Masks Perpetuate the Elevated Levels of Fear. Stop Wearing Them

They are dehumanizing and signal compliance with the ongoing public health tyranny

The summer of 2020 has witnessed the phased mandating of face coverings for all UK citizens (sick or healthy) in some community settings. In England, masks became compulsory on public transport (from 15th June), in shops and supermarkets (from 24th July) and in communal spaces for schools located within local lockdown areas, for Year-7 pupils and older, (announced on 25th August for a September implementation). This creeping coercion has resulted in widespread compliance, face coverings becoming the most blatant sign that life has changed since the advent of coronavirus. 

The majority of people seem quite content to hide their faces behind cloth or disposable plastic. Those who are reluctant to comply are often encouraged to do so by our fellow citizens: ‘It’s only a mask – it’s no big deal’; ‘It helps to reassure others’; ‘It keeps others safe’; ‘It helps protect our most vulnerable’. Sometimes the miscreants are accused of recklessness, of being selfish and ignorant. Meanwhile our Government regurgitates the mantra that they are following both ‘the science’ and World Health Organisation advice – the latter establishment’s take on the mask issue flip-flopping more times than an Olympic gymnast and seemingly influenced by political lobbying rather than objective evidence. 

Should we all comply and allow face coverings to become an integral part of day-to-day life? I’d scream a resounding ‘NO’. Here are five good reasons not to wear a mask, numbered in reverse to indicate an ascending order of importance:

5. No evidence masks reduce community transmission;

4. Masks may do harm;

3. Masks signal compliance with the ongoing public health tyranny;

2. Masks are de-humanising;

1. Masks perpetuate the elevated levels of fear.

Let’s look at each reason in more detail.

5. No evidence masks reduce community transmission

To date there have been no randomised controlled trials to investigate whether wearing face coverings has any impact upon community transmission of the latest coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). In contrast, with regards to seasonal influenza, a recent review of 14 controlled studies found that masks achieved no significant reduction in viral spread. 

Viruses are tiny – about 10,000th of a millimetre in size – so non-medical face coverings, with much larger perforations, will not act as an impermeable barrier. In support of this reasoning, a Japanese study concluded that cloth masks ‘offer zero protection against coronavirus’ due to their pore size. Similarly, a recent (June 2020) review by the Norwegian Institute for Public Health reached the view that non-medical masks achieve no benefit for healthy individuals, particularly when the prevalence of the virus is low.

The pro-mask lobby often argue that face coverings will prevent droplets of potential infection being spread to others via coughs and sneezes. Is it likely that masks will offer a more effective barrier in this regard than using a handkerchief or sleeve? I think not. And that’s before we consider the plethora of negative consequences associated with their imperfect use. So as to the question of whether face coverings protect others, in the words of Dr John Lee (a former consultant pathologist), ‘There’s little direct evidence to say that it does, and quite a lot of straightforward reasoning to suggest it doesn’t’.

The definitive conclusion emerges from a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence, incorporating studies of flu viruses, SARS-CoV-2 and naturalistic observations: ‘Most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of cloth face masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control’. 

4. Masks may do harm

I recently observed the barmaid at a local pub as she pulled me a pint of cask ale. Visibly uncomfortable, her hefty plastic face covering extended to her lower eyelids, her sweaty brow the only facial skin on show. Throughout the process she fiddled with the mask, repeatedly tugging at the soggy patch across her mouth, and no doubt transferring spittle to the outside of my glass. A few minutes later I noticed she had temporarily removed the offending item – which now looked like a soiled nappy – and left it on one of the bar stools.

It seems obvious to me that the large majority of the general public would not exhibit perfect mask-wearing behaviour, instead employing uncomfortable, ill-fitting garments that encourage the repeated touching of the face that constitutes an infection hazard. The risk that the wearing of face coverings in the community will likely increase viral transmission has been recognised by individual scientists and in reviews of the research literature. Potential harms to the wearer have also been highlighted including exhaustion, headaches, facial dermatitis and dehydration. 

