Invincible Empire USAF Aviators Get so Little Flight Time They Are Only Able to Retain the Most Basic Skills The Pentagon is now so proficient at shoveling billions to Lockheed there isn't enough money left over to keep the pilots sharp Marko Marjanović 18 Mar 20 1571 18
Invincible Empire Laser Weapons Are Worthless, Another Costly Scam of the US Navy Brass Have an effective range of just one mile, worthless in rain or fog, and must maintain a precise spot on a moving target from a bouncing ship for several seconds Carlton Meyer 23 Jan 20 1611 1
Invincible Empire US Navy’s New Anti-Russian 2nd Fleet Is a Phanton Fleet Without Ships It's just a HQ begging the 6th Fleet to lend it actual warships from time to time Paul McLeary 10 Jan 20 1905 4
Invincible Empire Pentagon Admits 355-Ship Navy Is a Pipe Dream, Will Never Happen The new plan is to cheat by including drone ships in the count Paul McLeary 31 Dec 19 751 4
Invincible Empire Imperial Navy Proposes Retiring the First 4 Littoral Combat Ships After Just 7 to 13 Years in Service That's how "useful" the $400 million boats are David B. Larter 29 Dec 19 1471 9
Invincible Empire US Military Is Preparing for the War It Wishes to Fight — Not for the War Russia Is Actually Going to Deliver "We’re preparing to fight a war of neat columns of data, sophisticated user interfaces, systems of systems, and... spreadsheets" Navy Matters 11 Dec 19 2106 11
Invincible Empire After Over a Decade Carrier Groups Are Again Traversing the Taiwan Strait — Only Now They’re Chinese The Taiwain Strait is now a Chinese river Military Watch 18 Nov 19 1138 2
Invincible Empire How the US Navy’s First Battle vs China May Look Like Not pretty Navy Matters 15 Nov 19 3414 6
Invincible Empire Russia’s 110-Ton Tu-160 Bomber Outran Japan’s F-35s The F-35 has a maximum speed of just 1.4 Mach and can't use it's afterburners for more than a minute or it starts to melt 9 Nov 19 2826 13
Invincible Empire Empire’s Minesweeping Fleet Is Miniscule, Broken Down, Untrained and Just Plain Incapable of Clearing Mines If war with Iran turns hot the crews suspect they won't even be called up because the Navy already knows they can't do the job Robert Faturechi, 8 Nov 19 733 3
Invincible Empire US Forces Are Untrained, Unready for Russian, Chinese Jamming Because Their Training Is Worthless Garbage When EW specialists shut down US exercises with ease they're simply told to knock it off Sydney Freedberg Jr. 2 Nov 19 2420 21
Invincible Empire The Rotten, Whiny US Navy Leadership Lives in an Alternate Reality Where spending $13bn of taxpayer's money so far on what remains a "nuclear-powered berthing barge" is everyone else's fault but their own ComNavOps 28 Oct 19 1140 4
Invincible Empire The US Navy Is Terrified of Subjecting Its New $13bn Carrier to a Shock Trial It Knows It Won’t Pass The ship's delicate sub-systems can't absorb a mandatory shock trial without major damage Craig Hooper 24 Oct 19 1389 6
Invincible Empire The Moment a Shooting War Starts China Will Plant the Seas With 1000s of Inexpensive Mines the US Navy Can’t Sweep China's best anti-access weapon may be its most inexpensive one Lyle J. Goldstein 23 Oct 19 2167 6
Invincible Empire The Empire’s Navy Isn’t Letting the Media Anywhere Near Its Troubled $15bn Aircraft Carrier Completely unprecedented levels of secrecy Christopher P. Cavas 23 Oct 19 1463 5
Invincible Empire America’s New Carrier Class Has Less Striking Power but Costs 6x as Much as an Old Forrestal Just to give you an idea how much more corrupt and inefficient the MIC has grown since the 1950s Navy Matters 22 Oct 19 1174 5
Invincible Empire America’s Newest Carrier to Set Sail With Only 2 Out of 11 Weapon Elevators Working An aircraft carrier that can't get aircraft on deck Kyle Mizokami 15 Oct 19 911 9
Invincible Empire How an Ever Sanctioning Superpower Is Losing Its Status Russia helps extinguish any dreams DC may have of first-striking China with nukes Bernhard 9 Oct 19 1304 4
Invincible Empire Washington Imagines Itself the Master of the Globe but Its Military Is a Tiny Colonial Police Force As with Britain in the 1920s America's global hegemony is resting on feet of glass Will Collins 8 Oct 19 1401 6
Invincible Empire Whistleblower Accuses Largest US Military Shipbuilder of Falsifying Tests on Submarine Stealth Coating Far cheaper to bribe admirals into accepting broken ships than building them properly James Clark 5 Oct 19 821 6
Invincible Empire German Radar Maker Says It Easily Tracked F-35s Returning From Berlin Air Show in 2018 With a new technique that detects civilian radio, television, and mobile signals bouncing off airborne objects Sebastian Sprenger 2 Oct 19 2628 6
Invincible Empire US Special Forces Still Relying on Chinese Mini Drones They Have Been Banned From Using Since 2018 The Washington is pretending the Chinese devices are spying on them but Special Forces know they're indispensable Carla Babb 30 Sep 19 1103 2
Invincible Empire Escalating Costs Are Decimating the Empire’s Carrier Fleet Think of it this way, in 50 years the number of carriers the US operates has gone from 20 to 10 Navy Matters 26 Sep 19 1358 7
Invincible Empire Boeing’s Needlessly Complex Refueling Aircraft Is 5 Years Behind Schedule Preventing USAF From Retiring 1960s Planes Fix what isn't broken is MIC's motto Marcus Weisgerber 20 Sep 19 670 3
Invincible Empire US Navy Corruption Levels Put the Third World to Shame Admirals are so beholden to defense contractors they will choreograph phony trials and accept broken ships anyway Navy Matters 19 Sep 19 18592 13
Invincible Empire Inexpensive Conventional Submarines Would Make a Lot of Sense for US Navy so Of Course They’re Not Going to Happen Russia and China love them but not shiny enough for US admirals or military-industrial complex James Holmes 18 Sep 19 1475 3
Invincible Empire The Chinese Navy Trains Much Harder and Much More Realistically Than the US Navy Highly scripted exercises are the norm for US Navy Dmitry Filipoff 13 Sep 19 2661 4
Invincible Empire When US Navy and Marine F-35 Pilots Most Need Performance, the Aircraft Becomes Erratic “Fleet pilots agreed it is very difficult to max perform the aircraft” David B. Larter 8 Sep 19 6435 11
Invincible Empire US Navy Sings Praises to a Norwegian Anti-Ship Missile as It Deploys It to China’s Backyard If this is such a great threa to China's Navy, what to say of China's own missiles with three times the range? David B. Larter 6 Sep 19 983 2
Invincible Empire When Did the US Last Build a Warship Class That Is Any Good? All the Latest Ones Stink From the Littoral Combat Ship to the Zumwalt-class destroyer, to the Ford-class carriers they're all disasters Navy Matters 4 Sep 19 3578 16