Big Tech PlagueOpinion Based Nigeria: African Country Teaches Us Lesson in How to Handle Big Tech Tyranny If heads of state can't have speech void of big tech supervision, what hope is there for the rest of us? Nebojša Malić 10 Jun 21 668 2
Opinion COVID Lockdowns Are the Most Selfish Act of the Most Selfish Generation If they are too scared of the world to walk around in it, say our boomer leaders, then no one should be allowed out of the house Libby Emmons 8 Dec 20 1351 13
Opinion It’s Not Covid-19 That Kills but Overwhelmed Health Care Systems With countermeasures you spread the eruption over a longer timeframe so victims get better care and fewer die Bernhard 10 Mar 20 938 3
Opinion Everything Great About America Has Been Brought About by Those Who Resisted Its Foul Government "You'll have to forgive me if I have trouble finding something to love about a rabid ax murderer like Uncle Sam" Nicky Reid 17 Dec 19 609 6
Opinion How Much More Evidence Do You Need That Turkey Doesn’t Belong in NATO? Get the Nukes Out! "It’s time to realize Turkey is not our friend and move on" L Todd Wood 17 Oct 19 557 5
Opinion Netanyahu Wants to Build Friendship With Putin Over the Corpses of Dead Russian Airmen Worked for Erdogan Dmitry Sudakov 13 Sep 19 674 9
Opinion Moscow Blundered by Swapping Prisoners With Ukraine, Kiev May Now Claim Russia Is Party to Its Civil War Russia exchanged Ukrainian sailors nabbed for trying to break through the Kerch Strait for Ukrainians disloyal to Maidan Lyuba Lulko 10 Sep 19 452 11