Magnier: Iran Sabotaged Saudi Tankers to Send US a Message — Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
By sending it the Iranians have just put an end to the prospects of a US war on them this summer, says a veteran Middle East reporter

On the 11thof January 2007, US forces raided the Iranian Liaison Office in Erbil, capturing several “Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps” (IRGC) officers. Nine days later, a commando led by a Hezbollah officer and Iraqi resistance members of the Moqtada al-Sadr group (Asaeb Ahl al-Haq) carried out an audacious attack in daylight in Karbala province, driving US bullet proof cars belonging to an Iraqi Minister. They captured and killed five US soldiers and officers. This is the language Iran uses to send messages to the US, an unmistakeable message leaving no Iranian fingerprints.
On Sunday morning, at 04:00 am local time, a strong explosion was heard at the United Arab Emirates harbour of al-Fujairah, seriously damaging five cargo vessels – al Marzoqah, al Miraj, al Majd, al Amijal and Khamsa Ashra – but leaving no injuries or spills of chemicals or fuel. Among the four ships were two Saudi Arabia oil tankers.
It was a clean, low cost, quick and very efficient operation with an immense result: it put an end to the prospects not only of a war between the US and Iran this summer but also to those of a war between Hezbollah and Israel.
The sabotage gave a taste of what could happen to the Middle Eastern countries’ economies and to world imports of oil in case Iran is cornered and attacked.
The US and its Middle Eastern allies may not want to imagine what Iran is capable of – even if no tangible proof of sabotage leads to Iran – in case of war. Trump will have to think carefully about his re-election in 2020 if he undertakes a war without any clear horizon or results.
Al-Fujairah – 140 kilometres from the Strait of Hormuz – is the world’s second largest bunkering hub and was fully operational in 1983. Its first oil terminal began operation in 2006 and the second in 2010. The importance of al-Fujairah was underlined when the Strait of Hormuz was mined by Iran during the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s.
Regardless who was behind this professional sabotage operation, it sends a clear message that no oil exports are possible if Iran will not be able to export its oil. Also, it says that the world will suffer a rocketing price of oil (Brent crude, the global benchmark, was up 1.8% at $71.89 a barrel on London’s Intercontinental Exchange) if Iran is encircled and prevented from breathing as US president Donald Trump and his team are trying to do.
Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if it will not be able to sell its oil. The US and its Middle Eastern partners were trying to create other possibilities to avoid using the Strait of Hormuz in extreme case scenario.
The al-Fujairah sabotage took place not very far from the Fujairah US Naval Base, indicating a double message to whom it may concern.
The sabotage – denied by the UAE authorities in the first hours only to be confirmed later in the afternoon – took place soon after it was announced that the US is sending an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf to frighten Iran and confront any possible targeting of maritime traffic in the Strait of Hormuz. It is unlikely that the US expected such an immediate and direct response.
A year ago, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, restoring severe unilateral sanctions meant to cripple Iran’s economy. Iran then warned it would begin keeping heavy water and enriching uranium at higher levels in 60 days if Europe doesn’t find a way to compensate the US sanctions. Recent’s event (al-Fujairah sabotage) indicates that other responses to US aggression are also possible.
Source: Elijah J Magnier
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Joo-kok-suker Trampanyahoo would rather cripple world and US economy through oil prices if his boss in Hell Aviv orders an attack on Iran. Even Traitor Busch was not that obedient to the Cabal.
The author paints a plausible and interesting scenario, but there is more than one such scenario possible.
I just don’t think it is possible to determine the likely culprit without information on the exact nature of this damage and by what method it was inflicted.
I absolutely agree. Wishful thinking on the author’s side. No solid proof, nothing. Trying to sway perspective towards jooish narrative. It could have been mossad as well though this time nobody bothered with their false flag and Saudi isn’t strong enough to follow through their threats against Iran.
So it’s now plan B. . or plan C perhaps.
This reminds me of how the Iranians blew up Pan Am’s flight 103 over Locherbie. Of course, the West could not admit that Iran did it and that the USA deserved it. They blamed Qaddafi for it and exhorted billions of money out of him. Fat lot of good it did him. 🙂
A few months earlier, a USN missile destroyer had shot down Iran Air’s flight 655 when it was coming in to land at Dubai – “by accident.” The USN captain was not sacked but was promoted and given a medal by Bush.
Just like with the mule story, the Israelis and American only learn their basics when they are smacked hard on the head.
Whether it was work of Iran or her proxies or not, it does sends the clear message to not only USA but also her Vassals in the Middle East including Israel that Iran is here to stay and with her freedom, dignity and honor intact.
…IMHO it smell like “JAFF” (“Just Another False Flag”).
But, you know, “all is possible in this wonderful world”… 😉
What tankers? What sabotage? John Bolton is setting the table for war and higher oil prices.
There is an old story about a farmer who had a mule that he could not train to do anything. The mule would only do it her/his way no matter what the farmer tried to do. It was very frustrating as one could imagine.
Totally frustrated the farmer finally called in a mule-trainer of some renown. The mule trainer arrived at the farm. He and the farmer walked over to where the mule stood in the corral. The mule-trainer looked at the mule and then took the sturdy fence pole he had brought along, swung it over his head and brought it down with all his might on the mule’s forehead. The farmer screamed OMG what are you doing? The mule-trainer looked at the farmer and said: “the first step in training mules is that you’ve got to get their attention.”
dealing with 2 legged mules ain’t much different.
the culprit, more likely is US/SA…..another false flag. [ i’d bet it was an easy fix }
Was the IRGC forbidden to be in Erbil? If they obtained visas or notified the Iraqi govt of their presence then they had as much right to be there as the U.S. govt forces.