Kherson Remains Part of Russia, Despite Withdrawal – Kremlin Russia says has lost a Russian city to a country 25% its size RT 11 Nov 22 603 11
UK to Arm Ukraine With Anti-Ship Missiles London is really pushing for Novorossiya RT 9 Feb 22 2633 18
In Germany You Have to Get a COVID Shot Before You Can Get Euthanasia Everyone must make a show of virus piety RT 27 Nov 21 938 4
Beta Boy Jordan Peterson Got Injected So Virus Taliban Would Leave Him Alone. Then They Didn’t That's some 7D freedom-by-submission chess there RT 12 Nov 21 1489 18
Newsom’s Announced Compulsory Vaccination for Other People’s 12-Year Olds, but Has Yet to Vaccinate His Own RT 13 Oct 21 590 5
Australian PM Celebrates Australia’s Love of “Rights and Freedoms of the Individual” at the UN When there's not a higher-than-average flu about RT 27 Sep 21 619 2
Belarus to Purchase $1 Billion in Russian Arms, Including Tor Anti-Aircraft, Opens Talks on Purchase of S-400 Lukashenko says tension with NATO behind the move RT 20 Sep 21 580 7
Our Benevolent Empire US Forces Panicked, Shot Up Dozens of Civilians After Kabul Blast Witnesses Say Lighting up civilians at checkpoints is what the Imperial stormtroopers are known for after all RT 29 Aug 21 906 1
Russian Faucism As Putin-Backed Compulsory Vaccination Continues Putin Says Vaccination Shouldn’t Be Compulsory No contradiction there RT 23 Aug 21 819 5
The Covid Rouge ‘World Has Gone Covid-Mad’: Afghans Fleeing Taliban Need Negative PCR Test to Board Now-Suspended Commercial Flights out of Kabul Virus piety before lives. What else is new? RT 16 Aug 21 945 5
Stay Classy MSM Serbian ‘Hermit’ Who Urged People to Get Vaccinated Says He Received Gifts From Fawning Media… and 1 EXPIRED Dose Media fabricates a fake hermit to celebrate vaccine-taking then hangs him out to dry RT 14 Aug 21 903 7
The Covid Rouge Victoria Premier Admits ‘COVID in Wastewater’ Used to Justify Statewide Lockdown Never Existed 'The discovery creates the “potential that regional Victorians have been exposed to Covid-19,” Andrews explained' RT 8 Aug 21 676 6
UK Vaccine Committee Chair Is Funded by Pfizer, Can’t Explain U-Turn on Jabs for 16-Year olds, Cite Any New Evidence Says they're now more certain of their position from 2 weeks ago...when they ruled against jabs for minors RT 6 Aug 21 1340 5
Covid Pol Pots YouTube Bans Sky News Australia for a Week Over COVID Dissent Not even the big fish are safe RT 2 Aug 21 487 9
Mexico Won’t Be ‘Hostage’ to Big Pharma, President Says After Declining Vaccines for Children Undersecretary for Health Hugo López-Gatell said there was “no scientific evidence” showing the jab was “essential” for minors RT 1 Aug 21 786 6
Mask-Free Sweden Nears Zero Daily COVID Deaths, Tegnell Warns Against ‘Far-Reaching Conclusions’ About Indian Scariant (“Delta”) Eight deaths whole month RT 31 Jul 21 1065 12
The Covid Rouge Unvaccinated Diners Only: California Restaurant Declares Mandatory No-Vax Policy, Watches Heads Explode What is good for the goose?? RT 29 Jul 21 1362 7
FIGHTING BACK: Lukashenko Opens Belarusian Border for Migrants Who Want to Enter the EU Lithuania declares 'state of emergency,' the EU sends reinforcements — but why? The morally superior West loves migrants, right? RT 5 Jul 21 1740 17
Communists Rally for Vaccine Freedom in Moscow, the Police Clamp Down We have come full circle RT 29 Jun 21 714 11
Russia Releases Footage That Proves It Fired Warning Shots at British Destroyer Violating Its Border Good job, now the footage of the bombs dropped please RT 25 Jun 21 1707 26
Our Benevolent EmpireRogue State USA Rogue State USA “Seizes” Website of Iran’s Press TV "Seizes" as in s-t-e-a-l-s RT 22 Jun 21 633 3
Big Tech Plague YouTube Wins ‘Free Speech’ Award Sponsored by YouTube Says deserves this 'free speech' award for deleting 9 million videos in the last quarter using machines RT 18 May 21 513 3
Denmark to Share AstraZeneca Injections With Poor Nations After Declaring Them Too Dangerous for Danes – WHO First nation to permanently ban AstraZeneca RT 15 Apr 21 1773 8
Do You Want a Nice Little Microchip Under Your Skin That Will Tell You If You Have COVID? The Pentagon Has One for You You know, a microchip. Like a dog. (Since you already need a vaccination certificate to travel and somebody else's permission to step outside.) RT 14 Apr 21 564 2