Mask Non-Compliance Is a Moral Duty
"Masks are a symbol of collective surrender to oppression. They’re a sign that the enemy has won"
“It’s rude to stare!”, most of us were told as kids. Just how rude you only realise when you’re sitting in a near empty train carriage, minding your own business, when a man in a face mask gets on, takes his seat, swivels in your direction and fixes you with a long, long, cold, hard, death look.
Culturally we’re all so unused to this kind of behaviour that it comes as quite a shock to be on the receiving end. It’s also a bit confusing – like being subjected to physical assault but only in the form of mime. That’s why my immediate response was to mime back disbelievingly, mouthing and gesticulating the message: “Are you staring at me?”
“Yes I am staring at you. You’re not wearing a mask. Everyone else is wearing a mask. But not you. Why aren’t you wearing a mask? I don’t want to wear a mask either but I’m wearing a mask because we’ve all been told to,” he shouted – or rather mumble-yelled from behind his mouth-muffler.
My biggest regret about this whole incident was my failure to put him in his place more crushingly and goadingly. But it’s very hard to keep a cool, rational, calculating head when you’re under attack. Even if the person attacking you is at least as slightly built as you, probably a bit older, and quivering with so much adrenalin you’d likely beat him hands down if push came to girlie shove.
I forget exactly how the row went or when it ended. Definitely the strangest part was when he called me a “bloody lefty”, which interested me for two reasons. First, no one has ever, ever called me that before, so it had the charm of novelty. Second, it confirmed my long held suspicion that a lot of the people supporting the draconian (and, in my view, entirely unnecessary) Coronavirus measures being pushed by the Government are people that till recently I would have considered my natural allies: Conservatives, as this man clearly was; Brexiteers, as he likely was too.
It reminded me – and not in a good way – that British conservatism is a broad church and that those of us on the libertarian/classical liberal/sentient wing aren’t necessarily the dominant force right now. At the moment, I fear, the ones making the running are the hanging/flogging authoritarian wing; and the ones who’ll always support whatever a government labelled Conservative does because to do otherwise makes you a “bloody lefty”.
Even though part of me – the naughty part which gets off on provocations and which Laurence Fox tells me in our coming podcast is what will always get me into trouble – enjoyed the confrontation, I still wish it hadn’t happened. These incidents are stressful; they take up far too much headspace in the hours and days afterwards; and each one – I’ll be honest with you – tips me further towards one of the bouts of anxiety and/or depression which have plagued me on and off through my life. Not so long ago, you’ll recall, it was possible to get on a train and pass an entire journey without running the slightest risk of a fellow passenger threatening you with violence for the alleged crime of not wearing a breath-restricting piece of cloth round your mouth. But not any more. And I for one find this deeply upsetting.
If this is the new normal which we must all learn to accept then I say: “No. This is not a game I’m playing.” Not only do I refuse to play but also, increasingly, I find myself viewing with contempt those who are playing along with this strange, constrictive array of rules being arbitrarily imposed on us because I see their compliance as a form of collaboration – which is one step away from endorsement.
Some people – even friends and allies I respect on most issues – think that this intolerance is a form of extremism no better than those of the lockdown/mask zealots – the “bedwetters”, as I call them. My cheap shot response to that would be: so Frenchmen who joined the Resistance in the war are no better than the ones who served with the Vichy French paramilitary force the Milice – is that what you’re saying?
The more nuanced position from a lot of the Covid sceptics who yet choose to wear masks on public transport is this: “We’re only doing it out of politeness. You can hardly blame these people if they’ve been frightened witless by the government’s propaganda. If my wearing a mask helps them be less scared and eases them back into normal life, well, that’s a sacrifice I’m happy to make.”
I disagree. Apart from being injurious to your own health, claustrophobic, unsanitary, sinister, unconducive to communication, alienating, atomising – and quite incapable of doing the one damned thing they’re supposed to do: stop anyone getting Coronavirus – masks are a symbol of collective surrender to oppression. They’re a sign that the enemy has won.
Who is the enemy? Anyone who thinks it’s right that university kids should be fined £10,000 for throwing parties – or put in a position where they have to risk their lives jumping out of windows for fear of being busted by the police for – what exactly? For doing the very thing you should be doing when you’re at university – mingling with lots of strangers.
