How the Hell Is This in Any Way, Shape or Form Proportional to the Actual Threat?
Corona isn't even any longer considered a "high consequence infectious disease"
On 23rd March, the British Government put the entire country on lockdown risking incalculable consequences that could bring:
- Economic meltdown
- The mother of all financial crashes
- Millions of job losses
- Thousands of businesses going to the wall
- Masses of people plunged into poverty
- A huge deterioration in the mental health of millions
- The potential deaths of thousands of old people left on their own with no carers (see the example of the Spanish care homes)
- Mass civil unrest
Such enormous risks can surely only be justified if they are proportionate to threat. Are they?
The most astonishing thing I have seen or heard over the last few days — and there’s a lot to choose from — is something that appears on the Government’s own website. There, it shows that on 19th March, four days before the lockdown announcement, a decision was taken to downgrade Covid-19 from a “High Consequence Infectious Disease”, which it had been listed as since January, basically because more information was now known about it and because:
“in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)”!
You read that right. A downgrade, not an upgrade. Don’t believe me? Well here it is, lifted from their own website. (Archive copy):
Frankly, I’m at a loss to understand this. The country put on lockdown risking incalculably High Consequences, four days after the virus in question was deemed not to be a High Consequence Infectious Disease and thus downgraded. Am I missing something? [Only that this wasn’t done in response to the actual threat but to ameliorate the hysterical media and social media that cowardly politicians are so attuned to.]
Source: TheBlogMire
The stock market has been artificially inflated for years and the writing on the wall (that this over-inflated bubble was due to burst) says that a large government bailout would be needed to protect the wealthy from their criminality again. Enter this fake “pandemic” as a reason to transfer trillions to the wealthy and here we are.
Working people all around the world need to put aside their various “isms” and let’s start sharpening the guillotines.
Russia hoax failed. Ukraine hoax failed. Welcome to the Corona virus Hoax.
When Trump wins in November, hell will happen . Soros and his asshole friends will loose the hounds.
I would not go so far as to predict Trump’s relection. In fact I would not even predict that Trump will still be around in November this year. There’s heaps going on around the World that we seem totally ignorant of.
Check out this little bit of info ;
Such resignations/step downs/retirements are unprecidented, never happened during my lifetime and I’m 70. So WHY are all the RATS abandoning the ship NOW ?????????????????
From Mike King , Tomato Bubble.
Survey of 1500 People. Associates x30. Associates of associates, x30. Total pop. of survey , 1000, 000.
“Do you, or anyone you have heard from know of a Corona death?”
Total heard of——30.
Of the 30,,,27 are hearsay guesses.
3 for sure Corona deaths known among 1,000,000 people.
Welcome to the Corona Virus Hoax.
Answer: The financial system has been criminally destroyed, and all attempts to keep it afloat have failed. So the massively overblown virus threat is being used as cover for the impending global financial collapse. The con men and swindlers responsible want to keep their wealth, and their heads, intact.
Don’t be deceived by them. They need to produce their pound of flesh for us, even if that pound comes from above their shoulders.
“Economic meltdown
The mother of all financial crashes
Millions of job losses
Thousands of businesses going to the wall
Masses of people plunged into poverty
A huge deterioration in the mental health of millions
The potential deaths of thousands of old people left on their own with no carers (see the example of the Spanish care homes)
Mass civil unrest”
>>This is/was on its way w/o covid-19
… this farce makes it worse…
Spot on. I suspect the virus was grabbed by Governments to cover up the economy crash and impending recession.
Obviously this is just another attempt at social engineering and the powers are observing how the public conducts itself and a blueprint is established for future attempts in controlling the public.
“How the Hell Is This in Any Way, Shape or Form Proportional to the Actual Threat?” It isn’t. Maybe the entire hoax was fabricated to make President Trump look bad? Backfired? Wuhan is not as bad as 2009 Flu.
Thanks for this, Rob. The dis-robing of the hoax is well underway.