where an agreement would be signed that would hand Trump another one of his pretend campaign-season “foreign-policy successes” (in the lieu in the absence of real ones like a deal with North Korea and a withdrawal from Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria).

Thus salty Trump speculates from the White House that Egypt will now be forced to “blow up” an under-construction Ethiopian dam which sparked the current dispute.

It is doubtful Egypt will do anything like that just to alleviate Trump’s hurt that Ethiopians did not hand him an easy propaganda victory for the election that he sought.

Ethiopia vowed Saturday not to “cave in to aggressions of any kind” after US President Donald Trump lashed out over the country’s Nile River mega-dam and suggested Egypt might destroy it.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office defended the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, set to become Africa’s largest hydropower plant, and said Ethiopia was working to resolve longstanding issues over the project with downstream neighbours Sudan and Egypt.

“Nonetheless, occasional statements of belligerent threats to have Ethiopia succumb to unfair terms still abound. These threats and affronts to Ethiopian sovereignty are misguided, unproductive, and clear violations of international law,” his office said in a statement.

“Ethiopia will not cave-in to aggressions of any kind,” the statement added.

A separate version of the statement issued in Amharic featured more muscular language.

“There are two facts that the world has certified. The first is that there has been no one who has lived in peace after provoking Ethiopia. The second is if Ethiopians stand united for one purpose, it’s inevitable, they will triumph,” it said.

Abiy’s office did not explicitly mention Trump, but its statement came the morning after the US president weighed in on the dam dispute in support of Egypt.

“It’s a very dangerous situation because Egypt is not going to be able to live that way,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office Friday during a ceremony marking a breakthrough normalisation deal between Israel and Sudan.

“They’ll end up blowing up the dam. And I said it and I say it loud and clear – they’ll blow up that dam. And they have to do something,” Trump said.

Egypt depends on the Nile for about 97 percent of its irrigation and drinking water and sees the dam as an existential threat.

Ethiopia, meanwhile, sees the dam as essential for its electrification and development.

Washington’s attempt to broker a deal to resolve the dam issue ended in failure earlier this year after Ethiopia accused the Trump administration of favouring Egypt. 

Negotiations between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan are now being overseen by the African Union.

The US announced last month it was suspending a portion of its financial aid for Ethiopia, citing lack of progress on talks and Ethiopia’s “unilateral decision” to start filling the dam’s reservoir.

  1. disqus_3BrONUAJno says

    It would more useful if Trump did something to prevent the Parker Dam from disintegrating to the point where it would cause flooding in the Colorado River valley below.

  2. Raptar Driver says

    Ethiopia, you’re fired!

  3. XRGRSF says

    It’s unfortunate to see this situation developing, but Egypt has a duty to the survival of it’s people that supersedes Ethiopia’s right to produce hydroelectricity. Perhaps they’ll work something out, but after Ethiopia lost round one to Eritrea I don’t think they’ll win round two against Egypt.

  4. nick1111 says

    Bloody idiot in the WH

  5. cechas vodobenikov says

    sometimes trump is reasonable

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