Haiti Has a 1.4% Injection Rate

Shouldn't they all be dead now?

Source: The Watch Towers

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed only 837 people have died in Haiti since the pandemic began, with a vaccination rate of 1.4% of the 11.6 million population.

“In Haiti, from 3 January 2020 to 7 July 2022, there have been 31,703 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 837 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 24 June 2022, a total of 342,724 vaccine doses have been administered,” according to the data from WHO.

As of June 24, only 1.4% of the population was fully vaccinated. Haiti had a population of 11,681,526 people as of Thursday, July 7, 2022, according to the data from.

In contrast to countries that vaccinated the majority of their populations, Haiti has survived the impacts of Covid-19.

  1. Renoman says

    It was a scam, it is a scam and always will be, You were had, you deserve to be culled.

    1. emmanuelozon says

      You are absolutely correct!

  2. Tina says

    Måske det også i Aller højeste grad ,har at gøre med udrulning af 5G , da Haiti er et fattigt land .. og jeg tør vove at påstå , at bl.a. derfor de ikke er så hårdt ramt .. men Ok 35.000 tilfælde , med en PCR TEST ..! 🤣🤣😂.med 97 % falsk positiv .. så nu er det jeg tænker af de der var positive ,hvor mange af dem var så egentlige syge ??. Og ud af de 800 døde af (Covid ) ikke eksisterende vira , da den aldrig er blevet isoleret .. hvor ,mange af dem er egentlig døde af covid og ikke af jabbet .. så cirka 11.000 er blevet jab .. og ud af dem er der indtil nu 823 der er døde påstår de af virussen ( 5G ) har sjovt nok de samme skadelige symptomer som covid .. Ups..

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