The Netherlands Is Sending Self-Propelled 155 mm Artillery to Ukraine Germany to provide training and ammunition Sebastien Roblin 22 Apr 22 871 3
Empire Woes One Month, 700 Humvees and Trucks: Afghanistan’s American Military Vehicles Fall Into Taliban Hands Sebastien Roblin 3 Jul 21 1321 6
In 1945, the US Quietly Handed Over 150 Warships to the USSR and Trained 12,000 of Its Sailors to Invade Japan "Predictably, language barriers proved a major challenge...The Americans and Soviets by all accounts got along well though" Sebastien Roblin 18 Apr 21 1703 3
History The Underwater Cuban Missile Crisis Almost No One Knows About Whether there would be a nuclear WW3 or not hinged on "dehydrated, harassed men trapped in a fragile metal box under the surface of the ocean" Sebastien Roblin 29 Mar 21 1414 2
History North Korea Fought Americans With Russian Biplanes From the 1920s And with considerable success as well Sebastien Roblin 23 Nov 19 1072 1
How a Single Missile Nearly Destroyed a US Navy Supercarrier A carrier = 6,000 crew sitting on top of hundreds of bombs and millions of gallons of jet fuel Sebastien Roblin 19 Nov 19 1551 6
German-Made Leopard 2 Tanks Were Mauled Badly in Syria Battles Armed with a mixture of western and Russian missiles ISIS took out eight and captured another two Sebastien Roblin 8 Sep 19 4754 5
Those Pesky Russians Russia Wants Four Submarines Armed With the Nuclear Doomsday Torpedo Four subs of the type believed to be intended to carry the "Poseidon" dead hand torpedos have been ordered Sebastien Roblin 29 Aug 19 2558 6
From the ArchiveHistory That Time Nixon Sent the US Navy to Confront the Soviets to Back Atrocities in Bangladesh and Suck Up to Mao Shining city on a hill Sebastien Roblin 3 Jul 19 707 3
History US Navy’s Prestige F-14 Fighter Downed Dozens of Aircraft — For the Mullahs The great majority of F-14 aerial victories were for Khomeini's Iran Sebastien Roblin 6 May 19 1126 6
US Navy’s “State-of-the-Art” Littoral Combat Ships Are Outgunned by Russian Designs a Quarter of Their Size Without a single beyond-visual-range weapon the LCS is a frigate outranged by corvettes Sebastien Roblin 11 Nov 17 3905 4