I Keep Hearing the Capitol Protesters Were “Let in” So I Am Having a Hard Time Understanding This Video
And people outnumbering and physically overtaking law enforcement officers
Editor’s note: On the other hand why was the police unprepared and under-strength? Surprise, miscalculation, underestimating the enemy, or did somebody plan to fail?
IMPORTANT: this is exact moment the siege of the Capitol building began as the two men in front ripped down a preliminary barrier & rushed officers who were behind a 2nd barrier
They then encouraged others to follow their lead. Officers appeared to be taken completely off guard pic.twitter.com/LE0a01PXBi
— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) January 6, 2021
People keep telling me that these rioters were calmly let in and peacefully assembled inside the Capitol. What exactly am I missing here?
Please watch the video.
Also, below is the clip people keep passing around to “prove” that the protesters were “let in.” Do they not notice the fact that tons of people were already inside the perimeter (see first video) and beckoning these other folks inside? What were the cops gonna do?
they didn’t “breach” or “storm” the capitol building THEY WERE LET IN pic.twitter.com/SVeo6BcFV0
— a⁷ (@moonddng) January 6, 2021
I am open to understanding why I might be wrong.
Update: Here’s a new one:
This video of the siege of the Capitol on TikTok is crazy and different than I had seen pic.twitter.com/JXwvKVLjxB
— Matt Jones (@KySportsRadio) January 7, 2021
Source: Not the Bee
a tepid response by police—probably embarrassed that they were required to defend a fraudulent election
They were probably there as a deterrent to law-abiding citizens and to direct the Antifa where they were to riot.
Because the Antifa guys who dressed up like Trump people had a deal for a photo shoot inside the Capital buildings – so that the rest of the Peaceful protesters would be blamed for the — Horror . Criminals , like those that run the USGov. are way ahead of the people. Thanks A E
still behaved better than antifa/blm did, how many mam&pap stores have they burned down?
Has any widespread looting taken place?
People are upset that an election was stolen right in front of their eyes, although what was trump thinking giving nancy all she dreamed of.
yes, those Antifa magically appear when always needed. Now you ahev gone so crazy, you invent Q stuff.
Well, it could have been anyone – I’ll admit it – actors, democrats, regular folks, and I guess if I was a couple of building security guys and noticed – I have no back up — why not save those doors from being trashed – and open them up. because those folks were most likely coming in – one way or another.
If in fact there were collusion, does it really matter? The fact remains that 535 folks in the legislature and those in the Executive and Judicial are destroying the lives, the economy, a way of life for their own cheap and selfish reasons for over 300 million people.
The Antifa/BLM rioters,,, like the Bolsheviks or Brownshirt fascists,,, will pay as dearly as anyone else,,, likely with their lives.
The American revolt shows what happens when a government will not listen to the multitudes that simply want to be left alone.
the swamp has its casus belli,and they now want blood
This is the usual moron slave action! Always going after the WRONG targets…
Dog & Pony show, for the peons ! IMHO ?
It’s just getting started
simple. the “fight” was to be filmed and shown on CNN. The actualy thing that happen is that the protestors WERE let in. Dont try to outQ Q
the fascist liberal media labels this terrorism, insurrection, no different than their lies about WMD’S in Iraq, or the communists bolesheviks that protested against war in Vietnam…the liberals prefer to celebrate a career criminal–G Floyd and justify assassinations by antifa/BLM children w no manners
“I am open to understanding why I might be wrong.”
Do you believe everything you see and hear on the television or Internet?
What a weak answer. This was a poorly organised coup attempt. Likely the only reason it failed is even Trump realised that it wouldnt work.
false—the only coup effort was the mueller investigation, which largely succeeded