The EU Is Waging a Culture War Against Europe
The pope is right – the EU is trying to 'ideologically colonise' Europe
It is becoming increasingly clear that the European Union is struggling to impose its woke ideology on its member states.
For example, at the end of October, the Council of Europe launched a campaign to promote respect for Muslim women who choose to wear headscarves. Posters featured a woman wearing a headscarf alongside the caption, ‘Beauty is in diversity as freedom is in hijab’.
French politicians were quick to take issue – which is hardly a surprise given France banned the wearing of the full-face Islamic veil in public places in 2011. A week after the campaign was launched, French youth minister Sarah El Haïry complained that the pro-veil campaign was contrary to France’s secular values. Many conservative commentators also saw the poster as an attempt to devalue traditional European and Christian values.
Such was the outcry that the campaign was quickly pulled. Not that the Council of Europe thought the campaign was wrong. As the council saw it, it was just badly timed. It vowed to ‘reflect on a better presentation of this project’.
Even more striking was the European Commission’s 30-page guide for staff on ‘inclusive communication’, which was released around the same time as the hijab campaign.
This guide effectively urged EU staff to disassociate Europe from its Christian tradition. ‘Not everyone celebrates the Christian holidays’, it read, ‘and not all Christians celebrate them on the same dates’. It therefore advised EU employees to replace references to ‘Christmas time’ with ‘holiday time’, and to avoid the phrase ‘Christian name’ in favour of ‘first name’ or ‘forename’. There were many other de-Christianising recommendations where those came from.
Christmas and Christianity were not the only targets of this brazen attempt to re-engineer language and values. EU staff were also exhorted to avoid gender-specific pronouns and gendered words, and phrases such as ‘chairman’, ‘ladies and gentleman’ or ‘man-made’. The guide also went out of its way to promote a woke gender etiquette, suggesting officials ask people what their pronouns are, and to be careful using terms such as ‘gay’, ‘lesbian’ and ‘trans’ as nouns.
The arrogant and imperious tone of the EU’s communication guide provoked a reaction even from those who usually acquiesce to Brussels’ diktats on diversity. This included Pope Francis, who was so outraged that he compared the EU to a ‘dictatorship’ for its attempt to ban the word ‘Christmas’ and warned Brussels not to go down the path of ‘ideological colonisation’.
This latest attempt at ideological colonisation was too much even for some of the EU’s most enthusiastic supporters. Last week one EU official, who wished to remain anonymous, laid into Helena Dalli, the equality commissioner in charge of the guidelines. ‘Commissioner Dalli compensates for her total lack of weight in the College [of Commissioners] by pulling out of her hat “inclusive guidelines” which deconstruct the most elementary rules’.
Just as the Council of Europe had to withdraw its headscarf campaign, the Commission was forced to backtrack. Calling the guidelines a ‘work in progress’, Dalli tweeted last week that the Commission, having listened to concerns raised, was now working on an ‘updated version of the guidelines’.
In both instances, however, the EU and the Council of Europe see no problem with the content or message of the projects in question, be it encouraging the use of inclusive language or endorsing headscarf-wearing. They only see a problem with presentation and timing. In other words, both the guidelines and the pro-hijab campaign will likely be back, just in different guises.
Indeed, the EU’s inclusive-language guide is integral to Commission president Ursula von der Leyen’s plans to implement a ‘Union of Equality’. This union is designed to ensure that ‘everyone is valued and recognised in all our material regardless of their gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation’.
The Commission’s objective is to institutionalise identity politics throughout the European Union. The first step of this project is to change the language that people use. The second step is to decouple society from its cultural and historical legacy. That is why officials are being encouraged to stop using ‘Christian’ names and adopt the usage of gender-neutral pronouns.
In effect the EU is waging a culture war against the people of Europe. In doing so, it is copying woke activists in the US, who have been able to pursue their social re-engineering projects in and through institutions of higher education and culture.
Thankfully, matters are more complicated in Europe. Despite the EU’s best efforts, the continent is still a Europe of nations. Most European nations still possess a strong sense of their own national and cultural traditions. Given this, the tactics and strategy that worked within Anglo-American cultural institutions are unlikely to succeed.
