MORE QUACKERY: Finland Now ‘Testing for COVID’ With Sniffing Dogs. MSM Approves

Sure why not. Face diapers, face shields, lung-exploding vents, test that picks up on dead virus...might as well throw in voodoo dogs as well

Travelers arriving at Helsinki’s airport are being offered a voluntary coronavirus test that takes 10 seconds with no uncomfortable nasal swab needed. And the test is done by a dog.

A couple of coronavirus-sniffing canines began work at the Finnish airport on Wednesday as part of a pilot program that aims to detect infections using the sweat collected on wipes from arriving passengers.

Over the past months, international airports have brought in various methods to detect the virus in travelers, including saliva screenings, temperature checks and nasal swabs. But researchers in Finland say that using dogs could prove cheaper, faster and more effective.

After passengers arriving from abroad have collected their luggage, they are invited to wipe their necks to collect sweat samples and leave the wipes in a box. Behind a wall, a dog trainer puts the box beside cans containing different scents, and a dog gets to work.

The dogs can detect a coronavirus-infected patient in 10 seconds, and the entire process takes a minute to complete, researchers say. If the dog signals a positive result, the passenger is directed to the airport’s health center for a free virus test.

Why dogs?

Dogs have a particularly sharp sense of smell and have long been used in airports to sniff out bombs, drugs and other contraband in luggage.

They have also been able to detect illnesses such as cancer and malaria. So in the middle of a pandemic, training dogs to detect Covid-19 became an obvious choice, said Anna Hielm-Bjorkman, a researcher at the University of Helsinki who is monitoring the trial

And they seem to be doing the job, she said. In the first stage of the trial, the dogs could sniff out the virus in a person who is asymptomatic, or before the symptoms appear. They detected it at an earlier stage than a PCR test, the most widely used diagnostic tool for the new coronavirus.

In July, researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in Germany also found that with a week of training, dogs were able to distinguish saliva samples of people infected with the coronavirus from noninfected samples with a 94 percent success rate[Great. Welcome airport detention thanks to a dog that’s even less reliable than the notorious PCR.]

Dogs seem to not be easily infected with the coronavirus, although they appear to have been in a few instances. Other animals like cats appear to be much more susceptible. There is no evidence that dogs develop any symptoms or that they can pass the virus on to people or other animals.

How do they do it?

The sniffer dogs, who are trained to recognize the virus’s scent, detect it by smelling urine or sweat samples, according to the University of Helsinki’s veterinary faculty.

Ms. Hielm-Bjorkman said she and her team had trained the dogs by making a specific sound as soon as the dogs indicate a positive sample — “and yes, a treat, too,” she said. When the dogs smell a negative sample, nothing happens, and they move on to the next.

Wise Nose, a Finnish organization that specializes in scent detection, partnered with the faculty to train 16 dogs, four of which are starting work at the airport this week. Six are still in training, and the others were unable to work in a noisy environment.

“All dogs can be trained to smell the coronavirus, but they are individuals and not all of them can work in an airport,” said Virpi Perala, a representative of Evidensia, a network of hospitals and veterinary clinics that funded the trial’s first stage.

Does this mean the coronavirus has a scent?

This is what researchers believe. But what exactly the dogs detect when they sniff out the virus is the million-dollar question, Ms. Hielm-Bjorkman said.

“We know how dogs detect it — by smell — but we have no clue what they detect yet,” she said. “If we find this out, we can train thousands of dogs across the world.”

Scientists in the United States are investigating whether an infected person secretes a chemical that dogs can smell. And a French study published in June found “very high evidence” that the odor of an infected person’s sweat was different in a way that dogs could sense. [That’s nice, but is there evidence the smell is unique to COVID and not produced by dozens of other conditions and infections?]

Could this become a thing?

The pilot program in Finland is the first to be used at an airport. Susanna Paavilainen, the managing director of Wise Nose, said she aimed to have 10 dogs working at the airport by the end of November, and Ms. Hielm-Bjorkman of the University of Helsinki said she would collect data until the end of the year.

More such programs could also be on the way. In recent months, trials conducted in Britain, France, Germany and the United States have assessed how dogs could detect the coronavirus.

