Just Four Chinese Companies Account for 50% of Global Android Market Share. What If They All Ditched Google?

The problem of picking on someone your own size

Just four Chinese companies accounted for 48 percent of global Android phone shipments in Q1 2019. Adding the smaller manufacturers the share apparently rises to 67 percent.

One redditor asks the question what if they all backed and switched to Huawei’s OS? That’s an interesting question indeed.

In say two years from now when it’s clear if Huawei’s OS is any good and whether it is able to compete in number and quality of apps and be accepted by the consumer, why wouldn’t Chinese manufacturers preemptively switch to software they know they won’t ever be suddenly banned from coupling with their product?

And do keep in mind that the US market is just one piece of the global smartphone pie:

The one thing that is clear is that waging economic war on China is nothing like waging such war on Iran, or Cuba, or Venezuela, or even Russia for that matter. China is the economic equal of the US, it can not be harmed by the latter without the US sustaining at least as much damage.

For once the US has picked a fight with someone its own size.

  1. BillA says

    I believe there will be a divorce of the Chinese and US economies as in any case the Chinese will not follow the US into its inevitable collapse. The US needs a means of repudiating its debt; and war + a new government = new currency.
    The US will never keep even today’s penetration into the Chinese market.
    I have an ex-boss who moved 100% of the co.’s production to China, pleased to see him go bust.

  2. Godfree Roberts says

    There are a million handsets in circulation with Huawei’s Ark OS and early reports suggest it’s not only compatible with popular Android apps, but handles them faster.

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