Putin Introduces Partial Martial Law, Simultaneously Announces War Drawdown

Wait. What?

Wait. What?

Source: Slavland Chronicles

Big news coming out of Russia today and yesterday. Martial law and a countrywide threat matrix system is coming out now.

A color scheme has been worked out:

There are four levels of restrictions for Russia’s regions:

🟥 martial law (in four annexed regions – Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions).

🟧 medium level of response (Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov regions and Sevastopol)

🟨 high alert level (all regions of the Central and Southern federal districts, except for those listed in the previous paragraph)

🟩 all other regions of the Russian Federation.

It’s funny to think that the Kremlin wanted to start and end this thing quickly (the war) so as not to disrupt life in Russia. Well, allegedly that was the thinking — who knows, really. Now, instead, we’ve basically got an internal Defcon system being set up and not like the fun Death Con system that Kanye West was advocating for in the US.

It’s actually a bit like COVID, which was a hoax. Except this time it’s not a hoax. So it’s sort of the opposite of COVID in that sense, actually. With COVID, you had the government making a big deal out of nothing. Now, you have the government trying to call a full-blown war a “policing operation” and tone-policing at home anyone who says that we ought to take the war a bit more seriously while declaring martial law to then be able to mobilize more people to fight.

It seems that, as a rule, when something is actually happening, the government pretends that it isn’t. In contrast, when it isn’t happening, the government feels comfortable playing up the nonexistent threat that they will soon be able to defeat. And by government, I mean the media, mostly. The media appears to have become more powerful and influential than the government. The tail wags the dog now, at least in the West, it seems.

Now also seems like a good time to consider whether or not this conflict will ever end if it continues to be fought the way that it is being fought now.

Contrary to the lies of Western sources, I don’t think anywhere close to 60K (or is it 140K in some reports?) Russian soldiers have been killed. It’s probably closer to 15K, but don’t hold me to it, I haven’t checked in like a month. Similarly, I don’t believe that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed, although I suspect that the losses are higher than the Russians’. Still, both sides can keep it up for a long time. Ukraine hasn’t mobilized either their reserves or their economy fully. It’s been a half-assed war so far from their side. The same can be said of Russia though, to a far greater extent. At the current pace of escalation, it will take at least another year or two before we approach anything resembling a WWII total war mobilization. So that means a lot more piece-meal escalation to look forward to in the meantime.

But this analysis contrasts with what Putin said recently about Russia getting ready to draw down its military effort sooner rather than later:

In Russia, the partial mobilization announced by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on September 21 is coming to an end. Moscow and the Moscow Region completed partial mobilization on Monday, October 17, and the leaders of the regions said that even those who received the summons should not come to the military registration and enlistment offices. Now only volunteers are waiting in the military registration and enlistment offices.

Earlier, a number of regions announced the implementation of the plan for mobilization and the termination of the conscription of the mobilized. Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin, following the results of the summit in Astana on October 14, said that “in about two weeks, all mobilization activities will be completed” and “nothing additional is planned.” “No proposals have been received from the Ministry of Defense in this regard, and in the foreseeable future I do not see any need,” said the Supreme Commander. At the same time, the head of state called the problems that arose during the mobilization “stupid”.

Here’s Putin checking in on the equipment problem:

Because regional governments are being tasked with equipping soldiers, here’s what they get:

I have no idea how bad the equipment situation really is and, frankly, no one does at this point. Until we see some stats, we’re just guessing and cherry-picking. We do know that the militias in Donbass had it pretty bad because ordinary Russians had to fundraise for them.

I also have no idea what to say about Putin’s aforementioned statement. On the one hand, Russia is, objectively, in an existential showdown with NATO. Occasionally, you hear a politician or even the President himself say as much.

But literally nothing on the ground reflects this reality.

If “nothing additional is planned” then we can rule out any large Russia counter-offensives. Russia will try to keep what they gained and that’s about as far as they’ll go. This means that we’ve reached the limit of Russia’s political will to challenge NATO.

Also, I suppose I ought to say something about the morality of movement restrictions and partial martial law and so on.

This response indicates the extent of the out-of-control situation terrorism/sabotage situation and how absolutely pathetic or compromised the FSB is.

