Great Reset? Putin Says, “Not So Fast” "Putin literally laughed at the idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" Tom Luongo 22 Feb 21 2392 8
Bonesaw Saudis Saudi Aramco IPO Will Not Save the Kingdom The $70bn it will bring in will only be enough to cover the deficit, it is nowhere enough to transform the economy away from oil Tom Luongo 5 Nov 19 744 10
Bubblegeddon Trump Thinks US Oil Is His Strength When It’s His Achilles’ Heel Shale is still running on debt rather than profits Tom Luongo 18 Jun 19 682 3
Saudi Arabia Threatens to Sink the Petrodollar If Congress Passes NOPEC Bill Feeling the pinch the Saudis are tired of being squeezed, threaten to push back with the nuclear option Tom Luongo 6 Apr 19 868 1
Italy Courting China Is a Masterstroke of Chaos 'From every angle it throws a wrench in the works internationally while being good politics domestically' Tom Luongo 16 Mar 19 332 0
In Singapore Trump Accepted the Sino-Russian Formula for Korea Peace Trump froze US war games and Pyongyang froze further nuclear and missile tests -- just what Russia and China had been saying was the obvious and fair solution for ages Tom Luongo 18 Jun 18 259 0