Mask wearing may not only lead to physical harms. People who are already struggling with some mental health difficulties are likely to find that face coverings heighten their emotional distress. For example, those enduring recurrent panic attacks – experiences often underpinned by thoughts of suffocation – are likely to find that masks aggravate their fears. Also, victims of historical physical and sexual assaults, that involved some form of smothering or a hand over the mouth, will often be triggered into ‘flashbacks’ of the trauma by the physical sensation of a face covering.

3. Masks signal compliance with the ongoing public health tyranny

The rushed introduction of the Coronavirus Act (2020) and the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions)(England) Regulations (2020) (along with subsequent, hastily amended, public health regulations) have – without any parliamentary scrutiny – imposed a raft of unprecedented and draconian restrictions. Consequently, the whole population have been denied a range of basic freedoms around travel, work, leisure, social activity and education. In order to successfully impose a totalitarian regime of this kind, the Government (and its public health zealots) require the acquiescence of its citizens; a mask constitutes a blatant symbol of such compliant passivity. 

To maintain a tyranny of this nature – one purportedly for our own good – self policing by the populace is essential. The visibility of face coverings provides immediate identification of the rule followers and the rule breakers, a distinction that was much less clear in the case of adherence to lockdowns. Being without a mask in a supermarket, bus or train casts a person in the discomforting category of a deviant minority, with all the associated peer pressure to conform. Sometimes this pressure is overt, involving verbal challenges or abuse. Appearing unmasked can feel comparable to not displaying the blatant icon of a dominant religion while among devout followers. 

2. Masks are de-humanising

Humans are social animals. We need to interact with others and communicate to sustain our wellbeing. The reactions of the people we meet provide continuous feedback about ourselves and the impact we are having on our fellow citizens. Masks are a major impediment to all these human requirements and, as such, they are de-humanising. 

Face coverings impair verbal communication. A barrier across the mouth inevitably muffles speech, making it more difficult to differentiate words, particularly when the listener is hard of hearing. For the profoundly deaf, masks render lip reading impossible, thus effectively isolating them from their social environment. 

Arguably, the negative effects on non-verbal communication are even more significant. Facial expressions play a central role in conveying emotion, but when I glance at a muzzled passer-by I cannot determine whether that person is happy, sad, anxious, angry or disgusted, thereby inhibiting any form of shared pleasantry or human connection. One stark non-verbal message that a mask does broadcast is, ‘One of us is unclean’, a warning that further discourages interaction. Individuality minimised, identity hidden, the masked population appear broadly the same, as they trudge along in their social vacuums.

As for the masking of children, these negative consequences are multiplied to the point at which it constitutes a form of child abuse. Play and peer-to-peer interaction are necessary for social development and the growth of emotional intelligence; the act of denying our kids these basic opportunities should only occur in dystopian novels, not in a purportedly civilised society. 

1. Masks perpetuate the elevated levels of fear

And so onto what I believe to be the most damaging consequence of widespread masking: the prolongation of elevated fear levels. 

In the early stages of the coronavirus crisis the Government, and their expert advisors on SAGE, made the strategic decision to inflate the levels of fear among the general population. As shown in the minutes of a meeting on the 22nd March, the psychological specialists on the group believed that, ‘The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent’, and they recommended ‘using hard-hitting emotional messaging’ as a way to enhance compliance with public health diktats. Consequently, in partnership with the mainstream media, we were continually bombarded with mantras, slogans and images primarily intended to frighten us into submission. The campaign was a huge success. With fear elevated to levels way beyond what was rational given the actual risk we faced, the large majority complied with lockdown and other restrictions. 

And now masks are perpetuating these exaggerated fears. Acting as a crude, highly visible reminder that danger is all around, face coverings are making a major contribution to the maintenance of the widespread hysteria. Tragically, the cost to society is enormous. 

Fear wrecks lives and livelihoods. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that fear of attending hospital with non-coronavirus problems is contributing to the premature death of many people. In the first four months of the year, the Office of National Statistics estimated that almost 13,000 excess deaths were not attributable to SARS-CoV-2, a finding likely to be associated with the fact that admissions to Accident & Emergency departments were 128,000 lower in March 2020 as compared to March 2019. The Royal College of Paediatrics stated they had evidence of parents too scared to take their ill children to hospital. A senior oncologist predicted that treatment delays could cause up to 30,000 excess cancer deaths. And the health impact on older people – lonely and isolated, too scared to leave their homes – is as yet difficult to quantify.