Other than that, most people just go to work, home and the occasional cafe or bar for most of their lives. So, while in theory I could see people chafing at any restrictions, I can’t see it affecting people enough for them to get worked up about not being able to move around as much as they used to be able to (but didn’t). I know that if the restrictions were to actually affect my self-imposed monastic lifestyle, I’d just move to the countryside where they’re far more likely to be enforced. I just need to get a license (mine’s expired) and a car, really. I might even be able to skip the license if I’m honest. Also, houses in the sticks are so cheap that even I can afford one. Gotta get the internet set up there somehow though …

I suppose if there were internet megabyte restrictions imposed people might actually get mad.

  1. Agarwal says

    I think Putin’s statement about mobilization being finished has to do with the apparent fear of a lot of men in Russia of having their papers checked and being pulled into the military on a whim, if they so much as step outside. I think this is to return some normalcy to the country. Mobilization is supposed to be only for people who have already served, and had papers mailed out, so I don’t know where this fear comes from, maybe all kinds of rumors and random mistakes made by low-level bureaucrats?

    There is no denying in my mind that Putin is an Aspie and can’t grasp that his half-assedness is not achieving the negotiated settlement he wants and is increasingly driving regular Russians crazy.

    I also think Putin doesn’t have it in himself to really go hard against regular civilians in Ukraine, as can be seen by the drawing down of electric grid strikes recently. I doubt this is a result of a lack of Shaheds, he just doesn’t want to hear of pensioners freezing to death in large numbers in Ukraine within a month or two. He is from the Soviet generation and Russian-speaking grandmas in podunk Ukrainian towns are just Russians as far as he is probably concerned.

    1. Panos says

      Having met and known ukrainian babushkas,and one with a polish surname also,i concur:That generation is russian,or rather SOVIET(with capital letters).

    2. Commenter says

      ‘”apparent fear of a lot of men” ? Huh? I lost count of the wild stories and speculation I’ve heard since the first round of conscripts was called up. It’s open undisguised fear. Men are claiming that their cities are guarded by military who have orders to not let men leave. They say the moment they try to leave, they will be “forced to fight” and “kill Ukraine citizens”. They tell me the Russian military is taking people with no training whatsoever. This news comes from several different locations. I don’t know what is fact from Russian war paranoia at this point. Maybe Pooty thinks he can calm this fear with an announcement but it’s too little too late. Russians knew martial law was coming and they fully believe the army is coming for all the men.

  2. Pink Unicorne says

    marko, what do you think is the probability of the following real 5D master move:
    (1) Russia withdrawal
    (2) Ukrainian neutrality
    (3) To pay Ukrainian reconstruction fee, Russia is to allow certain EU/US/vetted third party citizens to live in itself indefinitely as direly needed labor force, & the US is to garantee unlimited investment. This is also to pay Russian pensions, build Russians&new comers new, large apartments, (hence a chance for Russian fertility rate to recover especially in the small places), create well paid jobs etc.
    (4) In exchange, Russia will not supply China key ingredients if the need is to arise in the new cold war to come. US will transfer military techs, e.g. better fighter jet engines, contribute PMCs for quelling Chechens et al.

    1. TZVI says

      I don’t know what Marko would say, but as the Russians say “Fantasia”.

  3. Agarwal says

    My alternate theory is that Russia is saving up its missiles and Shaheds for a very big revenge strike in anticipation of Ukraine blowing the dam at Kherson, and flooding Kherson City. A revenge strike would also have the benefit of deflecting some domestic anger if Russia gets pushed out of that side of Kherson

  4. Panos says

    All this back and forth reactive and downplaying behaviour by VVP leads to confusion to the general public and multiplies the psychological effect of any tactical victory by ukrowehrmacht.

    In the end there is one question:Where’s Stalin?

    1. Agarwal says

      Putin isn’t in it to win it. All these half-moves, cutting of most gas to Europe but still selling them some pipeline gas (through Ukraine!), and as much LNG and coal as they want, bombing Ukrainian substations but not being willing to go all the way and take out their electricity grid in its near entirety (as Russia has the capacity to do), mobilizing just enough to not realistically be able to pull off a big offensive that sweeps Ukraine…

      If there was a more ruthless leader in Russia, he could have totally sunk Europe’s economy by now, and rolled Ukraine even with the western aid that they received.

