Worst Inflation in 40 Years Hits the US. Only This Time It’s Far Worse. "The dam has broken. The inflationary mindset has changed" Wolf Richter 15 Dec 21 1755 9
Joke of the Day Having Unleashed $10 Trillion of New “Stimulus” Money the Fed Blames Inflation on… “Supply Chains” Mega-policy decisions to boost demand. Now mega-consequences. Wolf Richter 4 Nov 21 1030 4
The Amazing Explosion of New Businesses Continues as Americans Strike Out on Their Own Good luck y'all! One good thing to come out of all the destruction since March 2020 Wolf Richter 19 Oct 21 908 5
This Is the Labor Market on Which Biden Is Imposing the Injection/PCR Requirement 11.7 million job openings! Twice the pre-mind-virus record Wolf Richter 12 Sep 21 2894 9
The Most Monstrously Overstimulated Economy & Markets Ever "No one before has ever seen an artificially pumped up monster like this before. And no one has any historical guidelines on how to deal with it. " Wolf Richter 31 Aug 21 1068 4
US Monetized 52 Percent of the $5 Trillion New Debt Since Self-Inflicted Doomsday of March 2020 Hedge fund managers took on half of the rest but individuals with skin in the game actually liquidated 20% ($400bn) of what they held Wolf Richter 18 Aug 21 944 5
Dollar’s Purchasing Power Gets Zapped. It’s Permanent "No one has ever been through this kind of combination of massive monetary and fiscal stimulus while inflation was raging" Wolf Richter 6 Aug 21 1506 6
After Upending the Global Oil Industry & Losing Their Shirts, Shale Oil Drillers & Battered Investors Go for Price US oil drillers have refused to raise production back to 2019 levels, despite the recovery in the price of oil Wolf Richter 5 Aug 21 1264 5
The Bankrupt Empire US Forced to Monetize 52% of the $4.7 Trillion in New Debt Since March 2020, Foreigners Took On a Measly 1.7% The incredibly spiking US national debt has become a "commodity" foreigners no longer have any appetite for Wolf Richter 19 May 21 962 6
The Chip War After Blowing $84 Billion on Share Buybacks Since 2011 and Now Woefully Behind, Intel Clamors for $50 Billion in Subsidies for US Chip Industry China doesn't make its own chips — neither does the US Wolf Richter 6 May 21 756 2
Bank of Canada Printed 430 Billion $CAN to Fund the Gov’t During Lockdown. So Much It Now Holds 40% (!) of all GoC Bonds Government debt to Bank of Canada quadrupled from 120 billion $CAN to 550 billion in just a year Wolf Richter 8 Apr 21 644 4
The Fed Now “Holds” 4X as Much US Bond Debt as China Does $4.5 trillion in US treasuries has already been monetized, $2 trillion in just the last 12 months Wolf Richter 19 Feb 21 439 4
2020 Sees Worst US Goods Deficit Ever, Overall Trade Deficit Worst Since 2008 Who doesn't make anything? Nearly one trillion dollars in imported goods not covered by export goods Wolf Richter 10 Feb 21 722 2
Who Bought the Monstrous $4.2 Trillion Added to the Incredibly Spiking US National Debt in 12 Months? Everyone but China The share of foreign holders is waning, the Fed "holds" a record amount and share Wolf Richter 20 Nov 20 1606 2
Lockdown Stone Age US Fuel Consumption Rises to Where It Had Been in… 1997 8 months later economy still stunted courtesy of the doomsday flu cult Wolf Richter 4 Nov 20 663 0
7 Months Later There Are Still 23 Million (!) on Unemployment in the US Since most states only offer benefits for 26 weeks the number will start declining rapidly soon without it meaning people are actually returning to jobs Wolf Richter 26 Oct 20 707 12
Lockdown Stone Age 400,000 Small Businesses Closed Down in the 3 Months Starting March in the US — More Than Typically in a Year Wolf Richter 9 Oct 20 605 5
Instead of Fighting the COVID Cult, Airlines Are Lining Up for Free Government Currency Why we're not seeing a big business rebellion against the Cult-occupied government Wolf Richter 1 Oct 20 474 3
Lockdown Stone Age 6 Months Later 25 Million Still on Unemployment in the US Up from just 2 million before the politicaly-mandated shutdown Wolf Richter 27 Sep 20 550 2
BubblegeddonFinancing the Empire US Issued $4.5 Trillion (!) in New Debt Over the Past Year. Foreigners Bought Just 9% of That Little foreign taste for the inflato-dollar. The Fed had to buy nearly half of it outright Wolf Richter 2 Sep 20 1484 0
The Rich Got Richer During the Lockdown, Fed Bailouts Are Kinder Than Markets The Fed threw $2.3 trillion at the top 10% to make sure they have no skin in the shutdowns Wolf Richter 24 Aug 20 522 3
Bubblegeddon Dollar’s Purchasing Power Drops to Lowest Ever “We’re not even thinking about thinking about” slowing the decline of the dollar’s purchasing power — and thereby labor’s purchasing power Wolf Richter 17 Aug 20 1438 7
US Oil & Gas Production Plunges the Most Ever: The Great Bust, Phase 2 Precisely what’s needed to end the price collapse. But last time Fed's easy money surged back into shale, courtesy of Wall Street, starting the cycle all over again and effectively subsidizing world consumption through investor losses Wolf Richter 8 Aug 20 1086 0
LockdowngeddonStay Classy MSM Media Continues to Misreport US Jobless Numbers: 32 Million — 20% of the Labor Force — Are on Unemployment Has been in the neighborhood of 30 million for 9 weeks now — was 2 million before shutdowns Wolf Richter 24 Jul 20 476 5