Russia Weaponizes Arms Control Treaties
Putin says willing to extend New START nuke control treaty immediately, without discussions which Trump has been sabotaging
Well this is awkard. In a bid to save the the nuke-control treaty which Trump admin has shown no interest in extending, Russia’s president says he’ll sign it even without talks. The reason being that due to stalling from the American side it’s already too late to start normal talks and have everything wrapped up by the time it expires in February 2021:
Moscow is ready to extend the last major nuclear arms control treaty, without conditions or discussions, President Vladimir Putin said as he reiterated Russia’s position on the New START treaty which expires in 2021.
“Russia is ready to immediately, as soon as possible, before the end of the year, extend the New START treaty without any preconditions, so that there would be no double, triple interpretation of our position later. I’m saying this officially,” the Russian president pointed out.
This means that when the historic START treaty in just over a year ends in the trashbin of history, leaving the road wide open for a new all-out nuclear race, there will be no doubt as to who was responsible and it won’t be the evil Russkies.
START was first signed by Bush and Gorbachev, then extended by Obama and Medvedev. The treaty limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear missiles and warheads Washington and Moscow can have at a given time.
That would be a good START.
Putin the true world leader !