Pentagon Releases New Pictures of the Tanker Attack Aftermath, That It Swears Prove Iranian Guilt
Suddenly the material is in color and decent resolution, and if anything only raises more questions

The US Navy has released new photos of the aftermath of the attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. The images are said to show an Iranian speedboat, approaching one of the vessels to remove an unexploded limpet mine.
The new images show the same episode earlier featured in a very low-quality black and white video released by the US military. The new pictures – clearer and colored – appear to be screengrabs from aerial footage of the incident.
The pictures show a speedboat, said to be Iranian, approaching the Japanese-owned tanker ‘Kokuka Courageous’ from the starboard side and removing a device that Pentagon insists is a limpet mine. According to Washington, this imagery somehow proves that Tehran was behind the attack.
“Iran is responsible for the attack based on video evidence and the resources and proficiency needed to quickly remove the unexploded limpet mine,” the US military said in a statement.
Other pictures show a hole, said to be blown in the tanker’s hull by another mine, and even handprints of a person who removed the unexploded device.
However what the Pentagon photographed looks extremely tiny for something that is supposed to be an anti-shipping weapon. Iranian “limpet mines” are apparently considerably bigger:
But there could be an explanation. That small piece could be just part of a much bigger setup, merely one of a dozen pieces:
Looks like it’s anti tank mine with some C4 or something attached to it. But even weirder is that it looks like there was multiple placed. It’s like you can see the outline of other ones planted in a perfect circle? Or could they just not get this one to stick?
— Lost Weapons (@LostWeapons) June 17, 2019
Jk these things are tiny. So you would have to plant them in a big circle to create a large hole in the ship. This photo also creates even more questions. Did the Iranians come and take this away after US navy EOD guys were already taking pictures and examining it
— Lost Weapons (@LostWeapons) June 17, 2019
Jk again I need some coffee. Now I think I understand the design. Dozen or so of these magnets placed in a circle holds the larger charge that’s held on by adhesive. Cause look how big the silhouette is of the ‘limpet mine’ is from a distance.
— Lost Weapons (@LostWeapons) June 17, 2019
However if that is the case why would the Iranians remove 11 or so of these things but leave the last one behind for the US Navy to photograph?
U.S. Central Command released additional photos Monday to bolster its claim that Iranian forces carried out the attack on the tankers Front Altair and Kokuka Courageous last Thursday. CENTCOM asserts that the new color images – all from the Courageous – show an Iranian boat crew detaching an unexploded limpet mine from the vessel’s hull. The images also show a piece of the mine that was left behind when the munition was removed and a handprint allegedly left by a member of the Iranian team.
Equally so, why did the Navy wait until the Iranians were gone to close in and photograph the explosives setup? Why not move in as soon as they became aware of its supposed existence?
“At 11:05 a.m. local time USS Bainbridge approaches the Dutch tug Coastal Ace, which had rescued the crew of twenty-one sailors from the M/T Kokuka Courageous who had abandoned their ship after discovering a probable unexploded limpet mine on their hull following an initial explosion.”
“At 4:10 p.m. local time an IRGC Gashti Class patrol boat approached the M/T Kokuka Courageous and was observed and recorded removing the unexploded limpet mine from the M/T Kokuka Courageous.”
What a lucky break for the US Navy that after it had neglected to document the evidence for so long, the Iranians who showed up to remove it — didn’t, so it could nonetheless do so.
So Iranians couldn’t get a mine to explode, then waited at least 7 hours [explosion was at 9am] to go and retrieve it, and then even failed at that. Sounds like they really shouldn’t be in this covert tanker-smashing business.
Either that, or there was no magnet/mine on the hull of Kokuka Courageous before USS Bainbridge pulled next to her. CENTCOM says the crew evacuated because they spotted a “probable” mine, but the tanker owner rebuked that, saying they saw no such thing but had observed a projectile hitting them.

You weren’t believed with the first pathetic attempt. Your lies have caught you out again. Suddenly a colour photo, hastily arranged a few days later… reference points,nothing. Those photos could be of a garbage truck in New York….yea, the world really is that gullible…Not !
1. how did the “limpet” get attached so high up on the hull?
2. were the iranians at the japanese ship before or after the americans?
3. limpets have an “anto-tamper” device. that means they cannot be easily removed.
4. what is the “stuff” sticking to the “mine?”
5. a 3″ diameter, approx 1/2 inch thick, unshaped charge, mine?
6. if the iranians had to pull up a speedboat to remove the mine, did they also have to pull up a speedboat to attach the mine?
7. look at the size of that “handprint.”
…and how do we know it is even the same ship or not just a setup?
hollywood smoke and mirrors
“Hollywood smoke and mirrors”
And why would American forces not go in with guns blazing if there were any truth to this? After all, that is what they do all the time.
Exactly! A feeble minded plan to be sure… they use the damndest reasons for going to war…though the US won’t actually do that…they know they’d be mired down for decades! All they know how to do is lie..
they have no negotiating/diplomatic skills (and wouldn’t’ use them anyway)..and that is all they do…assuming that the US command said so, it is true….NOT
You would wonder why the Iranians didn’t notice Steven Spielberg and his crew were filming them in black and white, and colour.
Is there a HD version on Netflix?
The Pentagon is an Anti-American lap dog of the Non-Semitic RothsRats breeds Khazarian Mafia.
All good questions, and of course the photos say nothing of nationality.
Bottom line, the Japanese ship owner said some kind of shells or projectiles were used.
Another false flag to generate approval for war.
The circle of circles is intriguing. How big is all this? Is the tape measure in inches or centimeters? Given that the tape measure is around one unit wide, it seems the latter is more likely. That puts the object at less than 4cm, the faint inner circle at less than 10cm diameter, and the inside of the outer circles at less than 20cm, the outside at less than 30. Right away this would suggest the limpet mine pictured by Galen Wright — at more than 50cm — doesn’t have anything to do with this incident. (Unless it is a very fat tape measure.)