In Canada Schools Can Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent
12-15 year olds to be injected with an 'emergency use authorization' vaccine that the manufacturer doesn't want liability for, against a virus that does not threaten them

Dozens of children flocked to the playground of Gordon A. Brown Middle School on Wednesday afternoon, to eagerly await their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Most were accompanied by parents, or older siblings, as the East York school announced Wednesday morning it would launch a pop-up clinic that afternoon.
Many parents had already been vaccinated — they were there to provide support. What they weren’t there for was to give permission. In Toronto, those 12-15 don’t need a parent or guardian to allow them to take the vaccine.
However, that’s not the same policy in other public health units.
Health Canada approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for those aged 12 to 15 on May 5, making Canada the first country to do so, with the hopes that school restrictions could be eased in the fall. Ontario had previously announced that shots would be open to 12 and older as of May 31. But on Friday they moved up that date to May 23.
Some public health units including Peel, York and Toronto have already started to offer shots to the age group.
🚨No Parental Consent🚨necessary for them to give your child the COVID shot in Nova Scotia, Canada
*Children aren't capable of understanding the implications of this
— 🍁🇨🇦CanAditude🇨🇦🍁 (@CanAditude) May 19, 2021
But the regions have varied on whether those 12-15 need a parent or guardian to provide consent. And that means informing parents and children about the importance of the vaccine is critical, public health experts say.
Regardless of a public health unit’s rules, this age group is very capable of making a decision about their health, including the vaccine, said Dr. Saba Merchant, a pediatrician based in Vaughan.
“If the child does not have an intellectual disability, then they definitely have the capacity and the ability to make that decision,” she said.
So far, Merchant has mostly heard from eager parents wanting to get their child vaccinated, with some questions about safety. But it’s important that the young person has the opportunity to ask questions, and provide their own informed consent, whether the parents are supportive or not, she said.
The provincial Health Care Consent Act states there is no minimum age to provide consent for vaccination and a child does not need external permission to receive one.
Though tweens and teens are legally able to make health decisions and technically do not require parent or guardian permission to get the COVID-19 vaccine, the household will likely play a role in decision making, said Merchant.
And it’s essential that children and their families have continued access to the most up-to-date information, and easily accessible vaccines, so there can be full confidence around getting the shot, she said.
Public health experts like Merchant and community organizers say that while this age group has the ability to access the vaccine without permission, it’s also important to ensure the shots are brought to familiar places like schools and community hubs.
In York, those 13 and under require a parent or guardian to attend to give verbal consent, or they need to sign a consent form.
Peel Region had initially asked a parent or guardian to provide “informed consent,” when announcing appointments would be open Thursday to anyone 12 and older, in a press release Wednesday morning.
Later that day, the region changed its tune, saying approval was no longer needed. Peel told the Star this was to remove barriers.
Source: Toronto Star
“Children aren’t capable of understanding the implications of this”
And the adults that take untested, experimental concoctions are!
Cut me some slack!
Well,,, That’s Red Canada for ya. If memory serves the Kiddies can be given drugs to stop puberty and other woke bs reasons without parents even knowing,,, until little johnny starts developing breasts or little suzie’s voice changes and no normal female development.
Red Canadians are good with all this. All the diversity and love shown allowing their offspring be drugged, cut up and/or given experimental concoctions that even the manufactures refuse to be responsible for. (lol)
They have all gone mad. It’s their own kids being offered up to big Pham. Open air concentration camp more like. 2much for the inhuman unit is all I can say.
Not to mention schools putting it out there that students can ‘come out’ to their teachers and fellow students, while requesting that the parents not be informed. You might not be homosexual, but by God, you will be given every opportunity to find out, courtesy of the woke-progressive agenda.
These boots are made for walk-in
And that’s what they will do
Today these boots are walk-in
All over Canada’s youth.
Their moms and dads voted for the “Black faced Aristocratic.”
So their kids get in the arm today and Canadians get it in the arse tomorrow.
Its about time Canada got a couple of senate seats and a few Reps seats in Congress …….they are docile enough to fit in nicely.
Caramel Harris , black face Toady and diaper Joe , a winning combo.
The pesky Russians and upperty Chinese would be shaking the their boots…. or pissing themselves with laughter.
What ever happened to the mighty eagle from the Rockies?
It’s sad … as Orange Man would say,
Let.go with laughter…..until they start weeping and gnashing thier teeth
Now that’s a comforting thought.
mind of right wing reactionary fascists—expected in angloshere, populated by submissive quasi robots
In Canada Schools Can Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent ?What did you expect? From a country run by a faggot son of a whore ?
His mother is a whore without any doubts .
Remember when she was the crew-slut on the stones tours? She did the whole crew roadies, band members, janitors everyone involved in the shows. Her box musta been gettin pretty loose by the time those tours were over. What a disgusting piglet. Now we have to live under this installed POS that she hatched after screwing fidel castro many times.
Yea.. I always assumed that Fidel Castro had no taste ?
..”that the manufacturer doesn’t want liability for”.Not only the manufacturer but all the governments’ agencies aboard this Kool-Aid suicide train that puts to shame Jim Jones.
fascist canada deludes itself and claims it is “democracy”—where freedom despised and only minority that has “rights” is ruling class
JC! What the hell is wrong with all those people?
It’s commonly known as ‘psychopathy’.
Oh my.. my son (13) is getting his covid shot against my wishes and there’s nothing I can do about this?!?!? I came on the internet here to see if this was actually real after his dad told me I can’t do anything about it and he is happily taking him in tomorrow.. how on earth can such a law be passed??? He is a child. Even adults are not given informed consent. it is a waiver!! What the hell people?!