Anyone who thinks it’s right to force the population to wear pointless, obtrusive muzzles in shops, train carriages or even, heaven forfend, school classrooms. Anyone who thinks it’s right to use the alleged emergency as an excuse to turn car routes into cycle lanes and city centres into pedestrian zones, even though nobody actually voted for any of this stuff. Anyone who thinks people who’ve gone on holiday to the ‘wrong’ destination or shared air-space in a pub or restaurant with a sick person should spent two weeks in quarantine. Anyone who thinks it’s acceptable or proportionate to put an entire nation – or sections of that nation – under house arrest, when there’s no evidence lockdowns do anything other than kick the can down the road while doing enormous damage to the economy. Anyone who obsesses about people who died ‘with Covid’ on their death certificates, while completely ignoring: the elderly dying of loneliness and despair; people committing suicide; people dying of untreated cancer. Anyone who thinks it’s the business of the state to decide which goods qualify as ‘essential’ and which you should be unable to buy from the supermarket during your random lockdown, now rebranded a ‘circuit breaker’ (because it doesn’t sound like ‘lockdown’), etc.
None of this stuff is remotely normal. Yet we’re being encouraged to accept that all this incredibly weird, outrageously oppressive, cruel, destructive, divisive nonsense is not just necessary but something we should welcome as, well, our new normal.
Well it’s not normal. Most of us know this in our hearts. And the only reasons so many people think otherwise are a) because the government’s propaganda machine is so powerful and b) – which is related to ‘a’ – that it has been sneaked on us in increments in the manner of the slow-boiling frog. In the space of nine months, the traditions and customs and freedoms evolved over centuries – in ways that we have chosen because they please us and because they work – have been destroyed, not all at once because then we might have resisted, but in the process of death by a thousand cuts.
How many of those people I despairingly see in increasing numbers dutifully wearing their face muzzles remember that we spent whole swathes of the summer being perfectly free not to wear masks at all? How many of them remember that they weren’t even compulsory at the height of the pandemic in March, and when, indeed, experts like Matt Hancock were reassuring us that masks were unnecessary and ineffective?
I won’t participate in this charade. Nor should anyone else who values their freedoms and loves their country. Sure, wearing a mask even when you don’t want to might possibly reassure a few nervous people; but it also does a massive disservice to all those dissidents out there – and there are more than you’d think – who are desperately looking for a sign that they are not alone, that the fight for liberty and truth and honest science and jobs and the economy and common sense is still worth fighting; that the jig is not up.
I’m sorry fellow sceptics who still wear a mask: what you are doing is not principled or pragmatic or considerate. It is a form of cowardice. Do you think those of us who refuse to wear masks relish the confrontations and the explanations and the risk of being fined and the general hassle every time we go into a shop or take public transport? We hate it. It’s not some wacky game we delight in playing to ‘own the libs’. (Well, sometimes, possibly, if we’re in the mood. But not always).
More often we dread the run up to it and we recoil at the memory of it because it’s stressful and potentially dangerous and it makes normal life seem abnormal. We do it not because we want to but because we feel we have to because it’s our moral duty. If you know masks are wrong – and you most of you do – then you should think of it as your moral duty not to wear one too.
Source: Lockdown Sceptics
Great article. We are the same person.
It is amazing that 1.5 billion people in Asia think it is a good idea to wear masks. They are so easily manipulated into caring for other people’s health! And nobody is allowed to have a gun, not even most policemen. How do they get their doctors to do what they want?
It must be like crazily safe to live in countries such as Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China, Laos, Vietnam. I’m sure our economy will overtake theirs.
A time will come when most people will go mad. And when they see someone who is not mad, they will all denounce him claiming “Hey, you are mad! You are not like us”. For decades I have endured the bustling madness of “normal people”. You are NOT normal. You are programmed. You were born and bred to be so. You are controlled, root, trunk, and leaf. In your very midst, but you did not notice me.
The Following Is A 2020 Update To Honor And A Parody Of The Classic 1960’s Twilight Zone Episode
” To Serve Man.”
“To Serve Man With 5G. . . . It’s A Cookbook.”
I Am Not Joking Here.
We Are All Being Slow Cooked.
When They Turn 5G And Coming Soon 6G Up We Will Be Medium To High Cooked.
Do You Understand Me?
Beware Of Operation Warped Minds On $peed Because You Will Be Poisoned, Tracking Chipped, $terilized And Controlled Until Your Untimely Death . . .
