Hong Kong Will Pay Dearly for US Meddling
Once the city becomes a political flashpoint in the Cold War II, it can kiss its status as a global business hub goodbye

It surely is a disgraceful and shameful sight – thousands of Hong Kong people waving American flags and celebrating with portraits of United States President Donald Trump and US politicians who passed a legislation that threatens Hong Kong. Such defiance is plain idiocy.
No courage is required because under “one country, two systems”, it’s perfectly legal to do that; there is nothing Beijing or the Hong Kong government can do about it. Who says Hong Kong has no freedoms? I also ask: who is really undermining one country, two systems?
Such groups as Demosisto and Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation – an alliance that came out of nowhere – have even offered a list of Hong Kong and mainland officials for Americans to punish. Perhaps they take America’s reputation as global cop a tad too literally.
Words fail to express the disgust that any reasonable Chinese person must feel about such useful idiots rooting for a foreign hegemonic power working to undermine their own country.
Oh, sorry, China is not those people’s country and they are not Chinese. Perhaps they are Americans, or at least American-wannabes. No doubt some of the more useful and visible ones have been promised US passports and green cards. But when push comes to shove, the vast majority will be left to their own devices.
Hong Kong had long prospered because it was able to focus on business and ignore politics. Now, everything is politics; worse, local politics has become internationalised by Americans at the invitation of local useful idiots and political opportunists.
Business and economy will have to take a back seat. That’s not only the case in the past six months, but it will remain so for years to come.
The anti-China phobia and pro-American treachery of so many locals can only mean one thing: any form of autonomy or independence will turn the city into an American satellite state, and a beachhead for Washington to subvert the rest of China.
The inescapable conclusion must be that Hong Kong is more trouble than it’s worth. If its own people won’t respect one country, two systems, then the whole constitutional foundation is as good as dead.
Those US flag-waving protesters are destroying their own city, not Beijing.
Once Americans finish with you, they won’t remember you.
They will just move on to other cities and countries to destroy or destabilise.
Source: South China Morning Post
Hong Kong is done. The Anglo Americans have destroyed what took 3 generations of slaves to build. It is now a monument to death being better than colonialism. Especially if it is being done by the perverted British elites. In the end it is a small price to pay to have the British gone. The air in southern China is much less foul now. As for the Hong Kong people you missed your chance and blew up your future. You are now at the back of the line there are thousands of places in China needing infrastructure and economic development. You could have secured your future by joining the war on poverty but choose western greed to glide you. Pay the price for your treason.
Petrol bombs manufactured by Hong Kong Polytechnic University students and attacks on civilians (including one case of murder) who challenge your pro-American treason.
This is Democracy, American style.
As for waving the American flag.
This is the flag of the preeminent war criminal nation on this planet–one that has waged serial wars of aggression that have destroyed multiple societies like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and beyond.
what idiot would wave a murikan flag?
this is beyond stupid.
i wouldn’t give you a yuan for that guy’s future.
“The inescapable conclusion must be that Hong Kong is more trouble than
it’s worth. If its own people won’t respect one country, two systems,
then the whole constitutional foundation is as good as dead.”
“You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”- J.M.
The Hongkong Chinese were always looking arrogantly down to the mainland Chinese… in the eghties and nineties… when most of the businesses were negotiated and managed with the Hongkonger… due to language and cultural differences with the western businessman. .. they were very much needed and took huge advantage in exploiting both sides.. .. the worst of scumbags….
since mainland China has become an economic giant and Shenzhen…. nowadays even more progressive and vibrant than HongKong ever was.. . they have lost their exceptional status….. Mainland China will completely absorb these useful idiots…. and nobody will remember
Yes. And then those useful idiots will have to compete with those mainlanders. And that really scares them. Instead of pretending they are political philosophers or heroes or whatever delusion they are now experiencing, they will have to do things like master a legitimate academic discipline, and then roll up their sleeves and do some actual useful work along side everyone else.
Every day that goes by, those useful idiots are one step behind the mainlanders. If they fall too far behind they are going to be working in the service industry. I would like to see that.
“Hey, there is Ding Dong Wong manning the deep-fryer, remember when he used to dress in black and destroy public property because ‘democracy’.”
One Country; One System.
“Hong Kong had long prospered because it was able to focus on business and ignore politics. Now, everything is politics; worse, local politics has become internationalised by Americans…”
The most basic truth of the situation.
If you are carrying on with petrol bombs and assaults and large-scale vandalism, yelling “democracy” does not put you on the side of the angels.
Waving the American flag anywhere today is more a symbol of hegemony than of democracy.
And recall how America has dealt with exactly such demonstrators on many occasions, almost always black ones reacting to genuine injustice – Detroit, Watts, New Orleans, Chicago, and on and on.
The National Guard and local police shot them dead in the streets, literally by the score.
China’s authorities have been remarkably restrained.
You can repeatedly hear China encroaching on HK democracy but you can’t find out what, an example. Extradition rules are all over the world key is extradition to the US. Police brutality a common line. You can only find them using tear gas or rubber bullets or water cannon used especially in Europe and the US. Protesters dug up street stones to throw, made petrol bombs and used bows and arrows to become rioters who killed people all under one flag, democracy.
“The National Guard and local police shot them dead in the streets, literally by the score.”
the national guard?
by the score?
can you give me some sources?
No, he cannot. He has no idea what he is talking about. He is a thoughtless parrot who has mastered the GD comma and uses said mastery to try to sound insightful. I’ve read enough of him to know that he has never had an original thought in this life.
I suspect.that your
original thought folder is rather thin.
Says some goof calling himself ‘Mayday’.
What ‘genuine injustice’ were those blacks reacting to?
One Country; One System.
The american flag today has become the twin symbol of the Nazi flag used by germany. It promotes the same feelings of disgust, like the swastika. It will suffer the same fate as the Nazi state, be trampled all over the globe, burned and outlawed – and the US will be dismantled as was germany after WW II. It’s politicians and elite class and those internationally who helped them, worked with them and followed their orders to destroy other countries, to sow misery and death, will be brought to trial and disposed of.
The american flag today has become the twin symbol of the
NaziIsraeli flag used bygermanyGhettoland. It promotes the same feelings of disgust, like theswastikastar of davinsky.fixed it for you.
I agree, Israeli flag is better, but most brainwashed people don’t think of it that way, whereas they have been preconditioned to react in disgust to the nazi flag (swastika). Primarily Palestinian people and others who understand what’s going on will understand what is said about the Israeli flag.
The Nazis were the good guys. The U.S. bombed Germany, remember? Now stop parroting nonsense.