Poland Says Norway’s “Gigantic” Gas Profits Are “Not Fair”, Must Be “Shared”

Poland doesn't like the price of Norwegian gas

“But should we be paying Norway gigantic money for gas — four or five times more than we paid a year ago? This is sick”

Source: Bloomberg

Norway should share the “gigantic” profits it’s recently made as a result of higher oil and gas prices, especially with Ukraine, said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Morawiecki, answering a question about his government’s energy policy Sunday at a meeting of a youth group, said coal-reliant Poland plans to switch to renewables and nuclear energy, while shedding oil and gas deliveries from Russia and at some point from “Arab” countries as well.

“But should we be paying Norway gigantic money for gas — four or five times more than we paid a year ago? This is sick,” he said. “They should share these excess profits. It’s not normal, it’s unjust. This is an indirect preying on the war started by Putin.”

Poland will later this year complete a gas pipeline from Norway that’s set to help it replace the supply of the fuel from Russia — cut last month following Poland’s refusal to pay in rubles.

Source: Notes From Poland

Speaking to a youth forum in Warsaw, Mateusz Morawiecki noted that profits from oil and gas this year for Norway, “a small country of five million [people], will be over €100 billion” higher than in recent years.

“This is not normal, this is not fair” and Norway “should share this excess, gigantic profit”, continued the prime minister. “It is preying – unintentionally of course, because it is not Norway’s fault, this war in Ukraine – but it is indirect preying on what is happening, the war caused by Putin.”

“We are all indignant at Russia, and rightly so,” said the prime minister. “But ladies and gentlemen, young people, something is not right. Write to your young friends in Norway…They should share it, not necessarily with Poland [but] for Ukraine, for those most affected by this war. Isn’t that normal?”


  1. animalogic says

    There is something quite… “off” about a country whining about market prices & outright demanding a discount purely because they consider the suppler to be making illegitimate profits.
    Yes, in private try for the best deal, but not this public whining.

  2. Oscar Peterson says

    Well, maybe Morawiecki can guilt-trip the Norwegians into a profit-sharing concession, though I’m doubtful, but try it with the Saudis or the Emiratis. Or with US producers for that matter.

  3. Traveller says

    Polish morons insisted on spot prices for gas last year, bitching about ‘unjust’ long-term supply contracts offered by Russia. They could have had gas at 5 times cheaper price than now.
    Everyone is always at fault except them. I sincerely hope they will be moronic enough to send their armed forces in Ukraine and confront Russia. They desperately need to receive proper lesson in normal behavior, and few salvos of Iskanders will do a trick.
    In the meantime, Norway should double gas price for Poland. Stupidity has to be punished.

    1. Oscar Peterson says

      As Poland attempts to use Norway as a long-term substitute for Russia as a gas-supplier, with Denmark having now, I guess, approved the trans-Jutland pipeline, you’d think the Poles might be a bit less peremptory with the country that will now be its main energy source (or something close to it.)

      But apparently not.

  4. Oscar Peterson says

    Speaking of Poland, interesting claims made at Political Kaleidoscope.


    “Two battalions of Polish infantry have allegedly already arrived from Kiev to Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine. This was reported by the Telegram channel WarGonzo with reference to an informed source. According to him, the Polish infantry is almost being prepared for transfer to the Avdiivka front. Military expert Yevgeny Linin told how the presence of the Polish military contingent on the territory of Ukraine can affect the course of a special military operation.

    “Pavlograd is becoming a strategically important transport hub for supplying the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with both weapons and human resources. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that foreign mercenaries and active regular forces of the Polish army come there. According to various sources, their number now amounts to two infantry battalions. By the way, Polish units have already been on the territory of Ukraine, specifically in Kiev, for quite a long time. By their presence, the Poles free up additional forces of Ukrainian armed formations to participate in the battles in the urban agglomerations of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. This is undoubtedly a huge plus for Ukraine.”

    “Q: How will the presence of the Polish military contingent affect the special military operation?

    “A: Any additional military formation arriving on the front line undoubtedly strengthens the position of one of the parties. In this case, this is not good for us, as it requires additional efforts to eliminate them.

    “Q: Is Poland pursuing some kind of benefit by introducing its military contingent to Ukraine?

    “A: Poland is one of the initiators of NATO’s participation in the conflict. On its own, it is also making efforts to shift the balance of power in favor of Ukraine. Of course, the main task of the Poles is the military defeat of Russia. This aspiration is rooted in history. Poland has never given up trying to eliminate Russia as its dominant opponent in the Eastern European region and take its place.

    “However, according to the expert, given that the Russian Federation has concentrated serious military forces and the latest equipment in the main areas, the decisions taken by the coalition of Western countries to deploy their contingent on the territory of Ukraine are not particularly important. Despite the fact that from a tactical point of view, this is an increase, but it will not give a strategic gain.”

    1. Darek says

      ….but it hurts that Russia is getting its ass kicked.
      NATO (Polish) troops won’t enter Ukraine during a war with Russia, so as not to trigger WWIII.
      Unless the “USSR” does something wrong.

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