As the country remains held in fear-instilled paralysis, the impact on wellbeing will be considerable. Multiple businesses have already perished through lack of footfall, with tens of thousands of hard-working people – many on low incomes – losing their livelihoods. Taking a wider perspective, the UN International Labour Organisation believe ‘half the people in the global workforce risk losing their jobs’. Consequently, suicide rates are likely to increase significantly. Furthermore, the inflated threat levels will aggravate existing mental health problems, including those already tormented by excessive worry and obsessive-compulsive concerns around fear of contamination.

Final thought

Taking these five reasons into consideration, there are strong grounds to ignore the Government mask diktats and move around our communities with full faces on show. Although I respect the right of any individual to choose to wear a face covering, there is no scientific or ethical justification for doing so. Rather than protecting others, the pro-mask lobby are colluding with a draconian policy that is eroding basic freedoms, and impacting negatively on the physical and mental health of their fellow citizens – clearly, they do not hold the moral high ground.

Source: Coronababble

  1. Bob McGillicuddy says

    Masks perpetuate fear? Only for Republicans, who are scared all the time. Of everything:
    Brown people coming to steal your jobs and wives! Terrorists lurking around every corner! Gay people trying to convert your friends and neighbors! “Liberal elites” trying to brainwash your kids! The government coming to take your guns and your money! Witch hunts! Wars on Christmas!

    Talk about snowflakes. No wonder conservatives need to sleep with a gun under their pillow and another one strapped to their body. It must suck to be so scared of everything all the time. Masks would seem to be the least of their problems.

    1. R J says

      In the past 60 yrs. – I would say their awareness has justifiably proven to be correct ….uhhhhhh…retard.

    2. Padraigin Eagle says

      Demonrats: Wear that muzzle, slave.


    believe you soon as i come out of the store i take it off..
    they can refuse service so i wear it to get my goods…
    but i do cheat on it…i wear one of those motorcycle protection covers
    real shear easy to breath through…but once im out its off

    1. LBCC says

      No, they cannot refuse you entry to a store over a mask. Tell them you are medically exempt. Why would you ever wear a mask? You’re just complying with the NWO. If stores do try to keep you out, file complaints against them with the DOJ, State Human Rights Commission, write bad reviews online, and get a group of friends together to all descend upon the store maskless. Don’t comply. I’m a disabled woman, and I refuse to comply. If I can fight, so can you.

    2. Eileen Kuch says

      Good for you, Badger Badgerism, I do the same. I have a colorful cloth around my neck that I pull over my nose when entering stores and/or restaurants. Nobody can criticize me for doing that .. And, if they do, I just say mind your own business.

  3. Ivan_K says

    Is that mask giving you lung cancer? – Guy Crittenden, 2020

  4. GunzRloaded says

    These frickin’ masks give the criminals an edge for trying to identify on surveillance footage…..!!!

    1. glimmer says

      that part of it is intentional.

  5. PatriotPene says

    I had a panic attack from wearing a mask and my B/P went up to 180/88. I’m now worried about getting food as I’m 77 and really don’t want to order fresh food and dairy online. Our MI governor wants to make non wearing a criminal offense.

    1. LBCC says

      Tell anyone who asks that you are medically exempt. I don’t wear the muzzle. I will NOT wear the muzzle, and anywhere that tries to demand that I wear one, I will not only stop shopping there, but I will file complaints against them with the DOJ, State Human Rights Commission, write bad reviews on line, and organize a big ground of friends to walk into their store maskless. Don’t let these bullies win!

    2. Rog says

      Governors don’t/can’t make law. Legislatures in statutory law can only place a duty upon a “person,” which in statutory law means a legal or commercial entity. You are a man, one of the creators of government. Government has no authority over you unless you actually do harm to another man or woman. Stop believing that government has the power to require you to do anything.

