PODCAST: Trump Fires Inspector General Looking Into Weapon Transfers to Saudis

Mike Pompeo was the investigation target

On FPF #494, I discuss Trump’s decision to fire the State Department Inspector General. At the time the IG was fired, the office was looking into State Department head Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo was a target because the State Dept continued to push to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, even against the will of Congress and the laws of the US.

Saudi has used several US-made bombs to commit war crimes in Yemen. American bombs have been found in the bombing of weddings, funerals, and one was used to kill 44 Yemeni children on a school bus.


Gareth Porter on the Iran-Al Qaeda alliance

  1. nick1111 says

    Time for Democrats to investigate, it does not look any different than Biden Burisma deal

  2. Natural_Texan says

    Again, it’s the bloated rat Pompeo. bBut the real question is; why does Trump promote these people? then why keep them on until (like Bolton) they just become too much of an embarrassment and an impediment?

    1. nick1111 says

      Pompeo is a bloody CIA war criminal. If stupid Trump wants to be reelected he better fire this scum soon

      1. Natural_Texan says

        Wishful thinking.. and BTW what has head torturer Gina Haspel been doing over at the CIA under cover of all the Russiagate hoax, social and economic turmoil? Inquiring minds need to know!

  3. ke4ram says

    I remember when gun running was illegal,,,, oh! it still is? Oh well,,, some more of that 3D drain the swamp stuff….

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