The War Nerd: Iran’s Qassam Soleimani Was a Great General, One of the Very Few Our Era Will See
Killed "after he's won his great victory, after his strategies are in place, just in time to make him a mobilizing figure"

Iran’s Qassem Soleimani killed in US air raid at Baghdad airport
Astonishing stupidity. No matter how hard you try to think like an Atlantic-Council zombie, it’s impossible to see any scenario where this works well for the US.
You kill the man after he’s won his great victory, after his strategies are in place, part of the institution, just in time to make him a mobilizing figure and gild his image forever–and while he’s a guest of what little is left of what was supposed to be your puppet government.
It’s an uncanny feeling, seeing your own country lose its mind.
This man was a great general, in an era with few top-level commanders worth remembering. He was brilliant from the beginning, and perhaps the best in the world at what’s emerging as the key military skill of the era: managing local allies who would usually prefer to attack each other rather than the common enemy.
He will be remembered when the fatuous lobbyists-in-uniform who ordered his killing are a dim and unwholesome memory. I’m sorry if this isn’t ‘balanced,’ but it gets tiresome balancing between those who do brilliantly with next to nothing and those who piss away vast strength in campaigns they know themselves to be not just evil but completely futile–except as money-making enterprises. Honor to the fallen victor of Iraq.
And now, with a sigh, the required limiting clause: I have no love for the IRI, which seems to reserve a special hatred for elite female intellectuals in a culture that has produced more than its share of them. But a great general is a great general, and this man was one of the few our era will see.
Source: Facebook
[…] The War Nerd: Iran’s Qassam Soleimani Was a Great General, One of the Very Few Our Era Will See Gary Brecher, Anti-Empire […]
[…] The War Nerd: Iran’s Qassam Soleimani Was a Great General, One of the Very Few Our Era Will Se…Gary Brecher, Anti-Empire […]
Agree with others on the conclusion of your otherwise brave piece. If you want to wrap with a nod to problems, go after the IRI’s treatment of labor. Search on “Iran” at the LabourStart site and you’ll find plenty to criticize. Their oppressive labor relations make the US’ seem social democratic.
what a stupid comment at the end. There are more great women in Iran than in America.
“a special hatred for elite female intellectuals in a culture that has produced more than its share of them”
Why write this nonsense? Why repeat the drivel of the lying MSM? If you ever visit Iran, you will quickly work out that women are highly-respected there. Men are not allowed in women’s toilets like in the USA. 🙂
I’ve read elsewhere, people trying to somehow justify this murder by crediting Trump with the skills of a great chess player…..this was his master stroke in extracting the US from Iraqi soil, balderdash, Trump is a mass murdering, brainless war criminal. He has managed to galvanise, what was a loathing for America, into a determined mass movement to finally rid the ME from the satanic scourge of both America and Israel. Both countries, being amoral and soulless, are incapable of understanding empathy or sympathy and the overwhelming emotion Soleimani’s murder has caused. I read some time ago about Kissinger ( himself a Jew ) factually stating that if Israel didn’t mend its ways, didn’t stop treating Palestinians as sub human animals, didn’t start cultivating friendships with their Arab neighbours, then they wouldn’t survive past 2022……It looks as if his prophesy may be coming true !
this has been the saddest moment…. the killing of the hero Suleimani was the biggest mistake the empire could make. .. his death is unifying the whole region against the tyrannical occupier Divided States of Zionist America …… the Jihad is finally coming to America
Absolutely right! The US has been asking for this for a very long time…now warring will go local…we’ll see how it goes with violence and mayhem in their own country..on their own soil!!
Now, what country is it that is the biggest and worst terrorist in the world???
If this doesn’t tell you, nothing will! The US is the INVADER of the Middle East in order
to STEAL their oil! Get it now?!?!? Only ignoramouses like trump see peace in what the US is doing!
the United States of Hypocrisy, the United States of Terrorism, the Divided States of the Judeo-Evangelical Christian Zionist America…whatever you name it… it’s a diabolical hive of juice satanists that needs to be thoroughly eradicated…. once and for all exterminated from all corners of the world . .. erased for ever from the face of earth.. …..only then can be peace among people and nations