  6. Mr. Evans says

    Here Is The Updated Version Of The Post I Left Here 8 Hours Ago . . . . .Read What’s Coming Up Very Carefully, And I Will Finish This At The End Below . . . ⁣

    So, . . . You Don’t Believe In Predictive Programming ? . . . Read My Post Below About All Of The Programmed Face Diaper Nappy Muzzle Wearing Compliant $heeple Zombie$ All Around Us Below And You Will Change Your Mind On Mind Programming And How Wide-$pread It I$. . . . ;-( . . . . The Sleepers Must Fully Awaken Before It Is Too Late . . .

    Beware Of The Single & Double Digit IQ’er Face Diaper Nappy Muzzle Wearing $heeple Zombie$ From World War Z . . . . Because They Are Driving Around You While Wearing Their Totally Useless Totally Acquiescing Good Little Compliant $heeple Muzzle$ While Out And About, . . And While Walking Around All By Themselves, . . . And While Riding Their Bicycles All By Themselves, . . . And In The Store Near You Waiting In Line Both In Front Of You, . . . Behind You, . . . And While Checking You Out . . . . You Are Surrounded . . . . Run. . . . Run Fast . . . . Ouch . . . . lol . . . .

    This Is Very Important . . . If Your Fellow Citizens Can Be Programmed In The Manner Mentioned Above, In What Other Ways Have They Been Programmed To Act And Do Out In Public And In Private, So Keep This In Mind When Interacting With Them Because They Have Been Programmed With Psychological Programming $hite, And They Can Be Potentially Dangerous To Anyone And Everyone If And When Activated By The Evil Farces In Control Of This Evil Criminal COVID-OP$1984 $camndemic Death Cult, And Realm-Wide Fascistic Lockdown$ $hite . . . Be Prepared And Vigilant, And Do Not Comply With Their Evil Fascistic $hite . . . Do You Understand ?

  7. Padraigin Eagle says

    Copy edit: “In the early stages of the fake coronavirus non-existent crisis, the Government, and their eggspurt advisors on SAGE, made the strategic decision to inflate the levels of fear among the general population.”

  8. disqus_3BrONUAJno says

    If we are forced to wear face masks, we should make them Guy Fawkes masks.

    1. Mr. Evans says

      Yes. . .

    2. Raptar Driver says

      Yes, and do what the people did in that movie.

      1. Mr. Evans says

        That’s What Is Needed . . .

  9. Mr. Evans says

    So, . . . You Don’t Believe In Predictive Programming ? . . . Read My Post Below About All Of The Programmed Face Diaper Nappy Muzzle Wearing Compliant $heeple Zombie$ All Around Us Below And You Will Change Your Mind On Mind Programming And How Wide-$pread It I$. . . . ;-( . . . . The Sleepers Must Fully Awaken Before It Is Too Late . . .

    Beware Of The Single & Double Digit IQ’er Face Diaper Nappy Muzzle Wearing $heeple Zombie$ From World War Z . . . . Because They Are Driving Around You While Wearing Their Totally Useless Totally Acquiescing Good Little Compliant $heeple Muzzle$ While Out And About, . . And While Walking Around All By Themselves, . . . And While Riding Their Bicycles All By Themselves, . . . And In The Store Near You Waiting In Line Both In Front Of You, . . . Behind You, . . . And While Checking You Out . . . . You Are Surrounded . . . . Run. . . . Run Fast . . . . Ouch . . . . lol . . . .

    1. Raptar Driver says

      Yes, and on top of that the sterilized surgical masks contain a chemical that is called ethylene oxide.
      It is a known human carcinogen, this is what people are inhaling to keep them safe from viruses that don’t exist.

      1. tomonthebay says

        They are degassed before distribution.

        1. Raptar Driver says

          And of course there are no residuals left in the masks?
          It is fine with me if you want to inhale this.

          1. tomonthebay says

            The dose makes the poison. 1st rule of toxicology. Most of us aren’t wearing sterile masks anyway so there is zero exposure.

            1. Raptar Driver says

              Well that would make water poison.

        2. Padraigin Eagle says

          The pill pusher whining on: Just like you should have been degassed before distribution.