In Finland, researchers say that if the pilot programs prove effective, dogs could be used in retirement homes to screen residents or in hospitals to avoid unnecessary quarantines for health care professionals.

But scaling up such programs could be tricky: Dogs need to be trained and then assisted by their trainers once they can work outside laboratories.

At the Helsinki airport, two dogs worked simultaneously on Wednesday while two others rested.

Ms. Hielm-Bjorkman acknowledged that the resources were modest — at least for now. The program will try to assess how long dogs can work in a day and whether the same animals can be used to detect substances like drugs.

Ms. Perala, of the Evidensia network, said that Finland would need 700 to 1,000 coronavirus-sniffing dogs to cover schools, malls and retirement homes, but that more trained animals — and trainers — would be required for even broader coverage.

“We could keep our country open if we had enough dogs,” she said.

Source: The New York Times

And it’s an official, state-funded thing, The Guardian:

Four Covid-19 sniffer dogs have begun work at Helsinki airport in a state-funded pilot scheme that Finnish researchers hope will provide a cheap, fast and effective alternative method of testing people for the virus.

  1. Ragde says

    Rather than simply say “oh this can’t be” perhaps just examine the data. If the dogs have a good success rate why worry about the why? There are many circumstances that science does not fully comprehend and the power of scent to dogs is one of them. They have the nuclear reactor of noses, take advantage of it.

  2. ke4ram says

    Oh great,,, first the PCR that spits out false positives like a rigged slot machine, (courtesy J Rappoport) and now dogs that’ll put you in quarantine if you ate a ham sandwich and belched.

    Explain how they can detect a virus that has not been isolated and identified and therefore does not exist? How would they know the genetic sequence? How would they know the scent… lol.

    So some quack and a PCR test says a person has the fake virus,,, they train the dogs on that particular smell. Just like when they give the hounds a piece of clothing to search out a wanted person.

    Who knew it could be so easy to detect a disease. Gee,,, Why do we need doctors, scientists, etc. Just train a dog to smell your sweat then bark a particular number of barks to identify the disease.

    Please God,,, Return soon!

    1. Raptar Driver says

      It can’t be soon enough!

    2. Skoolafish says

      Great comment – copied and borrowed, thank you.

      “Dogs seem to not be easily infected with the coronavirus, although they appear to have been in a few instances. Other animals like cats appear to be much more susceptible. There is no evidence [“but they appear to have been in a few instances”!!] that dogs develop any symptoms or that they can pass the virus on to people or other animals.” [spare me!!!]

      I have a couple of questions …

      • Shouldn’t the dogs be wearing masks themselves so that as asymptomatic non-carriers they don’t contaminate the next sweat wipe?

      • Can we be assured that the handler has a bottle of nostril sanitiser to be used between sniffs?

      Oh dear, Ms Hielm-Bjorkman … “researcher” …

      1. AlexanderAmproz says

        COVID-19 is a mainstream medias and Big-Pharma HOAX
        for a Global “Coup d’Etat” “Holdup” & “Genocide”

        The Leaders have to be Jailed & Assets Sequestered,
        court in Den Hague ICC for “High Treason” !

        Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong. It is Not a “New Virus”. “The Fairy Tale of No Immunity”

        Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19

        1. Skoolafish says

          Yolande Norris-Clark – Are You Done Yet?

          Yolande has made several excellent videos but she does get one baseline of collective brainwashing wrong – excused.

          (Thank you Anti-Empire for releasing my comment.)

  3. voza0db says

    Just leave the Dogs out of this fucking made-up PoS!

  4. Raptar Driver says

    Really? Viruses have a scent? Are people this retarded?
    Yes I know the answer.

    1. Eileen Kuch says

      You have a real valid point here, Raptar Driver. Do viruses really have a scent?? Are people really this retarded?? Yep, I already know the answer .. The majority of Finns apparently are that manipulated. Geez.

      1. Raptar Driver says

        Yes I do have a valid point. Sometimes people are like children and need To be reminded over and over until they understand.

  5. cechas vodobenikov says

    dogs leading the blind…….brilliant
    they can detect a virus that is hardly worse than seasonal flu

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