$hill Gate$ Of HELL To ᛋᛋ Doctor Fraudci . . . We’ll Tracking Chip Tag Them And $terilize Them And Poison Them, And You And Your Friends Can $lab Them And Toe Tag Them, . . . And We’ll Have Lots Of $$$ And All Of Their Stuff After 95% Of The Realm’s Useless Eaters Are Gone . . .-0
How Many Of You Have Heard Of The Active Denial System (ADS) Or A Scalar Weapons System ? . . . .
Thi$ Mobil Directed High Energy Weapon Is Also The Very Same 5G Weapons System Which Is Being Rolled Out Everywhere Which When Finished And Activated Will Cook And Kill You When The Power Is Turned Up Which Is Their Twisted Evil Plan . . . .
Read On And Learn While You Still Have Time To Read And Learn . . . .
The Active Denial System is a non-lethal (when at low power settings), directed-energy weapon developed by the insane U.S. military, originally designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.
Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as the skin of targeted human beings . . . . . . .
Do Your Own Research And Learn Everything You Can, Then Spread This Very Important Information Around To Everyone You Know . . .
Look below . . .
Psychopathic Military Police Wanted to Use This ‘Heat Ray’ Weapon Against D.C. Protesters
The pain beam won’t kill you. But it’s extremely unpleasant.
SEP 17, 2020
Look down . . .
Scalar Weapons.
10 April 2014 Russia reportedly humiliated the US by jamming all electronics on the USS Donald Cook, which had the most advanced electronic weapons on board, the Aegis system. “The State Department acknowledged that the crew of the destroyer USS Donald Cook has been gravely demoralized ever since their vessel was flown over, in the Black Sea by a Russian Sukhoi-24 (Su-24) fighter jet which carried neither bombs nor missiles but only an electronic warfare device. “ Voltaire Net reported.
In October 2015 this headline attracted attention all over the world:
Russian Jamming System Blocks All NATO Electronics Inside Bubble 600 Km in Diameter over Syria
With scalar wave technology, it is reported that the Russians blocked all the electronic devices on the American and ISIS weaponry in Syria.
11 January 2016, Iran supposedly humiliated the US again. They captured two American patrol boats in Iranian waters. The crews lost complete control over their vessels, because all electronics stopped working. Even the GPS on the crews cellphones had been out of order. This technology is based on scalar waves.
The Creator of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test Kary B. Mullis Who Died Under Mysterious Circumstances, aka Was Silenced Or Murdered On August 07, 2019, In Newport Beach, California, F.M.R.U.$. Which Was 2 Months + Before The Evil $hill Gates Of Hell’s Event 201, Which Was A Supposed High-Level Pandemic Exercise $cenario On October 18, 2019, In New York, NY, Which Then Went Into A “Live Event” Which I Call The COVID-OP$1984 $camdemic , And That He Had Told Everyone He Knew That His Invention, The PCR Test Did Not Test For Viral Material Or Viruses, Because That Was Not What It Was Designed To Do And It Was Not To Be Used To Do That Kind Of Testing Because It Would Give The Wrong Kinds Of Results . . . If Kary Mullis Had Lived, He Would Have Strongly Spoken Up And Out Against Evil Empathy-Less Super Psychopath Mass Murderer $hill Gate$ Of Hell, And Empathy-Less Super Psychopath Mass Murderer Fascist Doctor Death Fraudci And Told Everyone Everywhere That His Creation The PCR Test, Which Those Criminals Hijacked For Their Own Evil Nefarious Criminal Actions Does Not Test For Any Virus Or Viruses, But For Microscopic Pieces Of DNA Or RNA Which Are Not Virus Material But Cells And Other Junk DNA Strands Every Human Has Inside Them From Having Colds And The Annual Flu Which Are Not Damned Viruses . . . . ;-0
Here Is What Is Actually Or Really Making People Sick, Ill, And Killing People . . . . If You Own A So Called Smart Phone Or A Larger Screen Tablet Device . . . The High RF Radiation Energy Being Received Into It From Those Tall 3 Thru 5G Towers, And From The Phone In Your Hand Or Into Your Ears Is Then Slowly Cooking You Because It Is 3 Thru 5G Which Is The Real Culprit Because We Are Being Cooked From Our Insides By Deadly To Us RF Microwave Radiation Which Is Actually Causing The B$ COVID19 Symptoms, And Not A Damned Faux Viru$ Called COVID19 . . . . The Sleeping People & $heeple Must Awaken And Arise And Stand Up And Refuse Any And All Illegal-Criminal Fascistic Orders From The Monsters, And Fight Back And For Your Lives, And Your Children’s And Families Lives . . . . Do Not Acquiesce To Them And Follow Their Illegal-Criminal Fascistic Orders . . .