      It’s no exaggeration to say that Putin is the greatest impediment to Russia winning this war, not Himars or sanctions or whatever

      1. Blackledge says

        Agreed. Putin is often compared to Adolph Hitler by imbeciles in the western press, but the two men do have one thing in common: they each were/are the biggest obstacle to their nation’s hopes and plans for victory, taking their respective war efforts in the wrong direction.

      2. Panos says

        Propably VVP and the Kremlin in general (Peskov comes to mind,and he would have been shot in stalinist times)would like a pre spring 2021 situation to resume:A somewhat settled through a Minsk 3 frozen,or semi frozen conflict in the so called “near abroad” that keeps ukraine from going full NATO or destroying LDNR and lets them do business with and profess their belief in international legalism,the westphalian sovereignty etc(not incidentaly VVP is a lawyer,apart from ex-KGB).Well,all these are ancient history now,and the West has no intention to negotiate anything.Apart from the dissolution of RF in 10-12 bandustans that is.

        So it is better for VVP as CinC and anyone else who understands that this is not some faraway semiwar in Syria but a deathmatch for the existence of RF to get their shit straight,and the sooner the better.Tens of thousands inhabitants of the birthplace of Rus state have died already in this civil war to begin with,in less than a year.The goodwill approach not only failed,repeatedly,but didn’t prevent huge bloodshed as well.Doubly stupid,if you ask me.

        In the end how many Kupyansks,Limans and (hopefully not) Khersons can the RF (succesfull,so far) diplomacy,economy or russian society survive and continue to be coherent?How many russian proles will continue to be willing to fight and die if the state itself that calls them to arms pursues the war with an ancien regime mentality?

  5. peterinanz says

    Funny. The author has all the facts, starts well and then hits the wall.
    He, of all people, is aware what the Scamdemic was/is all about. He can see the so obvious parallels.
    And, still, he can’t draw the proper conclusions.

    I’d like to suggest reading up about long term debt cycle (re why) combined with managerial state (re how). Lyn Alden, on Youtube, speaks in plain language about the former. Sam Francis and Paul Gottfried wrote well about the later.
    Good luck.

  6. Commenter says

    ‘”apparent fear of a lot of men” ? Huh? I lost count of the wild stories and speculation I’ve heard since the first round of conscripts was called up. It’s open undisguised fear. Men are claiming that their cities are guarded by military who have orders to not let men leave. They say the moment they try to leave, they will be “forced to fight” and “kill Ukraine citizens”. They tell me the Russian military is taking people with no training whatsoever. This news comes from several different locations. I don’t know what is fact from Russian war paranoia at this point. Maybe Pooty thinks he can calm this fear with an announcement but it’s too little too late. Russians knew martial law was coming and they fully believe the army is coming for all the men.

    1. Panos says

      Paranoia is fed by the paranoid way the war is conducted by the Kremlin,simple.The masses simply echo the leadership.

  7. Blackledge says

    And so … the war succeeded in getting large numbers of Russia’s most able Alpha males, in its best units, killed or dismembered. Then, instead of mobilizing and going on to a war footing, the Kremlin relied on middle-aged militiamen – coal miners, school teachers, welders, etc. – until most of these too were mangled or killed. Now, the privileged flee mobilization abroad with no consequences, while the poor and the working classes are drafted – AND forced to buy their own personal gear loadout from their own pocket.

    Meanwhile, the Duma concerns itself with lowering the punishment for policemen committing intentional crimes, building a national digital ID system including extensive data collection and tracking, and increasing the budget funding for Interior Ministry troops and weapons while cutting national defense.

    Conclusion: Russia is being transformed quite intentionally into an Orwellian police state in line with the other police states in the west and in Asia, congruent with WEF blueprints and the coming “One World.”

    1. Yuno says

      Coming on in sequence after your first comment:

      “the two men do have one thing in common: they each were/are the biggest obstacle to their nation’s hopes and plans for victory, taking their respective war efforts in the wrong direction”

      your second one has neatly summed up the ‘net effect’ of the 3/4 year old ‘police action –

      ” getting large numbers of Russia’s most able Alpha males, in its best units, killed or dismembered”

      without, I think it fair to suppose, you evenly realizing the meaning and implications of what you are saying. Forgive me if that is an ‘unjust’ supposition – it’s just that, use of (the now internet wide forbidden/forgotten) tool of deductive reasoning would carry you inevitably to the next step =

      crediting the authors of the INTENT you’ve established, with being the cause of it’s ACCOMPLISHMENT. Killing off of alpha males/social leadership of the target country was a large part of the FIRST WORLD WAR. It succeeded enormously – Britain went from sole world superpower to cringing basket case in a single generation.

