Our Benevolent Empire In 1953 Eisenhower Declared Neutrals Were Enemies and Brought Empire’s Iron Grip to the Third World Before then the Third World neutrals just had to stay non-Communist and they would be left alone Ted Snider 15 Aug 21 758 2
If Israel Accuses Iran of Doing Something, Israel Is Likely Already Doing It Ted Snider 23 Mar 21 839 2
Bolivia CoupOur Benevolent Empire Morales’ Ouster in Bolivia Is the Most Blatant Coup in the History of Coups Empire and its local lackeys override the Bolivian constitution and the will of the people Ted Snider 15 Nov 19 683 3
US Demanded Venzuela Opposition Not Contest Election vs Maduro They Knew They Couldn’t Win On US insistence a Maduro-opposition deal to ensure the election was fair to all was called off at the last minute by the radical opposition Ted Snider 16 Mar 19 446 0