Iranian Boost for Russia’s SMO Highlights Chinese Coolness

The war has catapulted Medvedev back into the #2 seat (for now)


  1. Blackledge says

    Depending on the Chinese in a time of trouble is like relying on a broken tooth when trying to eat, or walking on a broken foot. Trust them at your peril.

  2. Blackledge says

    China is Ukraine’s number one trading partner, globally. Chinese direct investment in Ukraine:

  3. SteveK9 says

    Iran vociferously deny’s any arming of Russia and claims they are not taking sides. Why? Why not say, we are arming whoever we please, and we are on Russia’s side in its war against NATO. Do they still think they can get something from the West? On the flipside, Russia could say, if you are not with us, don’t expect any favors (which they are certainly giving Iran). It would be better to think Iran is simply lying. Why should they not?

    1. SteveK9 says

      Sorry, …. denies.

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