        3. Mr. Evans says

          This Shill Troll tomonthebay Is A $heeple Disinformation Agent . . .

      2. Mr. Evans says

        Precisely . . . They Are Being Poisoned And Don’t Evan Know About It . . . ;-0

  10. Mr. Evans says

    COVID-OP$1984 I$ A Down Right F’n Evil Sick Twisted Sadistic Sinister Psyops Or Psychological Operation In Fear And Control . . . It’$ An Illegal-Criminal Pre-Planned $camdemic . . . U$ing Evil Soulless Empathy-Less Psychopathic Sadistic Mega-Criminal Ma$$-Murderer $hill Gate$ Of HELL, And Evil Soulless Empathy-Less Psychopathic Sadistic Mega-Criminal Ma$$-Murderer ᛋᛋ Doctor Death Fauci’s Deadly Toxic Brew Vaccine$ For A Non Viru$ Called COVID19 To $terilize Mo$t Of The Realm’s People, . . . And To Microchip Everyone, . . . And To Euthanize The Majority Of Humans Everywhere To Reduce Bipedal Humanity Down To Below 5 Hundred Million People Realm-Wide $o That The Survivors Can Then Be Fully Controlled And En$laved In Camp$ To Do Their Evil Fascistic Psychopantic Bidding . . . This Is Unfortunately No Joke, . . And I Am Not Insane Nor Drunk Or On Drugs . . . . You Need To Wake The Fuck Up And Rise Up And Fight For Your Lives, . . And For Your Families Lives Because Thi$ I$ A Preview Of Their Evil Sinister Nefariou$ $hite Plan$ To Genocide 90% + Of The Human Population Realm Wide With The Sadistic Fascistic UN Agenda 21 And Agenda 2030 Up Here In The Northern Part Of This Realm, . . And Whatever Fascistic UN Agenda$ They Are Following Down In The Southern Realm . . . If You Value Your Lives, . . And Your Childrens And Families Lives Stand Up And Fight Back Against The Evil Violent Fascistic ᛋᛋ NAZI Fourth Reich . . . . I Am Completely Serious People . . . Stand Up And Fight Them United . . . . . . . It’s All A Multi Layered Psyops Or Psychological Operation In Fear And Control . . . . Take Off Your Very Harmful To Your Face, Mouth And Lungs Health Compliant Acquiescent Face Diaper Muzzle And Breath The Air Into Your Lungs And Say Hell No To Their Sadistic COVID-OP$1984 Fascistic Criminal $camdemic Game$ . . . . The Sleepers Must Fully Awaken And Refuse Their Evil $hite Before It’s Too Late For Everyone . . . . Refuse Any And All $hots And Vaccine$ No Matter What They Are Supposedly For Because They Are Not Safe, And Very Likely Highly Toxic And Potentially Very Deadly To You , Your Children And Family . . . . Refuse Them Because Your Health And Lives Depend On Not Getting Them Injected Into Your Bodies . . . . ;-0 . . . . Do You Understand . . . Refuse Them . . .

    The Following Is Also Very Important . . . . Refuse Any And All Medications Or Other Liquid Suspended Drugs From Anyone Including Your Supposed Trusted Treating Doctor Or Doctors Unless They Are For Your Already Legitimate Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Because They Could Also Be Very Toxic And Potentially Deadly To Both Yourself And Your Children And Family Because These Evil Monsters Behind This Illegal-Criminal COVID-OP$1984 $camdemic Will Be Trying To Con You And Trick You Into Taking Their Toxic Deadly $hite So That They Can Then Track You Through Your Bodies, And The Toxic Deadly $hite Drink$ They Want You To Swallow Will Have Highly Toxic Potentially Deadly $hite In Them Which Can And Will Make You Adult Woman And Men, And Young Female And Male Children $terile Which Is Part Of Their Agendas 21 And 2030 For Realm-Wide Forced Human Depopulation Through Chemical $terility . . . . Refuse Any And All Liquid Suspension Medications, And Any And All $hots And Vaccine$ . . . . Do You Understand ??? ;-0

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