The Surplus of Printed Dollars Is Driving Price Inflation US hits highest measured monthly inflation since 1981 Schiff Gold 21 May 21 780 1
Bubblegeddon Bernie Madoff Could Have Been Fed Chair or Treasury Secretary The kind of operation the Fed is running he had a lot of experience in Schiff Gold 27 Apr 21 299 2
US Stimmy Checks Support Foreign Manufacturing Economies "All the Chinese get in exchange for their efforts and resources are dollars, which the US creates for free." Schiff Gold 15 Apr 21 501 2
The Bankrupt Empire The US Ran a Budget Deficit of $660 Billion IN JUST THE MONTH OF MARCH — Already $1.7 Trillion in the Hole for First 6 Months of Fiscal 2021 Raised just $267,000,000,000 but spent $927,000,000,000 Schiff Gold 14 Apr 21 545 3
The Bankrupt Empire US Budget Deficit for January Comes in at 5 Times the Year Prior Added $736 billion to debt (equal to one half of Russia's entire dollar-denominated economy) in just the first four months of fiscal 2021 Schiff Gold 17 Feb 21 337 1
The Junior Empire European Central Bank Takes Bond Market Manipulation to the Next Level Or how near-bankrupt Italy gets to sell bonds at nearly the same low interest rate as Germany Schiff Gold 21 Jan 21 739 0
Financial Fortress Russia Russia for First Time Holds More Gold Than US Dollars in $583 Billion Reserves Schiff Gold 14 Jan 21 1099 3
Bubblegeddon The US Has Already Monetized $4.4 Trillion of Debt, Four Times as Much as Is Held by China In March and April alone more debt was monetized ($1.5 trillion) than is held by China ($1.1 trillion) Schiff Gold 1 Dec 20 1381 11
Bubblegeddon Trump Tweets the Stimulus Rug Out from Under the Markets But if printing $1.6 trillion is a good thing, why isn’t printing $2.4 trillion a better thing? Schiff Gold 8 Oct 20 451 4
Empire Woes America’s Budget Revenue Covered Just 173 Days of Its 2020 Spending The other 193 days of federal spending accrues directly to debt Schiff Gold 7 Jul 20 606 0
Another Month Another Trillion Added to US National Debt "With this level of debt, the raising rates would completely collapse the economy" Schiff Gold 12 Jun 20 735 5
Bubblegeddon The Fed Announces QE Infinity, Will Buy Corporate Bonds for First Time in History Will create as much currency in weeks as it did after 2008 in years Schiff Gold 25 Mar 20 876 5
Bubblegeddon They Can’t See the Bubble for the Pin — It’s Not the Virus (or the Oil), It’s the Debt The coronavirus/oil market is just the blasting cap detonating the credit bubble implosion Schiff Gold 10 Mar 20 2217 22
Bubblegeddon It’s Only a Matter of Time When the Global $250 Trillion Debt Bubble Pops The world added $100 trillion since the 2008 financial crisis alone Schiff Gold 31 Dec 19 1255 0
Bubblegeddon Powell Is Resurrecting the Inflation Monster Volcker Slayed The last Fed chairman to have the bones to fight it. Powell pays lip service to Volcker then makes sure he'll be rolling in his grave Schiff Gold 16 Dec 19 284 2
Have We Hit Peak Gold? After 50 years of constant increases production has now plateaued Schiff Gold 1 Dec 19 632 13
Goodbye Petrodollar Poland Brings Gold Home; Calls It a Symbol of Strength Not comfortable holding its growing reserves in London Schiff Gold 27 Nov 19 889 11
Goodbye Petrodollar Poland Gobbles up Gold, Plans to Bring It Home Doubles its gold reserves in just over six months, wants to repatriate it from London Schiff Gold 12 Jul 19 843 4