Organized Crime Imposes Medical Martial Law in Brazil After Bolsonaro Refuses to Do So

Organized criminals of state and non-state variety alike are latching onto the disease scare to demonstrate how much we need them

Threaten citizens with violence for leaving homes

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across Brazil, organized crime gangs in Rio de Janeiro have stepped forward to enforce their own lockdowns in a bid to minimize damage to the city’s favelas or slums.

The move comes as far-right President Jair Bolsonaro faces a wave of criticism over his handling of the novel virus, which he has dismissed as a “little flu” and a “fantasy”—sparking demands from the left for his resignation as well as rumblings about a military plot to oust the notorious head of state.

Brazilian media have reported that gangsters have been circulating messages through WhatsApp and other platforms demanding that locals comply with an evening curfew or otherwise be taught a lesson in “respect” that they wouldn’t forget.

Brazilian digital newspaper G1 reports that one message read:

“Attention all residents of Rio das Pedras, Muzema and Tijuquinha! Curfew starting today 20 hours. Whoever is seen on the street after this time will learn to respect others!”

While a similar message read:

“We want the best for the population. If the government does not have the capacity to fix it, organized crime solves it.”

Extra also reported that in the western Rio-based Cidade de Deus, or “City of God”—the sprawling favela made famous in the 2002 blockbuster film of the same name—gangsters have been driving around issuing warnings to residents to obey the lockdown or face disciplinary measures.

One message said:

“We’re imposing a curfew because nobody is taking this seriously. Whoever is in the street screwing around or going for a walk will receive a corrective and serve as an example. Better to stay home doing nothing. The message has been given.”

Social media posts also show community organizations and civic associations conducting outreach activities in poor neighborhoods in hopes of raising awareness about the need to stay at home and be conscious of hygiene.

The message comes as residents prepare for the pandemic to reach monstrous proportions in neglected urban zones where basic sanitation has been described by locals as “terrible.” Jefferson Maia, a 27-year-old resident of the City of God slum complex, told Reuters:

 “Sometimes, we don’t even have water to wash our hands properly. We are very concerned with the coronavirus issue.”

Edmilson Migowski, an infectologist at Federal University in Rio, said that the favelas could become a hotbed for the virus in the coming days. He explained:

“The entry of coronavirus into denser, less planned and less culturally assisted areas could be devastating. Where water, soap and detergent are lacking, it will be difficult to stop the spread.”

In the meantime, Bolsonaro has been accused of recklessly denying the facts about the novel virus, even going so far as rebuking his own health minister’s appeal for social distancing on Sunday with the declaration: “We’ll all die one day.”

Source: The Mind Unleased

  1. Undecider says

    I like how the guys in the photo are still practicing some firearms safety. The one on the left has a rare model with an A1 upper and CAR-style buttstock. The upper receiver for the guy on the right seems to be missing the forward assist paw and dust cover. That would be interesting, if it was the intent. I could be wrong but these may be select fire. Can anyone see the sear pin?

  2. Mary E says

    As monsters go, Bolsonaro and Trump are twins….

  3. ke4ram says

    I see little difference between, say the USA and Brazilian organized crime bosses. In the US you get fined and go to jail for breaking the lock down. They both use force and guns.

    As for the virus,,, yes it is a scam but it does no good to explain it. They’ll figure it out later on, but it’ll be way too late.

    1. CHUCKMAN says


      1.2 million infections and 70,000 deaths?

      And we still do not completely understand the virus’s transmission methods or its characteristics?

      I do think that might be be a slightly careless description.

      1. plamenpetkov says

        and how many death total yearly of ordinary flue each year, can you inform us?

        1. glib1 says

          Between 250,000 and 600,000 depending on the year, with tens of millions catching it.

        2. disqus_3BrONUAJno says

          “Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year,” according to

  4. John Hudson says

    ‘Honour amongst thieves’

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