No You Can’t Just ‘Identify’ as Being Vaccinated. That Only Works With Social Constructs Like Having a Penis

It has come to my attention that so-called people are trying to act like they “identify” as being vaccinated without being actually being vaccinated.

I don’t know who needs to hear this but you CANNOT just “identify” as being vaccinated!

This has gone on too far. You either are vaccinated or you’re not. It’s pretty clear. This is a binary thing, unlike gender which is totally a social construct and fluid.

Are you people trying to make fun of us Social Justice Warriors or do you really think you can just pretend to have some biological characteristics that you don’t?

Let’s be perfectly clear. You can identify as having a penis or vagina whether you have one or not. This is scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Stop being a bigot, bigot!

But you CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT identify as having been vaccinated if someone didn’t stick the Fauchi ouchie in your arm!

That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Mx. Sandra Chou (she/they/grrrl) is the most intersectionally progressive person in the world—a transman trapped inside the body of a transwoman. Grrrl only eats fruit that has fallen off the vine and identifies as a paraplegic polar bear.

Source: Genesius Times

  1. Ryan Paulssen says

    Is this satire?

  2. yuri says

    photo of automaton or mannequin?

    1. Mr Reynard says

      Nahh.. Save the Gay Whale ??

  3. Darth Vader says

    Satire? I dunno.

    Sounds like the drivel that drains out every time a commiecrat opens their mouth.

  4. ken says

    “Are you people trying to make fun of us Social Justice Warriors or do you really think you can just pretend to have some biological characteristics that you don’t?”

    First,,, they mispelled its last name…. Should Chow,,, instead of Chou. (lol)

    Second,,, read my copy above. “do you really think you can just pretend to have some biological characteristics that you don’t?”

    Now you just cannot get any more hypocritical than this! That tops the list. Worse,,, I think its serious,,, not satire. And let’s be frank,,, that POS shot has nothing to do with social justice. Its function is to eliminate the human in human being. From the looks of the picture,,, its been successful.

    These SJW’s have some serious mental issues! Wow!

  5. anonymous human says

    Best satire i’ve ever read 🙂 Especially the author’s “bio” :))

    Can’t you see she’s ridiculing the whole SJW / trans BS paradigm? And she does a great job!

  6. David says

    I identify as a vaccinated person.

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