      Getting Ukes & Russes to the same point is infinitely easier – so few candidates for the category under discussion were left – after the effect of 70 or so years of Bolshevik ‘winnowing.’ Those who indeed made the cut, are, as you say – getting their ‘just desserts’ now – in the eyes of the people pulling Vlad’s strings. Slav on Slav blood sport is just the ticket for clearing the way for the GREATER PODOLIA which awaits the vast tract of eastern Europe which has been temporarily occupied by notional “nation states” … soon to be “Reset” into oblivion.

      But it’s too clear and simple to see. SO folks will go on pretending not to see the elephant in the room. It’s More than well-documented that Hitler was an agent of Stalin. It’s just as easy to show that Putin is a hand puppet of the the Chabad gang who shadow him like black flies around a moose. The real narrative is ‘inconvenient’ and irritating though.

      Do you remember the actor in the 60’s Brit film who trained to run while in prison…. became the best in class at it, under tutelage of his warden… and then ran the BIG RACE in record time, till he stopped at the very end, and gave the race away? If you stop short of your brilliant ‘set up’ so far, I fear you’ll be ‘walking in that blokes’ footsteps!’

      1. Blackledge says

        Excellent post.

  8. Dianthus says

    This war is just the same as Covid bc it is a fake war (come on we all can see that here) and so it is also a hoax with also real casualties or do we think the vaxs in really healthy…

    1. RegretLeft says

      Probably most of the claimed 7,456 Russian tank, etc losses are real too! – Look, there’s pictures!


  9. wt says

    The world situation looks like a struggle between the US and China. I think you are overestimating Russia’s influence and freedom of choice in this conflict. Russia cannot end the world conflict by itself, whether it fully mobilizes or not. The choice to mobilize enough to keep the fight off its own territory seems sensible.

  10. Traveller says

    ‘Ukraine hasn’t mobilized either their reserves or their economy fully. It’s been a half-assed war so far from their side.’…. 🙂 Really? Someone is seriously delusional here. It’s not that ukraine has much of economy since 2014, and especially not after last round of bombing, but whatever they have they throw into battle, woman included.
    Of course, only after nazi regime takes their percentage off.

  11. Chester Cheetoh says

    Re: Martial law and other restrictions of freedoms in the name of Security.

    Russia is following the same playbook as America: spooking the people into submission as their rights are taken away.

    Example: In America the FBI orchestrated maybe ALL of the mass-shootings. Some are done completely with crisis actors and have no victims and some do.

    Police stand by until their multiple shooters are done killing, then they toss down the dead body of their patsy for photos. Citizens are prevented from intervening and when they have and rescued others, they were themselves killed by police.

    Always the controlled media is quick to create a story-line: “Outraged people insist something be done about gun violence!”
    And always, the legislation to take away more freedoms and rights in the name of ‘ending gun violence’ was already prepared as the answer.

    So the terrorism in Russia may serve the same purpose for its government. They’re using it to take away freedoms through martial law and grant themselves more power during this Great Reset – just in case any of you think about standing up to it.

    Also, the vaccine narrative is falling apart and people are realizing they’ve poisoned their families. The war and other man-made catastrophic events may be used to divert people’s attention to this ongoing genocide and to slow push-back and accountability for those behind the Covid death-cult.

    The Ukraine war has been used an excuse for so much bull such as food and energy shortages, cutting ties with Russia, impoverishing and disenfranchising the people, etc., and they’re preparing us for nuclear war.

    The war looks to me like another useful tool for reducing population and consolidating control and Russia is following along like everyone. All these world leaders are beholden to Klaus Schwab and the New World Order.

    So I’m watching this show put on by the Schwabian death-cultists as they try to impose their New World Order. But I’m not gonna get all whipped up for one regime or another because it’s just a show.

    It’s a bad show. And when enough of us realize this we’ll chase these bastards off the stage.

    1. Blackledge says

      Great post.

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