Nevertheless, the EU will come back time and again with new arguments for changing language and behaviour. This, as the Commission says, is a ‘work in progress’. We must ensure that the EU’s attempts at ideological colonisation are more than matched by a commitment to uphold the legacy of European civilisation.
Source: Spiked
Uschi Van Der Lyin…hair stylist in chief and Politburo “leader” of the evil EUSSR, in Natostan capital and sinkhole BrUSsel$ is doing a tremendous job. That she pulled a Hillbilly Klingon with her “wiped emails” and Pfizer kickback texts is normal and to be expected of the great leadere$$. Just look into her background and the USSAN roots of her slave owning Southern bigot scum from which she was spawned and everything becomes plain as the nose….behind her mask. (Even Jimbo Wales’ Wikipedo has the slave tale).
Because of third rate, midget morons like Uschi, the EUSSR is dooooooooomed. So keep up the good work deary and give me a blue dye rinse, hot blow frizzle and while you trim me corns and get the ingrown toe nails keep your face rag tight and don’t be spreading that covaid$ contagion in me face.
Oh and don’t forget, Albert Bourla (PfiZer drug cartel honcho) says “PfiZer macht frei und macht Uschi reich.”
Chosenite Bourla “explains” how Pfizer is only “correcting mistakes in your DNA.” This is the face of mini Satan along with Ugur Sahin the “German” behind the poison BioNTech death squirt funded by German tax paying sheeple still lining up for their covaid$ death squirt.
Pfizer macht frei….forever
Sames as it ever waZ
They did hang women as well in Nuremberg trials after WWII ..
So being a woman will not avoid her the noose around her neck? Precedent was done 75 years ago ?
I know the “haters gonna hate”, but if Western Europe just had one head of state with this level of principle…
Medical Freedom Champion Jair Bolsonaro Wins TIME’s 2021 Person of the Year Readers’ Poll
Uschi Van Der Lyin…hair stylist in chief and Politburo “leader” of the evil EUSSR, in Natostan capital and sinkhole BrUSsel$ is doing a tremendous job. That she pulled a Hillbilly Klingon with her “wiped emails” and Pfizer kickback texts is normal and to be expected of the great leadere$$. Just look into her background and the USSAN roots of her slave owning Southern bigot scum from which she was spawned and everything becomes plain as the nose….behind her mask. (Even Jimbo Wales’ Wikipedo has the slave tale).
Corrupt and dangerous.
Just fancy that…however, “No conflict of inter€$t whatsoever…” honesly…!
Husband, Heiko married Ursula née Albrecht in 1986 and they have seven children. Since December 2020, he is Medical Director of the US biotech company Orgenesis which is specialized in cell and gene therapies. Orgenesis Inc. is a pioneering global biotech company committed to accelerating commercialization and transforming the delivery of cell and gene therapies (CGTs) while lowering costs. Orgenesis has a cell-based vaccine platform targeting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, as well as other viral diseases such as Zika, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, MERS, HCV and Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV).
A Drug Cartel always needs more junkies!
Because of third rate, midget morons like Uschi, the EUSSR is dooooooooomed. So keep up the good work deary and give me a blue dye rinse, hot blow frizzle and while you trim me corns and get the ingrown toe nails keep your face rag tight and don’t be spreading that covaid$ contagion in me face.
Oh and don’t forget, Albert Bourla (PfiZer drug cartel honcho) says “PfiZer macht frei und macht Uschi reich.”
Chosenite Bourla “explains” how Pfizer is only “correcting mistakes in your DNA.” This is the face of mini Satan along with Ugur Sahin the “German” behind the poison BioNTech death squirt funded by German tax paying sheeple still lining up for their covaid$ death squirt.
Pfizer macht frei….forever
Sames as it ever waZ
It’s a big club and they are ALL in it.
New Nazis
These are Soviets in service of the Global Jewish Nation.
The communist assault is and has always been a Jewish race war against Whites.
I wonder when the EU will begin taking down statutes of regional heroes like is being done in the U$. A magnificent stature of Robert E. Lee was just removed, and cut up in Virginia. The scrap was then donated to a Black art (?) school to be cast into culturally sensitive objects. PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO PAST HAVE NO FUTURE !!
Just another brick on the wall to take all rights away from people