In The FMRU$ The CDC Currently Means ” Criminals Doing Criminality .” . . . Until That Changes For The Better My Statement Stands . . . ;-0
To Everyone Who Reads This Post . . .
You May Have To Sign Up With The AWAKENING CHANNEL Website To View The 3 Videos Listed Below, But You Really Need To See Them For They Are Very Informative And You Will Learn From Them . . .
I Have Placed All 3 Of This Video Series Below So That You Can Watch Them At Your Leisure . . .
Doctors, Professors, R F Kennedy Claim Worldwide
September 5, 2020 TRT: 45:54 From:
(Part 2) THE CV19 TEST IS A SCAMAccording to the WHO protocols, CV19 TE$T has to analyze and detect human DNA September 8, 2020 TRT: 1:00:50 From:
INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF LAWYERS to start global legal actions. It cannot detect infectious diseases. CV19 has not been isolated. Not Actual Nor Real . . .October 29, 2020 TRT: 38:12 From:
This is Just 1 of Their Nasty Toys that we are allowed to know about which Humanity is up against and facing . . . ;-(
Not really related to the article but good stuff from Matt Taibbi on the US press:
Made this one a long time ago!!!
I cringe every time I see a mask because to me it is the preeminent symbol of the Fourth Reich (aka, The Fourth Industrial Revolution of Herr Klaus Schwab et al of the World Economic Fraud). The other day I was shopping at a WINCO market and a rather obese elderly male interrupted my passing by him and said “You forgot your mask!” and without losing a beat I replied “I don’t believe in masks”. He looked stunned. He was unknowingly doubly insulting because he could not fathom that someone might deliberately not want to belong to his fascist covid cult and wear the prescribed emblem of the new fascism.
How Many Of You Have Heard Of The Active Denial System Or A Scalier System ? . . . . This Directed High Energy Weapon Is Also The 5G Weapons System Which Is Being Rolled Out Everywhere Which When Finished And Activated Will Cook And Kill You When The Power Is Turned Up . . . . Read On And Learn While You Still Have Time To Read And Learn . . . . ” The Active Denial System, is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control. Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as the skin of targeted human beings . . .….Active+Denial+System ” . . . . Do Your Own Research And Learn Everything You Can, Then Spread This Very Important Information Around To Everyone You Know . . .
Did England have a Richard Hofstadter to write it’s version of “The Paranoid Style in American Politics”????
Just when you think the far left have cornered the market on conspira nutty with their running wild through the streets you get reminded of the original flouride tin foil hatters political bent..
That wasn’t the fucking “far left” running through the streets. That was a bunch of neo-liberal corporate press brainwashed morons. Hardly the “far left”. There is no “far left” in the US and that is a huge part of the problem. It is an oligarchy with no real political left.
From your two posts I’m guessing your not familiar with Richard Hofstadter?
I have no idea what he has to do with this. The last real leftist movement in the US was during the 1930s. “Left” has been purposefully confused with racial and gender and gay issues.
Good article here by John Steppling:
There is a huge amount of material on CIA involvement in Hollywood. This is not new, but it seems to have been compartmentalized by most Americans and shuttled off into the dark corners of their consciousness. Most people largely don’t want to know. And the reasons for this are complex. But before digging into that, its not only the CIA that shapes entertainment, its nearly all institutions of government and almost all corporations and media itself. Giant media conglomerates are in a sense hardly distinguishable from the CIA and Pentagon and State Department. Which is rather close to the classic definition of fascism.
Americans are now conformist, conservative, whiny, tattle-tale “Karens”… even most of the men. They love acting as “the responsible adult” in the room. Thus, they are now at the stage where they will comply with any official looking and sounding order and happily report their neighbors, friends, and relatives to “authorities”. We are a banana republic full of Good Germans.
We’re ready for this from Woody Allen’s Bananas: