QR-Occupied RussiaRussian Faucism Putin Hesitates on the Road to Political Suicide Crisis of faith? Overwhelming unpopularity of digital permits causes a second delay Edward Slavsquat 14 Jan 22 1754 22
QR-Occupied RussiaRussian Faucism Russian Lady Hospitalized With COVID Wins Vax Lottery Awkward Edward Slavsquat 7 Dec 21 811 5
Russian Faucism Putin Says He Opposes, Backs, and Opposes Compulsory Vaccination Putin gives the Russian people a compliment sandwich Marko Marjanović 31 Oct 21 990 12
Russian Faucism The Father of Russia’s COVID Vaccine Accuses 80% Russia’s Hospitalized Vaccinated of Being Secretly Unvaccinated Get the vaccine, end up in hospital anyway, get accused of a felony TASS 28 Oct 21 1094 16
Russian Faucism Health Minister Tells Russians to Get Vaccinated to Avoid Doctors Destroying Their Liver With Drugs When they land in hospital with Covid Rossiyskaya Gazeta 20 Oct 21 813 7
Russian Faucism Moscow Orders Malls to Connect Cameras to City CCTV so It Can Monitor Their Enforcement of Face Diaper Mandates Malls that allow free-breathing Russians will be shut down, they have one week to comply Nikita Korolev 20 Oct 21 667 0
Russian Faucism RT Is Happy to Report Covid Cult Excesses in the West, but Utterly Silent on Same Developments at Home The Moscow Times is similarly muted albeit for completely different reasons Marko Marjanović 20 Oct 21 1482 17
New Normal Goon SquadsRussian Faucism Russian Cops Brutally Drag Sobbing Granny From a Bus Because She Wasn’t Vaccinated — VIDEO Pigs presume to lecture her and scream at her. Painful to watch. Marko Marjanović 20 Oct 21 1708 18
Russian Faucism Moscow Mayor Restricts 2 Million Unvaccinated Over 60s to Their Towerblock Apartments Until Spring 4 months is the sentence, unvaccination is the crime Marko Marjanović 19 Oct 21 1624 17
Russian Faucism “It Kills” — Putin’s Spokesman Lectures the Majority of the Russian Nation on How “Irresponsible” It Is So "irresponsible" not to get a jab whose uptake has been accompanied with ever higher COVID deaths TASS 19 Oct 21 1140 12
Russian Faucism Russia Is Rapidly Adopting QR Codes. How Does This End? The discussion about Russia’s role in the “Covid” and “post-Covid” world needs to be recalibrated to ensure that it is guided by evidence, not ideology Riley Waggaman 16 Oct 21 1951 31
Russian Faucism Globalist Cabal Surrenders to Putin After 30% of Russian Regions Adopt QR Codes George Soros in full retreat as Russia adopts the vaxx pass en masse Edward Slavsquat 9 Oct 21 2670 13
Russian Faucism Are You Unvaxxed and Over 65 in Russia’s Tatarstan? We Have Great News For You! You are permitted to leave your home for a trip to the vax center. That's also pretty much all you're permitted Kazan AiF 9 Oct 21 1255 15
Russian Faucism Russia Is in Trouble The Kremlin dabbles in Covid Theater as vaxxed-against-their-will Russians head to the polls Edward Slavsquat 15 Sep 21 1053 10
Russian Faucism Moscow’s Farcical Descent Into Compulsory Vaccination: A Triumph of Russian Bookkeeping How Muscovites built immunity against government health statistics Riley Waggaman 7 Sep 21 6011 21
Russian Faucism As Putin-Backed Compulsory Vaccination Continues Putin Says Vaccination Shouldn’t Be Compulsory No contradiction there RT 23 Aug 21 819 5
Russian Faucism Russians Triumph Over Tragic Mayor Who Used Blatant Lies & Extortionary Fines in Ill-Fated Attempt to Conquer Moscow Sergey Sobyanin has finally surrendered after pretending for more than a year that Muscovites were adhering to his never-observed "mandatory" glove rule Riley Waggaman 3 Aug 21 1421 12
Russian FaucismStenka Razin Spirit Popular Resistance Makes Short Work of COVID Passports in Moscow — Mayor Capitulates After Just 3 Weeks Marko Marjanović 18 Jul 21 3012 7
Russian Faucism Moscow Overwhelmed by ‘Shameless Coercion’ Variant: Russia’s Capital Now a Forced-Vax Clown Show A Covid vaccine for every Muscovite, but free choice while supplies last Riley Waggaman 15 Jul 21 2477 22
Russian FaucismThe Covid Rouge Putin Strawmans Anti-Lockdowners and Misses the Mark No collusion at all is required when you're subject to the same set of incentives Marko Marjanović 6 Jul 21 893 25
Russian Faucism Putin Says ‘Remains Opposed to Compulsory Vaccination’, Defends Compulsory Vaccination in Moscow and Other Regions Putin finally speaks up...and clarifies nothing TASS 30 Jun 21 988 15
Russian Faucism Moscow Restaurants Lose 80% of Revenue on First Day of Vaccine Passport Regime "All interviewed state a sharply negative reaction of their visitors"..."there are many guests who do not accept the new rules"..."more democratic projects will lose more guests than high-level establishments" Nikita Shchurenkov 30 Jun 21 1906 9
Russian FaucismThe Covid Rouge Mandatory Vaccination Orders Spread to Yet More Russian Regions But remains to be seen if these have much teeth or not Marko Marjanović 28 Jun 21 970 7
Russian Faucism Dmitry Peskov: Don’t Like Vaccinations? Quit Your Job The Kremlin explains vaccination is "not compulsory", because you can always quit your job, or get out of Moscow Marko Marjanović 24 Jun 21 953 15
Russian Faucism Moscow Decrees Vaccine Passports Cafes and restaurants now only for the 15% who have been injected Marko Marjanović 23 Jun 21 1190 20
Covid HeroesRussian Faucism Fake Vaccine Certificate Will Set You Back as Little as $140 in Russia The Russians — only the most rebellious people in the world. God bless them! Andrei Kaganskih 20 Jun 21 1725 12
Russian Faucism Russian COVID Situation Supposedly so Bad That Mandatory Vaccination Is “Justified” Yet Air Travel Is Being Restored Explain this one Marko Marjanović 19 Jun 21 939 20
Russian Faucism Sobyanin Who Couldn’t Get 15% to Vaccinate in 6 Months, Wants Business Owners to Get 60% to Vaccinate in a Month OR ELSE Or he will ruin them for not doing his job, that he couldn't accomplish, for him Marko Marjanović 19 Jun 21 867 5
Russian Faucism Mandatory Vaccination Orders Spread to More Russian Regions Subject to ruinous fines. The fines for businesses start at $1,400 but then run to $14,000 for subsequent "offenses" Marko Marjanović 19 Jun 21 1571 13
Russian Faucism Moscow Hospitals to Deny Treatment to the Unvaccinated So will they be exempt from taxes that pay for them? The Moscow Times 18 Jun 21 985 19