Police in Oceania to Break Up Christmas Family Gatherings
Will enter private homes without warrant to do it
In flagrant disregard of liberty, privacy and the law, a police and crime commissioner has said officers could enter homes to break up parties at Christmas.
The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner says officers will enter homes and separate households if necessary https://t.co/eC1EyCmPVy
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) October 27, 2020
David Jamieson, commissioner for the West Midlands, told the Telegraph that ‘if we think there’s large groups of people gathering where they shouldn’t be, then police will have to intervene’ and ‘enforce’ the law.
The commissioner for Merseyside, Jane Kennedy, has also warned that if banned gatherings are reported, ‘the police will investigate’.
The environment secretary George Eustice has joined in, too, saying that ‘if we do need to have restrictions in place and prevent families from coming together in large gatherings if that’s necessary to control the virus, that’s what we’ll have to do’.
This is absurd. After months of enforced separation, people cannot be expected to spend Christmas in isolation. The idea of police breaking up Christmas parties is an outrageous attack on freedom.
But not only that – such police behaviour would also be illegal. As human-rights barrister Adam Wagner has pointed out, police have no right to enter private homes without a warrant, regardless of what tier of Covid regulations an area is under. They cannot simply turn up, demand entry and start separating people. Police and crime commissioners must surely know this.
During the Covid pandemic, police have regularly overstepped reasonable limits. They have, for example, distributed numerous fines on dubious or non-existent legal grounds.
If senior police staff do not understand the law, how can they be trusted to enforce it?
Source: Spiked
How does it go again ?
“Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.”
& the other one ?
You know the one banned by British Buggering Club ?
“Land of hope and glory, mother of the free
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?…
Just saying ?
Hey,,, just be quiet,,, don’t say anything, don’t think anything, don’t do anything.
It’ll all go away….. It’ll all go away.
Chong: Hey, that’s far out, man! Hey, I come I never met this dude, man?
Cheech: Oh, man, he doesn’t do that bit anymore, man. It got too dangerous, man.
Chong: Yeah, I can dig that, man, ’cause that’s a dangerous bit, man!
Cheech: Yeah, lemme tell ya, it sure was, man. Like just two years ago, man, he
Got stopped at the border, y’know, and they took him into another room
And took off his clothes, man, and searched him and searched his bag of
Goodies, man…and then, when he was leaving, man, he was flying through
The air and somebody took a shot at his reindeer, y’know.
Chong: Aw, that’s a drag, man.
Cheech: Yeah, it really was, man. And then, man, he went down south, man, and
They tried to cut off his hair and his beard, man. And all the time, he
Was getting stopped and pulled over and asked for his ID, man….just
Everywhere he went, he ran into too much recession, man.
Chong: No, man, you mean he ran into too much REPRESSION, man.
Cheech: Aw, “repression”…”recession”…it’s all da same thing, man.
Chong: Yeah, man. But, it’s a drag, man, ’cause we could sure use a dude like
That right now.
~ Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong (Santa Claus and His Old Lady, 1972)
Close your windows and blinds. Then have your party.
Another attack on Christians and we keep quiet. Would the Police also be interfering in a Bat Mitzvah.