Bolivia CoupStay Classy MSM To Western Media, Prosecuting Bolivian Coup Leaders Is Worse Than Leading a Coup As coup leaders are for once getting their just comeuppance, the regime media which ignored or defended the violence of the putschists, suddenly goes all bleeding heart Joe Emersberger 25 Mar 21 550 7
Bolivia CoupEmpire Woes US-Backed Coup Gov’t Concedes Electoral Defeat in Bolivia, MSM Disappointed Morales' guys with such a landslide it was impossible to steal or claim it had been stolen Alan Macleod 20 Oct 20 882 6
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Facebook Deletes Fake Pages Run by PR Firm Linked to US Government Was running a fake news influence campaign for Venezuela, Mexico and Bolivia Ben Norton 7 Sep 20 606 0
Bolivia CoupStay Classy MSM The NYT Admits Key Falsehoods That Drove Last Year’s Coup in Bolivia: Falsehoods Peddled by the US, Its Media, and the NYT NYT now admits it was the propaganda it peddled to aid the coup that was flawed, not the Bolivia's poll Glenn Greenwald 9 Jun 20 614 3
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire MIT Study Finds No Evidence of Fraud in Bolivian Election That Resulted in a US-Backed Coup Morales had no reason to cheat to avoid a runoff he was sure to win Dave DeCamp 2 Mar 20 375 1
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Bolivia: As Elections Near, US-Backed Interim Gov’t Mobilizes Military, Arrests Opposition Leaders Freedom is ringing since the US-backed coup last November Alan Macleod 21 Jan 20 1006 4
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire VIDEO: Glenn Greenwald Interviews Bolivia’s Deposed and Exiled Evo Morales "Morales was incredibly thoughtful, reflective, insightful, and analytical about virtually everything we discussed" Glenn Greenwald 19 Dec 19 600 2
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Bolivia Coup Regime Asked Israel for Help in Fight Against the Pro-Morales Opposition “We’ve invited them to help us. They’re used to dealing with terrorists" Monica Machicao 12 Dec 19 422 4
Bolivia Coup Playing on Fears of Societal Collapse Bolivia Putschists Pacify the Country "Paradoxically, the pro-Morales poor and working classes are also those most susceptible to economic consequences of a countrywide disruption" Wyatt Reed 6 Dec 19 346 0
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Elizabeth Warren’s Support for Bolivia Coup Consistent With Other Pro-Empire Positions Hell, she's a booster of the siege of Venezuela for clinging to the 'wrong' leader Alan Macleod 21 Nov 19 592 10
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Bolivia’s White Supremacist Coup Regime Determined to Quench Resistance in Blood "The fury of Bolivians cheated of their elected government has to be subdued with terror" Morning Star 19 Nov 19 595 4
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire At Least 5 Pro-Democracy Protesters Killed in Military Crackdown by Bolivia’s Coup Regime 75 injured. The Empire at work RT 16 Nov 19 348 2
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Morales’ Ouster in Bolivia Is the Most Blatant Coup in the History of Coups Empire and its local lackeys override the Bolivian constitution and the will of the people Ted Snider 15 Nov 19 683 3
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Bolivia’s New Self-Declared “Interim President” Believes Indians Are “Satanic”, Shouldn’t Be Allowed in Cities Yay, progress! Marko Marjanović 13 Nov 19 12974 21
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire US Issues Travel Ban & Evacuates Diplomatic Staff From Bolivia After ‘Pro-Democracy’ Coup Fails to Quell Violent Unrest Empire-instigated coup against a duly elected President fails to stabilize the country?? Shocking! RT 13 Nov 19 795 3
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire An Excellent, To-The-Point Russian Assesment of the Bolivian Coup Key difference from Venezuela is that the military switched to Uncle Sam's side Colonel Cassad 12 Nov 19 2358 8