Thank You!

And some changes

Thanks a bunch to the 9 readers who donated this time around! Also thanks to the nearly 400 of you who donated to AE at any point in the last 3.5 years!

I’m going to have to change some things around here, but I’m going to make sure all of you who donated will get your money’s worth, and more.

The reason for the changes is that a second fundraiser in a row has now fallen short of the target.

I am very glad that an incredible twelve fundraisers that came before that were successful. It was a great ride and a great privilege to have served you!

Now let’s see if I can shake things up in a way to make AE in some form sustainable again, or else I’ll have to call it quits and get a real-life job. (Which is also fine.)


— Marko Marjanović, owner/publisher/editor/author/webmaster of Anti-Empire


Target wasn’t met, but $250 was raised which will do something and it does help. Thank you loyal readers!

  1. Blackledge says

    I will try and pony up some extra pesos within a month or two. I am sad the site goal wasn’t reached, and would be very unhappy if the site went away, as I have learned a great deal here and the posters are without peer. I think perhaps the site might be hard to find in a search, but I don’t know. I found it purely by accident six months ago – just got lucky.

  2. Dianthus says

    He is one of the few that is correct and we can all see that you are the one that has no clue at all bc with those bunch of clowns.. good luck bro

    The REAL facts on the ground: :
    Ukraine Russia Report is a good subreddit to follow just because they have pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian posters and content alike. It’s good to be exposed to both to keep yourself honest. And the participants are far smarter than the posters on the Ukrainian Conflict subreddit which is far bigger, but a giant circle-jerk and just deranged. (The pro-Ukrainian version of our 5D imbeciles.)

    Moving on to Telegram. The pickings in English are scarce, the biggest channels remain cringe. I would recommend Zoka, who was perhaps the first of the pro-Russian battlefield updates people to get red-pilled. Starting out actively dismissive of Strelkov he later admitted that Strelkov Was Right.

    The other one is Ghost who somehow manages to be both low-brow and a huge snowflake at the same time, but after Liman and Kherson he has become a lot more red-pilled himself now, so that’s something.

    Another very good channel is Donrf. Another very realistic guy, and with tons of on-the-ground knowledge from DNR. He also posts everything to his LiveJournal blog where he started.

    The Russian Telegram channels are numerous, with different focuses, and the big ones are also extremely active so that it’s impossible to fully follow more than a few. Sladkov and WarGonzo are the two best battlefield correspondents, there’s the Greyzone and Reverse Side of the Medal if you want to know what low-level Wagnerites are thinking, there’s the POW/gore channel Chub Detection, there’s the black piller El Murid… there are all kinds and it’s impossible to monitor them all.

    Of the general war channels, Rybar is the most interesting because there now exists a project on Twitter to translate parts of it:

    I was critical of Rybar in the past, mercilessly (and deservedly) so, but over time it has gotten considerably better and more red-pilled. It started out very uncritically but after one disillusionment after another, it is now a soft-Strelkovite channel.

    Actually, this gradual shift from cheerleading to becoming sharply critical of how the kremlins are running the war effort has marked the entire Russian military blogosphere (including the Telegram microblogs). The only exceptions are the very few who were realists from the very start. (Only in the English language can you still find Kremlin apologists.)

    More @

    Would read some of it to see the other side because this is not made up!

  3. bosko says

    Stranica ti propada jer se zove anti-imperij, a ustvari si podržavač ruskog imperija.

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